Been kicked something over an hour ago, can't log in since then. Hopefully it gets fixed soon...
zaxrider's forum posts
GW2 is getting closer, less than 3 days for those of us who have pre-purchased. So, how about some guild talk for some potential in-game communities to start to form?
Are you planning on creating a guild? Post it in this thread in the following format:
EU / NA / Other
Server: servername (doesn't need to be specified before release)
Name: guildname
(Optional) Preferred language: language
All the guilds you guys list will be listed bellow the line.
This thread can be used as a general guild / grouping discussion also.
Definitely worth checking out for those who do not own the game yet.
WTF, 7 Dollars?! It says 15 Euros (which is almost $20) over here -.-
But yeah, get it. It's a great game. It's the single player game I've spent most time on so far. The fact that it doesn't have fast travel other than to main cities / mages guilds makes exploring a completely different experience from Oblivion or Skyrim. The quest are really good also, highly enjoyable, more so than Skyrim and Oblivion (could be just the nostalgic value I attribute to it since I've spent so much time playing the game). Deffinitely worth it, although you should've gotten it during the summer sale when it was way cheaper.
Remember though, it's a fairly old game so you can't expect it to be as good as it's successors when it comes to gameplay mechanics.
OK, not a guaranteed one but I'll try my best: If anyone is still interested, PM me your e-mail address and I'll try to invite you via in-game Invite system.
Ok, out of keys for now. Shall I get some more I'll let you guys know.
Got 3 referral keys for SMITE Closed Beta. If anyone is interested just say so and I'll PM it to you. (First 3 people to ask for one get it)
GW2 last beta weekend is over and now it's like a month worth of waiting to go till the official release. In the meantime, I honestly don't know what to play. Don't feel like investing into anything though as I'll jump right into GW2 when it comes out and abandon pretty much every other game. So, is there any Free to Play game you could recommend that doesn't require "grinding"? Something that you just play, without having to buy upgrades (such as in Tribes Ascend).
I've been considering TF2 but I've never played it and therefor not sure - is all the game relevant content (weapons, packs, w/e the game has) available from the start or do you need to gather points to buy stuff?
[QUOTE="trastamad03"]As for the game itself, It's boring until you find the class/weapon combo that reaches out to you. Every single class bores me, except for Engineer + Rifle. Kh1ndjalthis is strange but true. i have tried all classes except mesmer, engie, ranger (which don't interest me) but i hate those that i thought i'd love (guardian, warrior) instead, my favorite by far is the elementalist which i wasn't too fond of in gw and was neutral until i tried it. Similar here. I really thought I'd love Elementalist and Mesmer and although they were fun for the first couple of hours, I felt kind of "meh" about them later. On the other hand, classes I considered not to be my cup of tea surprisingly turned out to be really enjoyable. Today I tried all the classes in the "PvE" part of the game and so far I'm with Charr Engineer w/ dual Pistols but tomorrow I'll be testing stuff at lvl 80 PvP-wise and possibly change my mind about things. For me, this Beta is about finding stuff I like so I can jump straight into action when the game comes out instead of being indecisive like I usually am.
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