I just recently played Chrono Trigger, and I really liked how you could see the enemies on the main world and you could choose to approach them or not without randomly encountering them every 5 to 10 steps, are there any other RPG's on any console that have a similar battle system?StuartMcKenzie
The "Tales of" games such as Tales of Symphonia(Gamecube), Tales of Vesperia(Xbox 360), Tales of the Abyss(PS2), Tales of Legendia(PS2) are excellent candidates. Persona 3 and Persona 4 are also excellent titles. Radiata Stories(PS2) is another. Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time(PS2) and the upcoming Star Ocean 4(Xbox 360). Grandia 3(PS2). Final Fantasy XII(PS2). Rouge Galaxy(PS2). Dark Cloud 1 and 2(PS2). Tales of Destiny I and II(PSX). Lunar Silver Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete(PSX). Eternal Sonata(Xbox 360).
Well, there you go. As you can see, there are quite a few titles that support the abiliity to see the enemy and decide whether or not to fight it.
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