I'm torn between Street Fighter IV, Soul Calibur IV, Tekken 6, and Mortal Kombat vs DC. I think I will only have enough money for one, but MAYBE (and that's a big maybe) I will have enough for two. So just recommend what you think is the best overall package fighting game-wise, and then throw in your choice on second best. Please take note that I like all types of fighting games, so wether a game's fighting system is highly complex, or really simple, it doesn't matter to me. Like I said I'm just looking for the best overall package.
Super Street Fighter IV is coming out next month, so I would consider getting that game. You get online play, plus there areactive communitieswhere you can improve your game, There's also the massive SSFIV thread in this forum, so check that out.
Looking for an RPG on the PS2 that isn't catered to young people or teenagers. I tried playing FFX, for example, and was turned off by what I thought were incredibly cheesy cut scenes. I heard the target audience of the FF series were teenagers so it didn't surprise me much. Though I'm sure countless people disagree with those comments... perhaps someone can relate and suggest an RPG that I might like.
Check out Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and see if that's more to your liking. I would also recommend Persona 4; even though you play the game as high-schoolers, the themes are geared towards a more mature crowd. Basically, these two games don't pull punches.
I haven't played the Shadow Hearts games, but they're supposed to have mature themes too.
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