Nothing too snazzy, but not too shabby either.
Sunday I got:
Star Ocean: TTEOT
Dragon Quest: VIII
Odd World: Munch's Oddysse
Maximo: Ghost to Glory
one other game that I dont remember (that is just sad) - $80
Just now:
Genesis w an extra controller (up until this point Ive only had a Nomad)
NHLPA Hockey 93 (GEN)
Altered Beast (GEN)
Mortal Kombat (GEN)
Streets of Rage 2 (GEN)
Alien Trilogy (GEN)
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)
Game Shark (N64) ---All for $40. I got it all at a shop which is about 15min from my office. I actually picked up a few other games, but I guess the guy forgot to ring them up, but whatever They actually charged me about $3 less than the listed price for the stuff. They will probably still have the stuff when I get a chance to go back there in a few days bc they dont have a huge oldschool selection (or turnover rate)
(Random question. Notice how there is a space between each game title. This is not intentional, but whenever I use Gamespot and I hit enter it automatically gives me an extra space. Ive tried to fix this but can't figure out how. Does anyone know how to take care of this?)
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