So I will start my E3 rankings in the order that they happened.
-Halo 4
-Mass Effect 3 and other games with Kinect usage
-Nice demos (Halo, Mass Effect 3, Tomb Raider, COD: MW3, Minecraft, Kinect Star Wars)
-Nothing huge
-No surprises
-A bunch of useless games
-Kinda like last year's conference
Yes there were some sick things this year that I CAN'T WAIT FOR, but that is it. No new consoles, Kinect updates, nothing. Everything that I thought was going to happen.They could have done a lot better with new Kinect features and more game announcements for the future (like late 2012, early 2013), to get people excited.
New Wishlist from Microsoft:
-Halo 4
-Halo Anniversary
-Mass Effect 3
-Kinect Star Wars
-Nice surprises
-I am now in love with BioShock Infinite more than ever
-Uncharted 3 is sick
-Tons of demos
-Too much 3D, too little PS4 (actually none)
-Needed more unanounced things/games
I was overal impressed this year. With the Playstation Vita, things were great from the start. Plus BioShock Infinite with Move stuff makes me want a PS3. However, where was the PS4 and other cool new things that we never heard of?
New Wishlist from Sony:
-BioShock Infinite (PS3)
-Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)
-(New) Little Big Planet (Vita?)
-God of War Origins Collection (?)
-Ico and Shadow of the Collosus Collection (PS3)
-NBA 2k11 (PS3)
-(New) ModNation Racers (Vita)
-Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)
-New 3DS/Wii/DS/WiiU games
-Great Cla$$ic Reboots (The list goes on and on so check my Wishlist)
-Great Non-Nintendo Titles + The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Coming To WiiU
-No Pokémon announced :(
This year was insane!!!!! They took everyone by storm with so many great things. Too many things to explain/express. I wanted Pokémon :(. As IGN said, they missed out on a great chance. But everything else, AHHHHHHH.
New Wishlist for Nintendo:
-Super Mario (3DS)
-Luigi's Mansion 2 (3DS)
-Mario Kart (3DS)
-Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
-The Legend of Zelda: Orcania of Time 3D (3DS)
-Paper Mario (3DS)
-The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (WiiU)
-Kirby (WiiU)
-Super Smash Bros. (3DS/WiiU)
-Super Mario Bros. Mii (WiiU)
-The Legend of Zelda's 25th Anniversary (?)
-Batman (WiiU)
-Assassin's Creed (WiiU)
-Darksiders II (WiiU)
-Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (WiiU)
Overall Winner:
3rd Place: Microsoft
2nd Place: Sony
1st Place: Nintendo
Now some quickies for my 3DS update.
Excitebike: Overrated. Honestly not that fun at times, but making courses and 3D effect are cool. No career thingy and running out of fuel quickly are very annoying. However, can be addicting. 7.5.
PokéDex 3D: No value unless you are a PokéFreak like me, it is awful. However it still isn't great. Starting out with 16 Pokémon is annoying because it is basically impossible to get any Pokémon, however getting 3 a day + some others over time equals up. This does provide some useful information on the Pokémon. However, 3D Pokémon and AR are sick, and sticker book collecting gets addicting. I actually enjoy this game in the end. 8.5.
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