Ugh, well I was not suppose to be buying games right now, but I was stuck waiting for someone and there was a Gamestop and well... (All used, all complete) Justification in red.
XIII - PS2 - $3.59 Kind of always wanted it, finally hit my price point.
The Bouncer - $6.29 Launch title, non-RPG from Square, had not seen it for a while.
Rygar - PS2 - $6.29 See justification for XIII.
Tak and the Power of Juju - PS2 - $8.99 No idea, I must be brainwashed from reading so much Play magazine.
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies $6.29 I think Waffle mentioned he liked this.
Kingdom Hearts 2 $35.99 Inevitable purchase, nice non GH case in good condition.
Dual Hearts $8.99 Gmsnpr said it was kinda hard to find.
Star Wars Rogue Leader Rebel Squadron $6.29 No idea.
Enclave - XB - $4.49 Noticed that Starbreeze had something to do with it and they had something to do with Riddick.
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