The server shutdown is issue as well but what bothers ME the most is the constant connection thing. Of course I have it at home but what if I'm using a laptop in some remote area where there's no internet coverage, should I be just prohibited to play the game I payed for? Especially when it's a Singe player game which uses the connection just as a protection against piracy...
zaxrider's forum posts
In the past couple of months I've played Max Payne, Deus Ex, Saints Row and what not, I play Tribes, COD4:MP as well as Battlefield 2 MP from time to time with my friends. So, lately all I've been seeing were guns in my games. A lot of them. So, just to make a little change I feel like playing something where I can cut/stab/hack&slash enemies.
Play an RPG you may say. However, for me most of them lack the action necessary and also, I've already beaten Witcher 2 and Skyrim for the most part, which I consider to be the leading RPG titles right now.
I was highly anticipating Prototype 2 for this kind of thing but then I realized that PC and console versions are not getting out simultaneously and I was looking at the wrong date, which makes it 3 more months worth of waiting. When I was thinking what to play, Assassin's Creed Revelations came into my mind as I highly enjoyed Brotherhood (which I consider the best in the series) but I heard it (AC:R) isn't all that good if not for the story development, which I already know.Also, played Darksiders, DMCs for PC as well as all the Prince of Persia titles, which I also find to fit the criteria.
Recently, "Ys: The Oath in Felghana" has caught my eye and if nothing else appeals to me, I'm gonna get it but I... erm... prefer "realistic" character look to this kind of thing.
So, any recommendations?
Be wise.
Write more than a one-liner as a reasoning for additional awesomeness.
(Write your own if it's not in the poll.)
All the Gothics for 12.50 EUR for the next 21 hours . Seems pretty appealing.
I'm looking to get some RPG and I narrowed it down to those two. My first question is, how is Gothic 4: Arcania from an objective point of view? I know Gothic fanboys found it to be a disappointment but how is it without looking back on the previous games? I've played Gothic 2 for a while back in the day when it was released for some time and that's about all I got from the series, so I wouldn't be getting this as a sequel, rather a stand alone game. The second question is, obviously, which one would you recommend?
Just to point out, I haven't played the first Witcher either, so both games would be a new thing to me instead of sequels.
This is a hard one to describe in Topic name so... I'm looking for something I would play to relax, something that would get me in action as soon as possible and I could turn off any time, without having to wait for a savepoint or something. I don't really care about the genre. Things that I consider a relaxing category are for example:
CoD(4): MP, specifically Free For All mode. I can turn the game on virtually any time, whether I need to leave in 15 minutes or in an hour, I'm pretty much thrown into action and I can switch it off anytime without any major consequences.
Burnout Paradise. Similar to the above one, I can play it anytime, when I feel like it I can do races and stuff, when I don't I just ride around the city randomly having fun.
Terraria. It has anytime save feature, I have a wide range of options there whether I want to play "seriously" or just relax and mess around the world.
(Skyrim would count as well but I've already finished that.)
All I can think of, or rather, all I've been playing recently. Any recommendations from you guys?
Basically what I want is a game that wouldn't limit me by stuff such as having to play till the mission ends, or till the match ends etc...
First question: I'm looking for a RPG with "good and evil" in it, where the player would choose their path and it would affect the gameplay in a rather serious manner. I heard Fable has such thing but I've also heard some negative stuff about it. So, is there any other game that does that and what's your take on Fable?
Second question:, which is slightly related to the first one is, are there games or RPGs have this "choices matter" elements to them? Take Skyrim for a bad example: You may kill off the whole village, you pay a fine and everybody acts like nothing happend. Alternatively, if you try to kill a quest-important NPC it wouldn't let you.
Basically, in both questions I want something that makes things you do affect the gameplay and possibly send it off in a completely different direction (multiple endings possibly?). What I'm NOT looking for are these conversation options where your answers could be Kind, Neutral or A*shole-ish but in the end it doesn't really matter.
As you may or may not know, there's a discount on Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Steam lasting until Monday, here it's from 50 EUR down to 17 EUR, which is quite a nice price drop. I am, however, completely new to Deus Ex series (never played it and until HR never heard of it) so this would be my very first Deus Ex game. From some footage I've seen on YouTube it seems like some sort of Stealthy FPS thing, which may be quite fun to play.
I want your opinion guys - Is it worth getting it? If you've played it, did you like it? Are prequels necessary to know what's going on or is there some sort of briefing? What can you tell me about the game I should be aware of and so on and so on...
Thanks in advance.
I play hardcore mode in games like COD and BF.. Because I cannot stand the "bullet sponge" effect.
having to nail a guy with half a clip sometimes is just plain ridiculous. I remember BFBC2 suffering from this far more than COD. If this was the issue.
Yeah, that's what I was reffering to. I've probably not expressed myself clearly enough so it came as if I'm looking for a military realism. It may be really a matter of difficulty settings though, might give adjusting it a shot.
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