the game looks alright but everyone i have seen playing it makes the gameplay look dull difficult and boring. and gamesradar says the controls are as bad as people make them seem. but you say that it plays better than COD4? yea right.Androvinusgo look at what ppl who have played the beta say, and read other news reports....
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
*facepalm* i dont even wanna talk about this again, after 4 years of telling everyone how the company might as well be sony, under GG name...20 devs ---> 135+ devs....short dev time for pc rushed to PS2 old hardware -----> 4 years of solid PS3 dev time.... 3rd party -----> 1st party SONY......small budget----> 50million +Because I saw the exact same super happy previews and awesome graphics back before the first one came out.
Fool me once, shame on you... etc.
for that matter ppl have played this and have said its amazing, like actual gamers, in the BETA somethign killzone 1 didnt have
Oh a flamebait thread, becuase it's not all that. COWS seem to think they can rate a game by looking at videos, which by the way don't look so great, Graphics king, LOL. Erik_Lensherrnot flamebait i jsut wanna know why this game will be a HUGE FLOP and fail completely, and end up like crap
EVERYONE who has played it has said it plays like COD4, from news reporters to beta gamers....How do you know it plays like cod 4?
Looked slower and boring from the videos ive seen
I havent seen anything about it other than the graphics that would make me want that game
I think it'll be decent WAAAAAAAYYYY overhyped though.Animal-Motherbut it out-preforms the excpectations, whats decent about it?, i mean better that COD4 gameplay wiht even more ppl online....
though i do understand the overhyped bit, im just annoyed by fanboys who bash the game but give no valid reason
Can someone just explain to me why they are using the mask on their homeplanet?Krigonbad air, make bejing's air look like canada's
serious question we know this game is nothing like the 1st one, it plays like COD4 but better, and has the best graphics on console...
i keep hearing crap about "sequal to a flop", well that is BS and all u fanboys know it
what more could u ask for in the game?
haters watch:
this game is not going to flop.
now if u dislike FPS, then i understand, but the way fanboys act towards this game, its borderline racist (not actually but u ge tthe picture)
Killzone 2. Sequel to a flop.
Resistance 2 looks great, so it's not an anti PS3 thing from me either.
pshh KZ2 hater...i like the sequal to the flop bit, u know the xbox 360 was a sequal to a flop....and the wii was a sequal to a flop too.... lol
lol thats too sick, also that thing is in Killzone Liberation, it was a boss
God like animation.:o
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