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Spring Break (also known as a boring title)

I'm back from what has probably been the longest hiatus from the internet I have ever had for some time.

I'm still on spring break but I just got back yesterday from my trip to New York. It was my first time being out there but I loved it. Spent more money than I should have by shopping, and then I saw six shows. God of Carnage, In the Heights, Billy Elliot, Hair, Avenue Q, and Heroes. All were fantastic and a great variety, but I wish I would have had at least one more day to choose between three other shows. Exit the King, August: Osage County, or The 39 Steps. Sadly, I didn't. :(

I also went to the bar MacLaren's from How I Met Your Mother is based off of: McGee's. That was an extremely fun night.

Now I am back to reality though. I have a role in a film that is being shot this weekend, I got casted in our school's next production: Lysistrata, and I have a lot of homework that needs to be done before Monday. On top of that, I want to play Mass Effect and Grand Theft Auto 4 right now and wanting to play GTA4 is a rare occurence so I need to take advantage of the situation.

Top Ten Best Experiences in Gaming

Someone in System Wars asked what is everyone's Top 10 most shocking moments in video game history. I decided not to do shocking, but instead do my top ten best experiences in gaming. And so as to not let it go to waste because its too long to read for some people, I figure I'll post it on my blog so I don't forget it. Here it is:


Experiencing Kindom Hearts - I saw the trailer for the original on TV back when it released, and thought "that looks pretty cool" yet I didn't check it out until a few weeks before the sequel released. I bought that, Morrowind and Xenosaga Episode 1 all at one time, and the only game out of those I have finished was KH. And wow did the story have me hooked. Three days after I beat it, KH2 was releasing. I wasn't sure whether to get it or not as I saw it on the shelf, but I said I'll get it. Hearing the music play, seeing the characters struggle, experiencing the story unfold was such an epic.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Announcement - There was no other game I wanted more. The moment I saw it's announcement, I was on that game like a fat kid on cake. I watched for every announcement, trailer, and so forth up until the game released. I watched AMVs on Youtube (my favorite being a Requiem for a Dream one) and took part in theories about the story. I have never been into Zelda as much as I was then.

Halo 3 Trailer - It may not have been in-game, but hell did it look amazing and made me want the game so-so-so-so bad. It raised the bar as to how much I could anticipate a game and it raised the bar for the game itself, which it sadly didn't meet although an amazing game in its own right. I probably watched the trailer over twenty times the night it released, looking at the intricacies and hidden clues. If only the campaign could have achieved that level of epicness.

Taking the Time to Experience Final Fantasy Games -I played FFVII. An amazing game that I will have a lot of memories with. I sadly admit though that I was too much of a noob and didn't fully "experience" the game. What I mean by that is, I saw it happen but I didn't involve myself with what was happening. It wasn't until Final Fantasy X that I did. I sent myself to their world and became a part of the crew fighting Sin and protecting Yuna. I watched as Tidus' and Yuna's relationship unfolded, only to have come to realization what would come to pass. This paved the way for me to experience game plots/characters even more. In FFIX, I care about what will happen to Vivi, in Prince of Persia I thought the ending was superb and gave me a new look at the Prince's character. And maybe Kingdom Hearts has a hand in caring for characters and story, but I suppose I'll thank Squaresoft for helping me get into video games.

Final Fantasy XII and the Gambit System - I was very excited for this game, but it wasn't until I bought it and ran around the first city that I fell in love with it. The graphics wow'd me more than any other game, which was funny since I played it around the same time as Gears of War which didn't impress me as much as FFXII. But the characters were great despite the lackluster story, but it was the combat that amazed me. It was slick, unique, addictive, and discovering the Gambit System and spending time figuring the best outcomes was what made it memorable. Also to add on to this, playing FFXII: Revenant Wings on the DS was an amazement too seeing how they captured the feel of the original on the DS with the new gameplay, yet it all felt similar.

Experiencing Morrowind and Oblivion - Its hard to get more epic than the start-up screens of these two games. The music playing, the title showing, its daunting thinking about the world that is on the disc, knowing that I'll probaby never experience half the stuff in these games. I love each of them and have spent loads of hours with Oblivion, but I'm intimidated by each one and its so hard to just play them.

Experiencing Final Fantasy IX - What's different about this and the other Final Fantasy games? I mean, FFXII's gameplay set it apart and FFX made me fall in love for stories in games. So what's the deal with FFIX? The deal is is that I'm experiencing it this gen, and I'm loving it more than most other games I've touched, plus I love the graphics and find them more appealing than a lot of today's titles. I would have never thought that the charm in this game was so large that it sucks me in everytime I play it and makes me care for characters, especially Vivi. Once I beat it, it is bound to be in my favorite games of all time and I'm eagerly anticipating the day I get to start FFVIII despite the mixed reactions I hear.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence's Ending - I am constantly on the lookout for the game, movie, song, play, etc. that makes me cry. I haven't found it yet, but out of all the games I have played MGS3 is one of two that has come closest. The ending, finding out about The Boss and what she sacrificed for her country and the execution of it was tear-jerking and I'm not patriotic. The epic music in the background, Naked being given the title of Big Boss, all the while Eva's voice overlays telling him what The Boss had to do for everything. Such a beautiful ending.

Experiencing Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - The trailer was shown for this game. And it was beautiful. We then had to wait for freaking ever for the game to release. Once it released, I drove home listening to the epic soundtrack I got from the collector's edition, then played it. I played it constantly until I beat it and unlike other MGS titles it was actually a blast to play. And then the microwave scene, the final battle with Liquid, the cinematography, everything was top-notch and made it an experience like no other.

The Tears Almost Come from Lost Odyssey - Like I said, MGS3 was one of two games that has almost made me cry, the other being Lost Odyssey. The moment it was announced and the creator said what he had in store with it, I knew I wanted to get it. Sadly, I had made the choice of a PS3 instead of a 360 so I wouldn't be able to experience it until a half a year to a year after release. But when I put the disc in the tray and th epic start screen played, I was excited for this epic ride. I would stop and listen to the music all the time. Reading unlocked memories would bring tears to my eyes, the scene where Kaim runs into his daughter after meeting the children, the ending, it was all one of my favorite experiences this generation of gaming. It all formed a package that seemed to have been created just to please me.

Hardly Any Time to Game

Wow do I hardly get on here anymore. I may stop in for about ten minutes a day, but I soon have to get right off to go do some homework, project, work, whatever.

I barely even have time to play games! Last game I played before today was Dragon Ball Origins for the DS when I bought it last weekend and that was for only an hour.

Because of this, I'm debating whether or not to buy KZ2 or RE5 when they release just cause I have other games that I should play more of instead. Resistance 2, LBP, Madden, GTAIV, Overlord, Oblivion, Mass Effect, The Orange Box, and Halo 3 Legendary and an evil session of Fable 2. That's not including FFIX, CT, FFIV, DBO, FFVII: CC, and PS2 games like Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, DMC, and all those other games that I have on backlog that I would love to finish someday.

Well can't stay on, got to head out pretty soon. Such is life...

Planescape: Torment

As if I didn't already have enough games to try and beat, I add one more to my ever-expanding list.

Planescape: Torment.

I keep reading about how people love this game so much on SW, and the premise (an immortal) is very similar to Lost Odyssey which I absolutely loved, so I am willing to give it a shot.

Problem is, I have a Macbook Pro so I can't exactly game on this. Luckily, I kept my old Compaq hidden away in my closet for a few years, so I've spent most of the afternoon getting that thing to run again and now attempting to get Planescape on it.

Working with my old computer though has made me grow ambitious to build myself a gaming PC... a shame I'm broke. :(

Anywho, we'll see if I can get this game to work. I hope I can.

Two More...

Last blog, I said I had a forty-plus backlog of games to play, which I plan to slowly take a dent out of during Week of Geek.

I didn't take into account Christmas. :|

But here I am, after Christmas with two more games to add to the mix. One game that I have been wanting despite gamers calling it too easy, and one game that after it's beta, I didn't want too much anymore until I played it at my friend's place and was having a lot of fun with it.

Prince of Persia and LittleBigPlanet.

I'm excited to play these once I get back, but here I had this great plan set up about which games I was going to try and beat. Well that can all go down the drain because I'll focus some of my time on Prince of Persia and, more than likely, a lot of time on LittleBigPlanet, beating the story mode and trying to make a level I have been thinking of for quite a while now.

But I'm not complaining. :)

As for the rest of my Christmas present, I came out pretty well this year. The ones I'm most excited about are probably the two games, Wall-E on blu-ray, House Season 4 and a scanner/printer. I also got some cash, gift cards, cologne and a nice shirt.

So there, the obligatory "What Did You Get For Christmas?" blog. I hope you enjoyed it.

Week of Geek

Finally I am done with this rotten semester. Next semester looks to be a lot more like actual schoolwork with less projects and labs, so I'm kind of looking forward to that. But now that I have finished the semester, it is time for:

Christmas Break! :D

This Christmas break, I'm heading home for some time, then heading back up to my house over New Year's, heading home then heading back. A little driving, but it'll be worth it in the end I think.

I'm very excited for this break because I will finally be able to play some games. I've focused most of my time over the last couple days on Lost Odyssey and Resistance 2 online, which I am really having fun with. My plan, though, is to beat Lost Odyssey before "Week of Geek" begins.

"Week of Geek" is what my roommate has come up with, and is all about nerding out. We play video games, they play WoW, play some board games, watch movies, and do nothing else for an entire week. I will leave the geekish state for an evening though, New Year's, because I would rather party then than play games, but for the rest of the time I will be focusing a lot of my time on RPGs and other classic games I own that I need to beat.

The plan is, over the entire Christmas break, to beat at least five games. Two of which are JRPGs (Lost Odyssey and Final Fantasy IX). I will also attempt to beat Fable 2 for the first time, ICO, Devil May Cry, and I will be playing Dragon Quest VIII and Chrono Trigger in there.

Dragon Quest VIII is what I really want to focus on because if I don't now I probably will never beat it, but I think I need to beat FFIX first so I can move onto FFVIII.

There are plenty of other video games in there as well, such as Mass Effect, GTAIV, Overlord, Madden, pretty much all 40+ unbeaten games in my collection.

Its very exciting. :)

Nobuo Uematsu Concert

This upcoming semester looks to be a busy one for me, and I'm not just talking about classes.

I ended up not getting casted on the next show of the season, but looking at it I think its okay. It will give me more time to work on my studies (Modern Philosophy of Politics, Philosophy in Science, Dramatic Literature and Advanced Directing being some of the classes I am takin.)

Away from classes, I plan on shooting some more films. Maybe some comedy or just random stuff, but stuff nonetheless.

I also will be taking several trips. Over spring break I'm going to New York to see quite a few Broadway productions including "Billy Elliot" and "In the Heights."

For my 21st, I am headed to Vegas for the weekend which will rock.

And as of today, I am going to see Nobuo Uematsu's concert on April 11th. I'm extremely excited for that. :)

For the rest of the year, I have no clue what I am doing but I'm pretty sure I'll be broke. :P But I've got plenty of games to tide me over, plus The Dark Knight. :D

Average Drama ( Final Mix + )

Alright, so this isn't a blog about Kingdom Hearts.  What this is today is a general blog considering what is up.

First off, I had gotten very little sleep this week due to needing to get a short film done.  Its called "Average Drama" and it is a fairly simple 10 minute film.  I enjoyed making it though, so if you are interested in watching it, here's the link.  Mind you, there are definite sound problems and if I had more time I would have fixed some of the shots, but those are things I'll consider with my next film.  

Average Drama

I also have a music video, which can be seen here as well.

In other news, I bought Devil May Cry and Dark Cloud 2 and I was planning on playing through DMC over Thanksgiving but no... I left my power cord to my PS3 at home.  Sucks.. :(  Oh well, I also brought my 360 back so I've been playing Half-Life 2, Lost Odyssey, and Fable 2.  Plus, I've been playing FFXII: Revenant Wings quite a bit.  I'm not sure how many people have played it, but its a lot of fun.  

One last thing.  I'm not a hunter.  In fact I think its stupid.  But when waiting for a friend from high school to get back to town, I started playing Cabela's Legendary Adventures and was kind of having fun with it.  :?  Like, its not a good game by any means but I was just kind of enjoying it.  

The same thing happened with me and movies.  I have stopped getting excited for them, and have instead started appreciating them for what they are and whether they were enjoyable to watch.   So even though I know games are bad, Ithink I might be able to start enjoying them.  Who knows!  :P

Too Many Once Again...

With the return of my 360, I have been playing Fable 2 quite a bit.  And it has been wonderful.  I decided to take a break today when my friend from high school stopped by and sold me The Orange Box and lent me God of War: Chains of Olympus.  I've played about three hours of GoW so far and I plan to beat it by tomorrow since I plan to go out sometime tonight. 

Aside from the point, after putting The Orange Box with the rest of my collection, I looked at it all and realized:  

I want to play too many games.  

Now this is only counting the games in my collection and my roommate's collection, but these are the games I looked at and want to play right now.  

  • Oblivion (PS3)
  • Resistance 2 (PS3)
  • Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
  • Dark Cloud (PS2)
  • Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
  • Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille sur Macht (PS2)
  • Odin Sphere (PS2)
  • Ico (PS2)
  • Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)
  • Fable II (360)
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (360)
  • Halo 3 (360)
  • Lost Odyssey (360)
  • Mass Effect (360)
  • The Orange Box (360)
  • Overlord (360)
  • Gears of War 2 (360)
  • Rock Band (360)
  • Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
  • Final Fantasy IV (DS)
  • Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS)
  • The World Ends With You (DS)

And those are just the games I want to play that I haven't beaten yet.  :| It sucks... a lot.  So I figure I'll peck away at them slowly and the only other games I'll possibly get this year are Chrono Trigger DS, Left 4 Dead, Prince of Persia and Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories.  

Don't forget about Twilight Princess's three-heart challenge that I want to do, plus a replay of FFXII would be nice.  Ugh...