Upon defeating the creature, a treasure chest appeared in the center of the room. Walking over and opening it, Squirrel discovered a whip.
"Uh... I guess I should be excited." She muttered sarcastically, then noticed the gap on the other side of the room. "Hm, this could actually be useful." Polls were sticking out of the nothingness, with a hook that Squirrel's new whip could latch onto.
Why not give it a try? I've got nothing better to do, even if I fall into that bottomless pit of death. She thought as she readied herself. Using the whip to cross from poll to poll, she eventually got to the other side. After walking through the corridor, she entered through a side-entrance of a room with blood-red water, and a wasp creature.
Hey...there's Leon and Xane. She thought, spotting her teammates on a platform near what she figured was the actual entrance to the room.
"Hey guys! What'd I miss?" She used the new whip to cross the water, and land on the same platform as her teammates.
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