I'm just wondering, which system is better, the PSX (also known as PS1 and PS) or the PS2, and which has better games.
Sorry for short blog everyone.
BTW: Writing a Super Street Fighter IV 3DS review as I'm writing this.
I'm just wondering, which system is better, the PSX (also known as PS1 and PS) or the PS2, and which has better games.
Sorry for short blog everyone.
BTW: Writing a Super Street Fighter IV 3DS review as I'm writing this.
Just to make this part short, I'm the new leader of the TAN, so everyone please help me with becoming an active user!
Now for E3: This will be a big year. I can sense it.
Things I want to see (In no particular order):
Project Café
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Boy (old games for download)
Gears of War 3
Batman: Arkham City
BioShock Infitite
Mass Effect 3
Paper Mario 3DS
Super Mario 3DS
Kid Icarus 3DS
Pokemon 3DS
Portal 3DS
New Halo Game
Infinity Blade for Kinect
And many more...
No silly goose, not that type of Rapture.
THAT type of Rapture.
Oh wait, the world didn't end.
Way to ruin my blog stupid people that said it would! :P
Oh well, now we can go celebrate in my favorite Rapture with some Big Daddys and Little Sisters!
Big Daddy is very big... and Little Sister is very little... and the Splicer.... he's just dead. Face it, just about all Splicers die.
BTW, I'm just wondering. The world was supposed to end at 6 P.M. whatever your local time is. How is that possible?!?!? The world would end at different times pending wherever you are on Earth?!!?! Maybe that's why the May 21, 2011 Rapture was nearly IMPOSSIBLE. If it happened, I would give away everything I own to you (ya you [nice Nigahiga reference right?]). But it wouldn't matter. Because we would all be dead :oops:. So... no money for you :D!
But now after all the creepy/scary pictures (in some opinions, I mean honestly, none of this stuff is scary until it happens to you and it hasn't happened to me yet... so ya), let's end this blog on a happy note.
3 things.
1: This is a cat, not a puppy. Most people don't like cats. Everyone loves puppies.
2: Why is this cat the Joker?
So lately my activity has gone down.
I've been really active in Pokemon with the VGC 2011 Championships coming up soon.
I've been active on serebiiforums.com with trading and team advice. Some Pokemon I've gotten / am getting are (all legal) Darkrai (New Moon Island), Arceus (TRU), good natured Terrakion, shiny Eevee (VCG 2010), Espeon (10 Aniv), Cottonee (needed one for Pokedex), shiny Tepig, DW Poliwag, DW Espeon, DW Vulpix, DW Gligar, and possibly more.
Now for Pokemon Online, its a downoadable battle simulator. If anyone wants to battle me, I'm zwgiantsfan (um... no duh), and as of now I only do VGC 2011 matches, and I am on usually. My team used to do really good, (being top 200 for everyone, but has now fallen to top 300 (maybe 400 now) after losing multiple matches in a row. I currently use an Amoonguss, Chandelure, Scrafty, Jellicent, Terrakion, and Hydreigon. Help? Battles?
BTW: I won a battle while writing this blog :). Using my Chandelure, Amoonguss, and Terrkaion (I never got to or needed to use my Jellicent and my Chandelure and Amoonguss had full health while my Terrakion died :)).
Edit: 3 in a row now! Thanks GameSpot! Back up to top 275! My team of Chandelure, Amoonguss, Terrakion, and Jellicent is doing great! (Even though I rarely get to use my Jellicent!)
So today I was with swww2198, and we were both trying to get shinies. So on my FireRed, we tried soft reseting until we got a shiny Charmander (we got bored after about 20 times). We stopped, and while all of this is going on, I am EV Training my modest Litwick with Pokerus and the egg move Heat Wave so I can use it in battles. So I finish EV Training it in Sp. Atk, and I am walking down the steps of Celestial Tower. Now I've encountered three random Litwicks as of now and I am thinking of using a repel. I decide not to and keep walking. Now I am just about on the first floor (where you can't encounter any Pokemon). Scratch that. I just got to the bottom of the steps on the second floor (where you can only find Litwicks). Now I find another wild Pokemon *grunts*. It is a shiny Litwick. I start going "YES YES YES! OH MY GOD!" etc.. All this time swww2198 is really mad at me because when he has HUNDREDS of Dratini eggs while using the Masuda Method, I get a shiny Litwick on around my 140th-150th Litwick BY ACCIDENT.
Here it is:
Shiny Litwick (Eva Lastin)
Ghost and Fire Types
Lv. 28
Serious Nature (No advantages / disadvantages in stats)
Flash Fire Ability
No Held Item
68 HP
30 Attack
36 Defense
47 Special Attack
36 Special Defense
24 Speed
Flame Burst
Now if I can't say so myself, this Litwick is pretty cla$$y, except for its low speed. I will try to find it out its IVs later on.
Here is a picture comparison of the whole Litwick family (just to annoy swww2198 :D):
Now maybe I'll get a shiny Stunfisk while HP EV Training my Litwick....
I have two teams, without really a preference on them. However, one is a sandstorm team and I don't know how that will turn out in a tournament.
Sandstorm Team:
Landorus @???
??? (depends on last move)
??? (depends on last move)
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide
-Fly (For STAB) / U-turn
-Earthquake / Earth Power (EQ is not smart for double battles, but is STAB plus Atk is stronger than Sp. Atk)
A very offensive Pokemon, but I decided to focus on attack instead of special attack because the maximum is 22 points higher, and I added Swords Dance to boost its attack, but I'm not sure on a few of the moves. I prefer Earthquake over Earth Power because it is physical, but it hits all Pokemon, and using Earth Power could mess up my strategy. Also I want Fly for STAB, but someone could just switch out during that time and it is the only flying move Landorus can learn. Rock Slide is for a powerful attack that hits both opponents in a double battle.
Terrakion @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
128 Atk / 127 Def / 127 Sp. Def / 128 Speed
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Guard
A very well-rounded Pokemon, with emphasis on attack over special attack, that can fill a spot in any Pokemon team. Stone Edge and Sacred Sword for STAB, and Quick Guard for double protection and Rock Polish for increased speed.
Ferrothorn @???
Careful (+Sp. Def, -Sp. Atk)
6 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Sp. Def
-Gyro Ball
-Seed Bomb
-Ingrain / Swords Dance | Leech Seed
-Poison Jab | Stealth Rock
A physical minded dual wall, and uses Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb (if not legal [read the rules to see why it might not be], then I will use Power Whip). Poison Jab for some more move coverage, and either Ingrain for additional HP, or Swords Dance for more power.
Archeops @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Double Team / Rock Polish
-Rock Slide / Stone Edge
A very good lead with dominant speed and attack. Double Team to make it less likely to hit, or Rock Polish to make it even faster. Acrobatics for STAB and Rock Slide for hitting both opponents and STAB, or Stone Edge for high power and STAB. U-turn to switch out just in case of emergency.
Excadrill (with Sand Force) @Smooth Rock
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Rock Slide
-Drill Run
-Metal Claw
My Sandstorm setter, with a Smooth Rock to make the Sandstorm last longer Its ability raises Steel and Ground attacks from 1.5 times damage to nearly 2 times damage, and Rock attacks from 1 time damage to 1.33 times damage. Sandstorm to activate this ability, and Rock Slide, Drill Run, and Metal Claw to take advantage of this ability (along with for STAB when using Rock Slide and Drill Run).
I'm not sure if I should start with Archeops (speed demon that can use U-turn) and Excadrill (Sandstorm setter), or Ferrothorn (seeder/rocker) and Excadrill (Sandstorm setter). If I use Ferrothorn, I have Excadrill also to cover its major fire weakness.
First Turn: Excadrill - Sandstorm. Archeops - Double Team (u-turn if needed) / Ferrothorn - Leech Seed / Stealth Rock
Second Turn: Excadrill - (Depends on opponent). Archeops / Ferrothorn - (Depends on opponent).
3rd Turn, etc.: Sweep, repeat, repeat, etc.
Normal Team:
Mr. Everything:
Terrakion @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
128 Atk / 127 Def / 127 Sp. Def / 128 Speed
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Guard
A very well-rounded Pokemon, with emphasis on attack over special attack, that can fill a spot in any Pokemon team. Stone Edge and Sacred Sword for STAB, and Quick Guard for double protection and Rock Polish for increased speed. Also, in addition to being a nice wall, it has nice attack and speed to sweep.
Special Sweeper:
Chandelure @???
Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
255 HP / 255 Sp. Atk
-Shadow Ball / Energy Ball
-Heat Wave
A very common Pokemon for Unova, with INCREDIBLY high special attack. Also, I'm using the status problem (Wii-o-wisp) ---> Hex strategy for extra damage. Not sure if I should use Shadow Ball (for STAB, but I have Hex which I would not use in first turn) or Energy Ball. Heat Wave is a powerful STAB attack that hits both opponents. Also, burn (from Will-o-wisp), cuts opponents' attack in half which is pretty nice.
Special Sweeper (To be used as a Physical Sweeper too):
Reuniclus @???
Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
252 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 Sp. Def
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast
Very high special attack and HP so it can survive long and kill many. Calm Mind to boost special attack and defense and make my opponent send out a special wall where I would just counter with Psyshock which uses my special attack but attacks the opponent's defense instead of special defense. Focus Blast for coverage of its dark weakness, and Thunder for another powerful attack. Since I'm really at a lack for Physical Sweepers, I'm using its Psyshock to be a Physical Sweeper.
Scrafty (with Moxie) @???
Impish (+Def, -Sp. Atk)
6 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Sp. Def
-Brick Break
-Drain Punch
A dual wall with Brick Break for STAB and to break walls, Detect to protect itself, Drain Punch for STAB and more HP, and Crunch for STAB. It also only has 2 weaknesses, and has 2 resistances, 1 double resistance (*0.25 damage), and taking no damage at all from psychic makes it very useful.
Now I think these COULD be the four I use in battle, but I don't really like Scrafty, but need it as a wall.
I will use 6 Pokemon so I'm using:
Special Sweeper:
Hydreigon @Choice Specs
Timid (+Speed, -Atk)
6 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed
-Dragon Pulse
-Surf??? (Need a water move somewhere)
-Dark Pulse
-Flamethrower / Fire Blast
A very nice (OU) special sweeper who has a varied moveset that can do wonders. Dragon Pulse and Dark Pulse for STAB, and Surf for a powerful attack (but hits all opponents so I don't know if I should use it), and either Flamethrower or Fire Blast for another powerful attack. I LOVE him as a Special Sweeper, but I don't need 3 (I would use it over Reuniclus if it wasn't for Psyshock).
Physical Sweeper:
Haxorus @Muscle Band / Leftovers
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
EV: 4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance
-Rock Slide
I really need a Physical Sweeper, and Haxorus does not fall short of my needs. With a maxed out Attack at 432, it is incredible. Dragon Dance to boost the already high Attack and Speed, and other moves for coverage.
Landorus @???
??? (depends on last move)
??? (depends on last move)
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide
-Fly (For STAB) / U-turn
-Earthquake / Earth Power (EQ is not smart for double battles, but is STAB plus Atk is stronger than Sp. Atk)
A very offensive Pokemon, but I decided to focus on attack instead of special attack because the maximum is 22 points higher, and I added Swords Dance to boost its attack, but I'm not sure on a few of the moves. I prefer Earthquake over Earth Power because it is physical, but it hits all Pokemon, and using Earth Power could mess up my strategy. Also I want Fly for STAB, but someone could just switch out during that time and it is the only flying move Landorus can learn. Rock Slide is for a powerful attack that hits both opponents in a double battle. Nice overall coverage in the long-run, another needed Physical Sweeper.
Archeops @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Double Team / Rock Polish
-Rock Slide / Stone Edge
A very good lead with dominant speed and attack. Double Team to make it less likely to hit, or Rock Polish to make it even faster. Acrobatics for STAB and Rock Slide for hitting both opponents and STAB, or Stone Edge for high power and STAB. U-turn to switch out just in case of emergency. ANOTHER needed Physical Sweeper that can be used as a lead in addition to its nice Speed.
First Turn: Terrakion - Quick Guard. Chandelure - Will-o-wisp.
Second Turn: Terrakion - (Depends on opponent). Chandelure Hex - (if ghost is effective) or Heat Wave (if fire is super effective). Sweeping turn.
3rd Turn, etc.: Sweep, repeat, repeat, etc.
So I ask you all, which team should I use?
So yesterday I nearly died.
Not literally, but you get my point.
I lost Pokemon White.
I looked everywhere and couldn't find it.
So I had to leave my house and when I came back, I saw a jacket I didn't see before.
I looked in the pockets and finally found it!!!!!
So I'm happy now and back to training time for...
I've never participated, but I've always wanted to.
It's only Unova Pokemon (#1-148 + 151 in the Unova Dex), double battles.
So here is what I have so far:
Landorus @???
??? (depends on last move)
??? (depends on last move)
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide
-Fly (For STAB) / U-turn
-Earthquake / Earth Power (EQ is not smart for double battles, but is STAB plus Atk is stronger than Sp. Atk)
A very offensive Pokemon, but I decided to focus on attack instead of special attack because the maximum is 22 points higher, and I added Swords Dance to boost its attack, but I'm not sure on a few of the moves. I prefer Earthquake over Earth Power because it is physical, but it hits all Pokemon, and using Earth Power could mess up my strategy. Also I want Fly for STAB, but someone could just switch out during that time and it is the only flying move Landorus can learn. Rock Slide is for a powerful attack that hits both opponents in a double battle.
Terrakion @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
128 Atk / 127 Def / 127 Sp. Def / 128 Speed
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Guard
A very well-rounded Pokemon, with emphasis on attack over special attack, that can fill a spot in any Pokemon team. Stone Edge and Sacred Sword for STAB, and Quick Guard for double protection and Rock Polish for increased speed.
Chandelure @???
Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
255 HP / 255 Sp. Atk
-Shadow Ball / Energy Ball
-Heat Wave
A very common Pokemon for Unova, with INCREDIBLY high special attack. Also, I'm using the status problem (Wii-o-wisp) ---> Hex strategy for extra damage. Not sure if I should use Shadow Ball (for STAB, but I have Hex which I would not use in first turn) or Energy Ball. Heat Wave is a powerful STAB attack that hits both opponents.
Hydreigon @Choice Specs
Timid (+Speed, -Atk)
6 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed
-Dragon Pulse
-Surf??? (Need a water move somewhere)
-Dark Pulse
-Flamethrower / Fire Blast
A very nice (OU) special sweeper who has a varied moveset that can do wonders. Dragon Pulse and Dark Pulse for STAB, and Surf for a powerful attack (but hits all opponents so I don't know if I should use it), and either Flamethrower or Fire Blast for another powerful attack.
Ferrothorn @???
Careful (+Sp. Def, -Sp. Atk)
6 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Sp. Def
-Gyro Ball
-Seed Bomb
-Ingrain / Swords Dance
-Poison Jab
A physical minded dual wall, and uses Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb (if not legal [read the rules to see why it might not be], then I will use Power Whip). Poison Jab for some more move coverage, and either Ingrain for additional HP, or Swords Dance for more power.
Reuniclus @???
Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
252 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 Sp. Def
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast
Very high special attack and HP so it can survive long and kill many. Calm Mind to boost special attack and defense and make my opponent send out a special wall where I would just counter with Psyshock which uses my special attack but attacks the opponent's defense instead of special defense. Focus Blast for coverage of its dark weakness, and Thunder for another powerful attack.
Archeops @???
Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Double Team / Rock Polish
-Rock Slide / Stone Edge
A very good lead with dominant speed and attack. Double Team to make it less likely to hit, or Rock Polish to make it even faster. Acrobatics for STAB and Rock Slide for hitting both opponents and STAB, or Stone Edge for high power and STAB. U-turn to switch out just in case of emergency.
Scrafty (with Moxie) @???
Impish (+Def, -Sp. Atk)
6 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Sp. Def
-Brick Break
-Drain Punch
A dual wall with Brick Break for STAB and to break walls, Detect to protect itself, Drain Punch for STAB and more HP, and Crunch for STAB. It also only has 2 weaknesses, and has 2 resistances, 1 double resistance (*0.25 damage), and taking no damage at all from psychic makes it very useful.
Excadrill (with Sand Force) @Smooth Rock
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Rock Slide
-Drill Run
-Metal Claw
*** Only to be used with Landorus, Terrakion, Ferrothorn, or Archeops ***
Very key in Sandstorm teams, so as I said, I would only use it with Landorus, Terrakion, Ferrothorn, or Arceops because they are not affected by Sanstorm. Its ability raises Steel and Ground attacks from 1.5 times damage to nearly 2 times damage, and Rock attacks from 1 time damage to 1.33 times damage. Sandstorm to activate this ability, and Rock Slide, Drill Run, and Metal Claw to take advantage of this ability (along with for STAB when using Rock Slide and Drill Run).
Now I have 9 guys, and I can only register 6, and use 4 per battle. So if someone could make recommendations on who to use, you would be the greatest. (You can see the original link here)
Thanks for help in advance.
So I have a few things to talk about.
Pokémon Dream World is officially open. I have gotten Mareep, Poocheyena, and Tailow. I can't seem to find the Espeon I got from the Play To Befriend A Pokémon! game. :cry:. So if anyone had this problem or knows how to fix it, please comment below.
I will try to EV train that Espeon, no matter the gender (please be modest :D).
In addition, I have a video, that seems like a lot of you have seen already (almost 50 views), of me catching my first Dream World Pokémon (Mareep). I apologize for the quality of the video (sound is good this time though).
But as of right now, my party is Hydreigon lv 92, Mamoswine lv 51 (EV training), no Espeon (waiting for a modest egg), Milotic lv 50 (EV training), Infernape lv 100 (fully EV trained, but I don't know what the distribution is so I might get another one and EV train that), and Eelektross lv 100. Eelektross and Hydreigon are both fully EV trained but I do not know the distribution (just like Infernape). I will not get new ones because they were so hard to get to lv 100 in B/W. However, I may replace my Eelektross because NONE of its stats are above 263 (attack), and its HP is 298 (if that really counts). But I still could keep it because it has NO weaknesses.
Now swww2198 told me this: "I was looking around of Bulbapedia and read that there was a new game like Pokémon Crater". Now I freaked out. Pokémon Crater was the best.... before it was shut down.
Now this game isn't as good, but its close, and they are constantly making updates to make it better.
It is called pokemonvortex.org (Pokémon Vortex). If anyone wants to battle, trade, etc. with me, then add me. I'm, WAIT FOR IT, zwgiantsfan. No big surprise there.
My team is:
Espeon lv 72
Infernape lv 71
Mamoswine lv 70
Ampharos lv 70
Deino lv 15 (just caught)
Dark Tirtouga lv 10 (just caught).
Espeon lv 93
Infernape lv 95
Mamoswine lv 94
Ampharos lv 85
Hydreigon lv 70
Dark Carracosta lv 85
Now after a 2 month break from my XBOX 360, I finally played again. I played BioShock because it is my favorite game of all time. My opinion still does not change. I will also be playing a lot on my XBOX 360 in the next week because it is vacation (yay:)). However, my XBOX Live is down :cry:. So I will spend some time trying to fix it.
Other games I will most likely be playing besides BioShock: Mass Effect, NBA 2k11, Half Life 2, and possibly even Halo: Reach or Halo 3, and even Portal (I beat it before, but the 2nd one is coming out in 2 days, so I will play it again).
BTW: If anyone wants to challenge my gym in the TAN, challenge me here.
Also, if anyone wants a battle in general, PM me.
So I reached the 90 mark in eggs for a modest Eevee. Still nothing.
So I'm stopping for now.
I'm changing around my party.
Tyranitar ---> Mamoswine
Milotic ---> ??? Need a flying type but I also need water, but don't really need a MIlotic because it only uses water moves + ice beam. Maybe Gyarados even though it doesn't use flying moves. Suggestions?
So I'm trying to get a naughty (Atk+, Sp. Def-) Swinub which shouldn't be too hard because I had so many naughty Eevees. I think I'm on #4, so that isn't bad... yet.
I'm naming it Swine Flu once I get it.
It's kinda punny. Swine - Swinub. Swine Flu - it's a pig Pokemon, swine flu comes from pigs.
Sorry for the short blog, I'll try to post my new zwgiantsfan tips IF I get at least 7 comments in total, and at least 3 of advice for my last slot in my party.
Pretty demanding right?
I'm talking about the amount of Eevee eggs I have right now without a modest one...
62. And counting.
Ya, so if anyone wants an Eevee of any nature EXCEPT MODEST, please ask, I NEED to get rid of them.
Fun facts about this:
62+ eggs so far.
My Ditto gained 6 levels so far (63-39)
My Umbreon gained 19 levels so far (28-47)
I've spent over 5 hours on this so far, maybe even 6.
I have officially played Pokemon Diamond for over 600 hours now.
I decided to name just about all of them Kookamunga because that is what I usually name my favorite Pokemon (there is a story behind it).
I decided to name the last few (so far) by their numbers. Starting with 56.
I named one Modest in hope of getting a modest one.
I named a few nothing, trying to test my luck.
I named one or two Eevee instead of EEVEE to see what would happen.
I am still doing this as I type.
There is a level 55 Camerupt in my party, appropriately named HATCHER because its ability hatches eggs twice as fast.
I evolved one with rare candies to a level 26 Flareon. I was bored.
I still am bored.
If anyone has a level 1 modest Eevee please tell me.
63 and counting.
Wow, that's a lot of fun facts.
Now after doing my blog about easy EV training. I decided to do a few more (kinda like swww2198's new thing called Togetime which you should all check out in the TAN union, but mine is all tips n advice n stuff). The next one will be "zwgiantsfan's Pokemon Tips - Building A Team Around Your Favorite Pokemon". The for dummies part doesn't fit :(.
I want challengers at my dragon gym in the TAN. Battle if you dare. I'm good.
Anybody have any ways to determine a nature of an egg?
Anybody have recommendations / requests for my tips?
Anybody have any ideas for a top 10 list?
P.S.: I can just see my modest Eevee being the 100th one, and having 0 IVs. Now THAT, would suck.
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