@Unfallen_Satan third party games won't have EAs DRM....at least not now. They would use their own DRM until of course origin would have an increased third party sales, which would never happen
wow they want to sell games that is already certain that people want to buy? wow they are so smart.......Steam has been supporting indie games for years, now ea says they're supporting indie games just because they're selling kickstarter games? bullshit
well i imagine some one at dice told ea that it will make a lot of money......anyway, i doubt it would be that bad. im guessing that you would automatically get any dlc that comes out. like season pass? (i dunno about elite cos no way im paying for that on top of an already expensive game)
@PeterDuck I dont think its the resources they're worried about......building a new engine would require lots of time. The annual release window (2 years each for treyarch and infinity ward) is not enough. plus, in order to convince activision to cough up some money is going to take a lot of paperwork and graphics better than crysis or battlefield 3 especially since the franchise is making a lot of money without graphics overhaul anyway
Looks like they've done all that they can but seriously, they can't just keep rehashing a graphics engine that is about a decade old (older if you think about it). They should leave IW or treyarch with loads more time to build a totally new engine. But then again, the source engine is doing quite well for its age though
What?? What happened to conspiracy theories and government espionage and denied ops and this all happened in secrecy? Thats the only good thing about Black Ops
Enjoyed this episode very much. love half life. although i still cant really finish the first game. anyways. not looking forward to the next episode =P
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