Super Dodge Ball, NES, n. mint, cart only, $12.95
So much fun. ^_^
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Funny story. I recently got a VGA cable for my 360, and I moved the system into my office, powerbrick and all and used it to play some Dead Rising while my wife was watching some TV (we've only got the 1). Well, moving the powerbrick is a pain in the ass based on the way my gaming setup is arranged, so I thought about getting a second brick to set up next to the PC, for ease in moving used 360 around. Lo and behold, I found a used one at Rhino last night for $12.99. I was interested, and I had them open the accessory case, and found some other "good" stuff in the case also. The accessories at Rhino are heat-shrinked and basically thrown into a pile, so it's sometimes difficult to tell what's what, so I didn't see what they had until I'd rifled through everything. Also, since everything is heat-shrinked, you can't see whether cables are frayed or N64 controller sticks are ruined until you open the package.
I asked the manager about how they'd gotten a spare 360 brick, and he said that their refurbishing company was no good and that the brick probably was cannibalized off of a 360 that couldn't be fixed. I asked him explicitly, "If I plug this thing in and it ruins my 360, what's my recourse?" to which he answered, "Well, since it's a Microsoft product, you'll have to take it up with them." Inspires a lot of confidence, eh?
Well, I bought it anyway b/c I'm a dumbass and I plugged it in to get the red rings of death. I switched back to my original power supply, and everything's fine, but the morons at Rhino don't know or care whether their used accessories work and it's only by the grace of God that their bought-in-good-faith power supply didn't also ruin my 360 the way that it ruined the last one it powered. So, pissed off, I unwrapped the N64 controller, and the control stick doesn't center, b/c the cable is broken, and they carefully arranged it to look pretty before heat-shrinking it. I'm taking this stuff back today and I'm going to make it clear that this **** is unacceptable and that this story is getting repeated to every game buyer who asks my opinion of Rhino games.
I'm so glad you posted that. I've been thinking about picking up some used hardware from my local Rhino. I am now reconsidering doing that.
Prepare for a rant-o-rama.
I made a quick trip to Best Buy today. Or rather, I should clarify: a rushed trip to Best Buy. I was running late for dinner at home and only had a few minutes to pour over their selection.
In my haste I picked up the Final Fantasy XII Art Collection. In case you haven't seen it, it comes in a DVD case, carried a price tag of fifteen dollars, was placed with all of the Playstation 2 games and thus looked for all the world like it should actually contain some form of media disc in there; be it CD, DVD, or whatever. Now, I haven't heard any word of this item before, so imagine my surprise when I peeled away the shrink-wrap and opened the case on my ride home to discover there was only a sixteen page booklet within. That’s it.
In short, I feel like I was ripped off of fifteen dollars.
Almost one dollar per page is an insane price to put on such a thin and flimsy "art book". I honestly thought that there would be a disc I could pop in my PS2 and check out loads of pics and vids. After all, it is titled the "Final Fantasy XII Art Collection", not the "Final Fantasy XII Art Pamphlet".
When I got home, I did some online searching and as far as I can tell this is just a little bonus Best Buy is supposed to give away for free to people who buy FFXII at their store. I pre-ordered my FFXII Collector's Edition from EB months ago and therefore didn't even bother to check out what kind of bonuses other retail stores were offering. I'm not familiar with stores like Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart ever stocking limited editions or collector’s editions of games; and that's what I wanted, so I didn't bother looking there.
The back of the case is essentially a full page ad for the Bradygames manual. Again, I mistakenly thought that the back was supposed to provide some information on the contents of the case; perhaps a digital version of the manual on the (non-existent) disc inside? No such luck.
Taking in to account the price, the packaging, etc. I really thought I was getting more than I actually did. I'm really kind of upset about this. You may have won the battle this time Best Buy. But you haven't yet won the war!
Anyway, I also picked up a copy of Final Fantasy III for the DS. This is my first DS game. And I still don't own a DS. Never have. I plan to though. Some day. I just think it’s funny that I have a game and no system to play it on.
Anyway, I also picked up a copy of Final Fantasy III for the DS. This is my first DS game. And I still don't own a DS. Never have. I plan to though. Some day. I just think it’s funny that I have a game and no system to play it on. inkwolf
See "Saint's Row" in the Xbox 360 section of my collection...there's a reason why I have only one 360 game...
Funny story. Well, I bought it anyway b/c I'm a dumbass and I plugged it in to get the red rings of death. aspro73
That was a funny story. I cannot believe you plugged it in! Picked up Big Bumpin' from Burger King today. They did sell it to me without buying any other value meal etcetera -- I just askd for the game and they sold it to me, no problem. $4.30 after tax.
I just baught the games and no food as well... it's sad because I had nothing to eat that night and regreted it... [QUOTE="keiblerfan69"]I just got a package in the mail from friend around here. John I wasn't expecting this much.. Turok 2 WWF Warzone PS1 Blue Stinger DC Sonic Not for Resale Grind Session GC Excite Bike 64 Castlevania 64 2 Pack of Demos 2 Pack of Promos I told you, you had the most easy list. if you want to know what I spent, I'll tell you... and Grind Session is PS1... and you are welcome :)The way you unlock cheats is by playing a modernised version of Quiz and Dragons that's composed of Capcom trivia, both modern and not so much. Apathetic_Prick
Very nifty! I've been putting off picking up the PS2 Capcom Collections since I have the PSP editions, but this is just clever enough to warrant picking up the PS2 copies as well. CC Reloaded (PSP) uses a slot-machiene for it's bonus unlock system, which is neat on first impression, but wears thin pretty quickly.
Paid regular MSRP for all, all new.
Sneak King & Pocketbike Racer
Trauma Center: Second Opinion (No Wii, but game awaits)
Snoopy vs. the Red Baron
1. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, NES, v. fine, no manual, $4.95 gmsnpr
Very Nice. Where do you find these?
3. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, SNES, complete, cart and box v. fine, rest n. mint $14.95 (upgrade as my other lacks the map, will probably sell the rest shortly)gmsnpr
A lot of people bag on that game, but I found it to be an enjoyable RPG.
5. Krusty's Fun House, NES, broken cartridge housing, works
6. Dr. Mario, NES, broken cartridge housing, works, with mint manual (partial upgradegmsnpr
Very Nice. Where do you find these?aspro73
All of today's pickups were from FX Video Game Exchange, a 4-store (5th is coming) boutique chain in East Central Texas.
I'll keep Krusty's until I find a better one, and I'll probably throw this Dr. Mario in storage after I cannibalize the manual. It looks like someone set a chair leg on top of the label to Dr. Mario, sat on the chair, and punched a surprisingly clean hole in the front of the cart, well above the PCB. Krusty's break is high along the right side and it's missing less plastic than the other, overall.
What's with that? What are you going to do with broken carts, even if they do work? I can see the mint manual, but....aspro73
It looks like someone set a chair leg on top of the label to Dr. Mario, sat on the chair, and punched a surprisingly clean hole in the front of the cart, well above the PCB. Krusty's break is high along the right side and it's missing less plastic than the other, overall.
Any chance you could post a pic of Dr. Mario? I'm kind of curious what this actually looks like (a clean hole through a cart sounds strange).
Paid regular MSRP for all, all new.
Sneak King & Pocketbike Racer
Trauma Center: Second Opinion (No Wii, but game awaits)
Snoopy vs. the Red Baron
nice buys!
I rebought the BK games today, so I've got playing copies and keeping copies of each. They are $3.99 apiece, of course. I also picked up some other interesting things:gmsnpr
I thought about doing that, I still may.
1. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, NES, v. fine, no manual, $4.95 (major upgrade to my loose one)
2. Thunder & Lightning, NES, n. mint, cart only, $4.95 (1st copy I've seen)
3. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, SNES, complete, cart and box v. fine, rest n. mint $14.95 (upgrade as my other lacks the map, will probably sell the rest shortly)
4. Uprising X, PS1, n. mint, complete, $8.95 (1st copy I've seen)gmsnpr
AotKT is awesome I've only rented it though...
all I have is a manual for FFMQ, no game or anything else...
I baught the only uprising X I've ever seen... mine's not mint or complete...
I also picked up numerous freebies:5. Krusty's Fun House, NES, broken cartridge housing, works
6. Dr. Mario, NES, broken cartridge housing, works, with mint manual (partial upgrade)
7. 3 SNES cartridge dust covers
8. a plastic sleeve for a SMS or TG-16 card
9. 2 Sega CD/Saturn/PS1 longbox foam blocks
10. 3-D glasses for ORB 3-D on the NES
11. instuction manuals ranging in condition from n. mint to fair for the following NES games:
Alfred Chicken
Burai Fighter
Double Dragon
Dragon Fighter
Gauntlet II
Heavy Barrel
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Pac-Man (Namco)
Pipe Dream
River City RAnsom
Tombs & Treasire
Wario's Woods
lucky! awesomeness in bold
A lot of these were supposed to be mine already. FX bought out a failing rental place's entire game inventory and I've bought many of the more rare NES games recently. Many had manuals that were supposed to come with the game when bought. They've been doing some renovation in the store, and when this truckload of games came in, some of the NES manuals got misplaced. Last night they located the box and let me take the matching books for the ex-rentals I'd bought recently, along with a couple of other nice ones, like Megaman 2 and 3. There were quite a few more in the box that I didn't take.
10. 3-D glasses for ORB 3-D on the NES
11. instuction manuals ranging in condition from n. mint to fair for the following NES games:
[QUOTE="waflerevolution"]A lot of these were supposed to be mine already. FX bought out a failing rental place's entire game inventory and I've bought many of the more rare NES games recently. Many had manuals that were supposed to come with the game when bought. They've been doing some renovation in the store, and when this truckload of games came in, some of the NES manuals got misplaced. Last night they located the box and let me take the matching books for the ex-rentals I'd bought recently, along with a couple of other nice ones, like Megaman 2 and 3. There were quite a few more in the box that I didn't take.
10. 3-D glasses for ORB 3-D on the NES
11. instuction manuals ranging in condition from n. mint to fair for the following NES games:
I caved and bought Big Bumpin'. I'm glad I did...the hockey game is loads of fun. My buddy and I are in a break from playing it right now.
Incidentally, where do you classify this game? Xbox 360? Xbox? Both? The disc has both versions on it. I'm playing it on the Xbox (since I as yet do not have a 360). Where did you all put it on your game lists?
I'd say one or the other is fine, in your case I'd go with the XB, I went with the 360 since that is what I am playing it on. My fave was the Pocket Racer one. I had no idea who Delta Burke or Brooke Burke was until these games -- makes me wonder what other pop-culture blind-spots I have.
Today I picked up: Xbox 360 Premium, new, $399 Gears of War, X360, new, $59usagi704
Congrats again man. You'll have to let us know somewhere what you think of Gears. In one sentence here is my take:
When I first started playing Gears I thought to myself, "What a waste of what would have been a perfect FPS", but after playing it for an hour I reversed that judgement, instead thinking, "An FPS would have been a waste of this game".
Went to Sam's Club for soda and they had a sale. All games new. All PS2 $8.82, all XB $9.44:
Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships Do not have a horse racing game, obviously needed one.
Taito Legends XB Operation Wolf, Space Invaders
Voodoo Vince XB Meaning to get it for a while.
Spy vs Spy XB I used to play the C64 version.
Ford Racing 3 Thought it was rare (it is not, in 200+ collections)
Alfa Romeo Racing Italian Thought it was rare (it kinda is, in 23 collections)
Rebel Raiders Operation Nighthawk Ace Combat reminded me how much I like these games
Links 2004 XB $9.44 One of the few offerings from XSN before EA and MS shut them down.
Van Helsing No idea.
[QUOTE="gmsnpr"][QUOTE="waflerevolution"]A lot of these were supposed to be mine already. FX bought out a failing rental place's entire game inventory and I've bought many of the more rare NES games recently. Many had manuals that were supposed to come with the game when bought. They've been doing some renovation in the store, and when this truckload of games came in, some of the NES manuals got misplaced. Last night they located the box and let me take the matching books for the ex-rentals I'd bought recently, along with a couple of other nice ones, like Megaman 2 and 3. There were quite a few more in the box that I didn't take.
10. 3-D glasses for ORB 3-D on the NES
11. instuction manuals ranging in condition from n. mint to fair for the following NES games:
Went to Sam's Club for soda and they had a sale. All games new. All PS2 $8.82, all XB $9.44:
Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships Do not have a horse racing game, obviously needed one.
Taito Legends XB Operation Wolf, Space Invaders
Voodoo Vince XB Meaning to get it for a while.
Spy vs Spy XB I used to play the C64 version.
Ford Racing 3 Thought it was rare (it is not, in 200+ collections)
Alfa Romeo Racing Italian Thought it was rare (it kinda is, in 23 collections)
Rebel Raiders Operation Nighthawk Ace Combat reminded me how much I like these games
Links 2004 XB $9.44 One of the few offerings from XSN before EA and MS shut them down.
Van Helsing No idea.
Great prices; games are mostly unknowns (for me). I've thought about snagging Rebel Raiders once or twice, and I'd like to get a copy of Breeder's Cup.
[QUOTE="jollyroger78"]I caved and bought Big Bumpin'. I'm glad I did...the hockey game is loads of fun. My buddy and I are in a break from playing it right now.
Incidentally, where do you classify this game? Xbox 360? Xbox? Both? The disc has both versions on it. I'm playing it on the Xbox (since I as yet do not have a 360). Where did you all put it on your game lists?
I'd say one or the other is fine, in your case I'd go with the XB, I went with the 360 since that is what I am playing it on. My fave was the Pocket Racer one. I had no idea who Delta Burke or Brooke Burke was until these games -- makes me wonder what other pop-culture blind-spots I have.
[QUOTE="aspro73"][QUOTE="jollyroger78"]I caved and bought Big Bumpin'. I'm glad I did...the hockey game is loads of fun. My buddy and I are in a break from playing it right now.
Incidentally, where do you classify this game? Xbox 360? Xbox? Both? The disc has both versions on it. I'm playing it on the Xbox (since I as yet do not have a 360). Where did you all put it on your game lists?
I'd say one or the other is fine, in your case I'd go with the XB, I went with the 360 since that is what I am playing it on. My fave was the Pocket Racer one. I had no idea who Delta Burke or Brooke Burke was until these games -- makes me wonder what other pop-culture blind-spots I have.
Into the Xbox pile it goes...when I eventually get a 360, I'll move it to that one.
***edit*** Changed my mind...the label fits better with the 360 violates my sense of feng shui to put it with my Xbox games.
nice haul! I'll have to check my local Sams Club chain (BJ's) later...Went to Sam's Club for soda and they had a sale. All games new. All PS2 $8.82, all XB $9.44:
Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships Do not have a horse racing game, obviously needed one.
Taito Legends XB Operation Wolf, Space Invaders
Voodoo Vince XB Meaning to get it for a while.
Spy vs Spy XB I used to play the C64 version.
Ford Racing 3 Thought it was rare (it is not, in 200+ collections)
Alfa Romeo Racing Italian Thought it was rare (it kinda is, in 23 collections)
Rebel Raiders Operation Nighthawk Ace Combat reminded me how much I like these games
Links 2004 XB $9.44 One of the few offerings from XSN before EA and MS shut them down.
Van Helsing No idea.
I got one...might as well get 'em all.
-Sneak King (XB/X360)
-PocketBike Racer (XB/X360)
I know...I'm a hypocrite...
Wow, did you ever get some incredible deals. Awesomeness. How do you do it?
3. A PS1/PS2 to N64 controller adaptor, v. fine, loose, FREE. I've never before seen such a thing.gmsnpr
That is really cool. Do I understand correctly that this adapter lets you play on an N64 console with PS1/2 controllers? I've never really liked the N64 controller, so that's pretty sweet.
I hit some Black Friday sales, made a few shopping trips today, and took a delivery. Here are my post-Thanksgiving acquisitions:
3. James Pond: Codename Robocod, GBA, new/sealed, $12.99
4. Conflict Zone, DC, v. fine, complete, $16.95
5. PenPen Trilcelon, DC, n. mint, complete, $14.95
6. God Hand, PS2, n. mint, complete, $13.99
11. Scrapland, XBox, n. mint, complete, FREE
Envy is not still a vice right? What's that? .... Oh it is? Too bad.
Wow, did you ever get some incredible deals. Awesomeness. How do you do it?
[QUOTE="gmsnpr"]3. A PS1/PS2 to N64 controller adaptor, v. fine, loose, FREE. I've never before seen such a thing.inkwolf
That is really cool. Do I understand correctly that this adapter lets you play on an N64 console with PS1/2 controllers? I've never really liked the N64 controller, so that's pretty sweet.
Yes, that's what it is, or at least that's what it looks like. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks professionally made. I imagine that it's got to at least be a Dual Shock, or the C-stick is dead, but based upon the pinouts, I don't know if it works with Dual Shock 1, Dual Shock 2, or both. In fact, I don't know if it works...[QUOTE="gmsnpr"]I hit some Black Friday sales, made a few shopping trips today, and took a delivery. Here are my post-Thanksgiving acquisitions:
3. James Pond: Codename Robocod, GBA, new/sealed, $12.99
4. Conflict Zone, DC, v. fine, complete, $16.95
5. PenPen Trilcelon, DC, n. mint, complete, $14.95
6. God Hand, PS2, n. mint, complete, $13.99
11. Scrapland, XBox, n. mint, complete, FREE
Envy is not still a vice right? What's that? .... Oh it is? Too bad.
I think that the $14 God Hand and the $3.50 Phantom Dust were the better deals, but the best one IMO is that Jogcon pack. Those suckers typically bring $50-60 at auction, and I sniped someone pretty mercilessly for it. The selling price was only $5.50, but since it's kind of big the shipping was more than the selling price. I'll take a photo so you all know what it looks like for reference. You'd be surprised how many knowledgeable game collectors I've described it to, who stare at me blankly and ask, "Namco made a driving controller?". There are at least two models, actually.[QUOTE="gmsnpr"]A PS1/PS2 to N64 controller adaptor, v. fine, loosegakon5So does it work both ways, or is it just "use a PS controller with an N64", or vice versa?
I hit some Black Friday sales, made a few shopping trips today, and took a delivery. Here are my post-Thanksgiving acquisitions:
1. A SNES Super Advantage, v. fine, loose, $12.95
2. Ridge Racer Type 4 + Jogcon Limited Ed. Pack, #398 of 15,000, v. fine, complete, $13.50 shipped
3. A PS1/PS2 to N64 controller adaptor, v. fine, loose, FREE. I've never before seen such a thing.
4. Monster Ultra 1000 fiber optic audio cable, 4 ft, new/sealed, $14.99
1. Otogirisou, Super Famicom, n. mint, loose, FREE
2. Tennis, E-reader, new/sealed, $0.99
3. James Pond: Codename Robocod, GBA, new/sealed, $12.99
4. Conflict Zone, DC, v. fine, complete, $16.95
5. PenPen Trilcelon, DC, n. mint, complete, $14.95
6. God Hand, PS2, n. mint, complete, $13.99
7. GTA: San Andreas, GH, new/sealed, $19.99, I am going to replace the insert and disc to make a pseudo-1st printing version and sell the rest.
8. Haunting Ground, PS2, n. mint, complete, $17.99
9. In the Groove, PS2, new/sealed, $10.00
10. Okami, PS2, n. mint, complete, $20.99
11. Phantom Dust, XBox, new/sealed, $3.50 (duplicate)
11. Scrapland, XBox, n. mint, complete, FREE
12. Stubbs the Zombie, Xbox, new/sealed, $10.50
13. Looney Tunes Back in Action, GC, n. mint, complete, $6.99
14. Super Mario Strikers (original cover art), GC, new/sealed, $16.99
15. Cooking Mama, DS, new/sealed, $16.99 (duplicate)
16. Harvest Moon DS, new/sealed, $16.99
17. Sega Casino, DS, new/sealed, $7.00
18. Metal Gear Acid, PSP, new/sealed, $7.00
19. Ultimate Block Party, PSP, new/sealed, $5.20
20. Chromehounds, X360, n. mint, complete, $20.99
21. Gun, X360, new/sealed, $16.99
22. Quake 4, X360, new/sealed, $16.99
23. Rumble Roses XX, X360, n. mint, complete, $22.49
Strategy Guides
1. Genma Onimusha, XBox, $5
2. Manhunt, PS2/XBox, $5
Wow, did you ever get some incredible deals. Awesomeness. How do you do it?
[QUOTE="gmsnpr"]3. A PS1/PS2 to N64 controller adaptor, v. fine, loose, FREE. I've never before seen such a thing.inkwolf
That is really cool. Do I understand correctly that this adapter lets you play on an N64 console with PS1/2 controllers? I've never really liked the N64 controller, so that's pretty sweet.
next big post to follow
*lots of games, most at GREAT deals.*
Also picket up the 3 burger king games on the 19th.
New items slowly trickling in...
Mario Power Tennis (GC)-free!! :D
[QUOTE="jollyroger78"]New items slowly trickling in...
Mario Power Tennis (GC)-free!! :D
[QUOTE="waflerevolution"] [QUOTE="jollyroger78"]New items slowly trickling in...
Mario Power Tennis (GC)-free!! :D
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