I have seen plenty of videos, I've played LONG hours on the PS3 beta, was ranked 3rd on the leaderboards for the demo, but I STILL have never been pleased with the frikking smoke grenades out of the GNLs. They're freaking retarded. Or so I thought.
Yeah, it took me til just last week to see that they are range dependent---with amounts of smoke given.
I thought this was a line of sight deception at first but it's not. The little plume of smoke these things give off are worthless! But only if you shoot them at the ground within 50 feet of your location. Seriously. Shoot em further. And further. Strangely, (lazerbeam eyes at you DICE) the further away you shoot them, the smoke they generate, and their duration increases as well.
NOTE: Be very aware of what sort of terrain you're shooting them at as well. Water=nothing. Snow=muted effect. Dirt, pavement, sand=THE BEST RESULTS.
I've been using them a lot lately now that I understand (or seem to understand) their totally retarded mechanics. I've had an enemy Bradley sitting/shooting at my base while I was maybe 6 feet in front of it. IN IT'S LINE OF SIGHT, while enemies were jumping out running right past me as I shot them in the back, because of the smoke.
Things to know/use to your advantage(s) with smoke:
-The reload time on them is half of what the shotgun/grenades are.
-If you get shot, and are presumably spotted, even though small, smoke at your feet and the spot will disappear, while you get to cover.
-You cannot 'spot' people within the smoke radius, including vehicles.
-Enemies can no longer 'spot' you or friendly vehicles within smoke. Not even the auto-spot scope works.
-When MCOM stations are out in the open (notorious in Valparaso/lighthouse map) smoke the area before arming.
-If you decide to jump out of a helo, smoke the area you plan on jumping to before doing so.
-You can get a kill from a smoke grenade---the grenade has to hit them before the smoke detonates is all.
-They have a timed fuse just like the grenades, so shooting them within like 5 feet will get you a bouncing shell.
This post was mainly just to bring to attention that the smokes, are, at times worth their while. You just need to know how they work to get the most out of them.
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