I tried to go to work today but found that due to a power outage our entire network was down. So, what does one do in that situation? I took the opportunity to drive around to a bunch of stores that are a bit out of the way for me. Here's the damage:
Cars (X360), New, $30
Crimson Sea 2 (PS2), Used, Complete, $12
God of War II (PS2), New, $50
Gunvalkyrie (XBOX), Used, Missing manual (but I know where I can get one and the disc and case were perfect), $5
Resident Evil 0 (GC), Used, Complete, $10
Resident Evil (GC), Used, Complete, $10
Resident Evil 3 (GC), Used, Complete, $20
Shining Force Neo (PS2), New, $30
SOCOM II (PS2), New, $10
Star Fox: Assault (GC), Used, Complete, $17
Summoner (PS2), Used, Complete, $3
Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (GC), New, $10
I've never played the RE games so I've decided that since the GC has all of them (1-4, plus Zero, and Code Veronica) that would be a nice platform to target for getting all the games.
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