They need better acting for these types of scenes. The guy getting his head sawed makes hardly any noise. The guy getting his kneecaps shot off, same thing. They would be screaming more than that.
We believe that we need to have a launch with the consumer ............blah, blah, blah. In other words we need Zelda to be ready at launch. As far as other games go, I hope they are making a console that other companies will make the same games that they are making for the other systems. Nintendo exclusives are great but not if that's all you get with each console. Because of the fact that you can't play a good Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Pikmin, Fire Emblem etc. on any other system, I will always buy a Nintendo console or handheld system. They shouldn't cost more than $129.99 if you can only play their games and not other games like Dark Souls 3 on it.
Wow.. I love video games and so I will continue to support Nintendo but they MUST get their own games down.. You can't play most of the other AAA games on pretty much any Nintendo system since the Game Cube. Unless they go to making games only and no more consoles. Minus the handheld market, they will always own that it seems. I don't see how they survive.
Max looks like he needs a stool softener in that pic. =P Come on SONY, release Champions of Norrath already. I'd take The Bouncer too. That might sound like a bad idea but they did Fantavision.
New maps, bosses, enemies, and additional weapon and armor sets would be added to the game through DLC. That's funny. That's pretty much the whole game except for the music. The multiplayer doesn't bother me because I don't buy Souls games for that reason. PC games crashing shouldn't even be mentioned because that's what PC's do. I have a PC so I am not hating on them. No I don't have a terribly expensive one.
zyxahn's comments