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I'm really stoked about this game but its going to be hard splitting up my time between Black Ops, Hot Pursuit, and GT5.
[QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]:lol:... nice. This is what I get for updating the thread title first. Ooops, I should have looked here first. Bah... no worries. Now I've got the little 'GS' symbol on my thread, which makes it even better than it was before.:Plol Beat you by a second. :P
I keep seeing this everywhere... wats a premium car? and wats the deal with some being exclusive.. i have no idea
Amar from has the game and is posting impressions:
There is an optional install that is 6.4GBs. It takes about 40 minutes to install.
Cockpit view can be adjusted from a wide angle view that shows more of the car interior, down to a closer view that shows more of the road.
Map Size can be adjusted, unfortunately, no option to turn-off the HUD yet.
Prior to the race start you can chooseDepletion of Tires/Fuel.
First to say that sound is greatly improved (I have a large 5.1 setup). Best sound is from the roof-cam (no hood cam, it's final), while tyre sound is refined additionaly. Sound of impact is vastly improved when you bump into other cars.
You can choose design of your racing suit (only once per save) and then design your My Life space (backgrounc color, profile picture (from the PhotoModes, interesting??), you can choose from 12 beautiful sceneries for the Home Wallpaper and edit your Welcome Message.
Before going to Licenses you have to purchase a car. Purchasing a car in some colour gives you the Paint Item for that colour (for body or rims).
Here is most of Amars fourth update, I've bolded the important stuff (to me anyway).
At this update I'll try to tackle some issues from yesterday, with focus on some questions I found interesting and some elaborations regarding various parts of the GT5.
With physics being most important in my book, I understand that some observation from tomorrow were somehow misleading. So, here are the further impressions.
I drive with G25, no assists except ABS (1), and no clutch (although it works as previously mentioned). I have no idea about limitations of sequential shifters on G27 (as witnessed in Prologue and TT demo), none of my friends have it and I can't try it at this point. I also have a Fanatec 911 GT3 RSV2 Clubsport waiting to be mounted, but until my new rig comes that baby will not start it's GT5 life.
As I mentioned yesterday, most important issue in physics is disappearance of STD/PRO distinction. Instead, GT5 introduces new driving-aid, Skid Recovery Force, which somewhat limits car lateral movement allowing for easier control. I presume it also applies some kind of steering buffer for controller users, but I haven't try the game with the pad so I can't elaborate further. As said before, all license test in N-B and N-A divisions comes with SRF enabled and I presume it can be disabled by progressing into higher tiers of Licenses - as logic of the licenses determines, since by advancing you can turn-off almost every assists (or the appropriate test turns it off as mandatory).
My physics impression comes from driving stock RX-7 (N2), stock M3 (S1) and racing Castrol Supra (R1) on dry surfaces. GT5 physics is the most advanced physics any any GT game to date, more complex than Prologue, demanding as Academy TT physics, but much more subtile and profound. Tire-snap is now logical, you can feel the surface, suspension and weight on tires and you can perfectly determine what is going on with the tire-grip. I'm impressed with modeling of suspensions - feel of the road is phenomenal and in every moment you know what your car is doing through the force feedback effect delivered on the wheel.
You have a constant idea what your car is doing and you just know when you did something wrong. It is very difficult to explain by words, but all variables that determines the feel of the car on particular part of the track are linked perfectly. You just know when you're going over the top, when the line you've taken will not be good or when you've applied the wrong steer. Also, greatest improvement is done in realms of racing cars, where Kazunori finally reached the levels of his only inspiration, Yu Suzuki's masterpiece F355 Challenge. Sense of speed through corners is now perfect. The insane level of grip and power of race cars has been finally toned down, and feeling of having an ultimate driving machine now comes from ability to steer perfectly, to have control of throttle and brakes, to feel the suspension and to have time to prepare for next maneuver. Refinement in this area is the most important to me, because in all previous GT games I had problems with insanity of race cars. Now everything is in place as it should be, and I love that aspect most.
Of course, in days to come, GT5's physics will be analyzed as no driving-game physics ever was. I expect many criticism, searching for flaws, comparisment with "this game" or "that game", but I have strong impression that physics in GT5 is the most refined physics ever introduced in virtual world - as long as "physics" is determined by the feel of actual driving, feel of tires, feel of suspension, weight transfer, engine momentum and actual feel of steering. Sense of speed, grip, weight and car-performance is just logical and natural - and that is what matters most.
I tried to drive without ABS on both stock cars mentioned above, but even G25 pedals are not up to that task , Although overall effect of non-ABS braking is more refined than in Prologue, brakes needs to be approached with great attention. Actual tire-lock is easy to be done and I really have no idea how will users of DFGT/DFP drive without ABS if wanted . Watching braking without ABS in replays finally looks logical and natural and later afternoon I'll be doing much more research in that particular field. On the other side, driving a Castrol Supra on R1 without ABS was totally different from stock-cars, I could tackle braking more efficiently and I presume that mechanical setting (tire compound, suspension, brake power distribution) have lot to do with the overall immersion of the non-ABS braking.
One of the most common questions was one regarding the sounds. GT5 have drastically improved sounds over Prologue in every way. I started a Demo Drive for F430 and it sounds much better than in Prologue, as well as all cars I've driven. Notice that sound changes when driving in cockpit, as I mentioned yesterday best (loudest and clearest) sound is when driving from the roof-cam. However, it is logical to be as that, because the sound of the car from outside and from inside is not the same, as in real life. In the sound department I really love the way in which Doppler effect have been implemented during replays. It shines in surround setting and everybody who got any kind of surround system will enjoy probably the most realistic interpretation of audio-design in virtual racing from "spectator" point of view.
Speaking about replays, they're much more complicated in execution than in previous games, with much more option on disposal. You have 2 interior views focused solely on driver (not sure about that view being available for STD cars) and animation of the driver and interior lightning is just phenomenal.
More serious drivers will love the fact that fuel depletion is now inter-connected to the power of the engine, it's aspiration and way of driving. Although I didn't research it yet in any longer race, menu clearly says that driving more aggressively, with revving into red-area and such will consume more fuel. I hope I'll have time to tackle both tire-wear and fuel-depletion today and it is clear it will add whole another dimension for online racing. I have no idea about brake-fade and such but I'll share any insights as soon as I realize them.
Slipstream has finally been reduced to normal levels and I can't wait to go online and try it in real races. Insane slipstream does not exist anymore and it is noticeable from few licenses that includes slipstreaming . Slow drivers will not be happy, fast drivers will finally get a deserved on-track advantage for their skill outside the straight. Amar
I found the TT demos physics to be blissfully amazing and fun, its one thing to have realistic physics, the game still has to feel fun or no one is going to enjoy racing and PD definitely nailed it here. I'm so stoked to just Heres a quote from Amars fifth update to top it all off.
"I will just expand my thoughts regarding execution of the physics/vehicle characteristics/tire modeling, by saying that GT5 provides unprecedented variety of feels for different cars, as never before. Racing 512BB on Rome Track (and Rome track is great I must admit) is totally different experience than racing new Infinity. I know it is logical to say "it is totally different" - they're totally different cars in any mean after all - by it is also not easily explainable by words. Everything we know about feel of the cars from previous games has been rewritten, so to say - torque, weight, lateral movement, way of braking, accelerating - everything is so unique to each car, as never before. Exploring the whole universe of different types of cars will now have a whole new meaning."
Are you excited for license tests? You have no idea how much I enjoy them, its one of my favourite things about GT. Of course, im not talking about the beginning "start and stop in 1000 meters" stuff, but the more creative and challanging ones at the later stages. That's probably the only possible place I could be disappointed in GT5, if they don't make creative and memorable license tests but I think they will be great.F1LengendI actually really enjoyed license challenges, so yeah, I'll be more than happy to plow through that stuff. I doubt I've got what it takes to get gold medals in them, but I'll enjoy it for sure.
I haven't seen any videos of it. I did see a photomode picture of it though. In any case, I'm hoping to avoid ever seeing any by not crashing.:Pbut what about damage? how come nobody's talking about damage?
[QUOTE="F1Lengend"]Are you excited for license tests? You have no idea how much I enjoy them, its one of my favourite things about GT. Of course, im not talking about the beginning "start and stop in 1000 meters" stuff, but the more creative and challanging ones at the later stages. That's probably the only possible place I could be disappointed in GT5, if they don't make creative and memorable license tests but I think they will be great.rragnaarI actually really enjoyed license challenges, so yeah, I'll be more than happy to plow through that stuff. I doubt I've got what it takes to get gold medals in them, but I'll enjoy it for sure.
I haven't seen any videos of it. I did see a photomode picture of it though. In any case, I'm hoping to avoid ever seeing any by not crashing.:Pbut what about damage? how come nobody's talking about damage?
I like license tests up to a point. One the positive side, they help one become a better driver, on the downside, some of them are harder than diamond.
In about 45 minutes Gamespot will be doing a live broadcast of the game here:
Now Playing - Gran Turismo
edit: From watching the stream, I don't think I'll bother reading the GS review. They pretty much hate the game.
I've been avoiding footage for a while now. Since I'm sure I'm going to get GT5, what would be the point of watching it?
Its odd that GSdislikes GT5. Their review won't sway my purchasing decision, but I'm going to read what they have to say with interest. The only reviews I tend to avoid are those with spoilers (the other weak I turned off X-Play in the middle of its Ghost of Sparta review because the review was so filled with spoilers) and that's not an issue with GT.
In about 45 minutes Gamespot will be doing a live broadcast of the game here:
Now Playing - Gran Turismo
edit: From watching the stream, I don't think I'll bother reading the GS review. They pretty much hate the game.
lol why do they hate the game?
In about 45 minutes Gamespot will be doing a live broadcast of the game here:
Now Playing - Gran Turismo
edit: From watching the stream, I don't think I'll bother reading the GS review. They pretty much hate the game.
I've been avoiding footage for a while now. Since I'm sure I'm going to get GT5, what would be the point of watching it?
Its odd that GSdislikes GT5. Their review won't sway my purchasing decision, but I'm going to read what they have to say with interest. The only reviews I tend to avoid are those with spoilers (the other weak I turned off X-Play in the middle of its Ghost of Sparta review because the review was so filled with spoilers) and that's not an issue with GT.
They just don't seem to be very informed about race sims(comparing GT to Grid and Need For Speed at a few points) and the history of the series and Justin doesn't seem like a very good racer. They talk about the tracks being ugly during a kart race, when clearly the kart track was not representative of the other tracks in the game, one of them made a comment that you could 'turn any of the tracks into dirt tracks in the old GT games'... things like that. I just get the sense that this is just another review for them and that they'd rather be playing something else. I'm sure their review will have value, but it doesn't sound like it will be written from a perspective that I can appreciate.edit: They also say the game doesn't have custom soundtracks, when it does... things like that. In this stream they seem to be content with answering questions before they actually know the answer.
In about 45 minutes Gamespot will be doing a live broadcast of the game here:
Now Playing - Gran Turismo
edit: From watching the stream, I don't think I'll bother reading the GS review. They pretty much hate the game.
I've been avoiding footage for a while now. Since I'm sure I'm going to get GT5, what would be the point of watching it?
Its odd that GSdislikes GT5. Their review won't sway my purchasing decision, but I'm going to read what they have to say with interest. The only reviews I tend to avoid are those with spoilers (the other weak I turned off X-Play in the middle of its Ghost of Sparta review because the review was so filled with spoilers) and that's not an issue with GT.
They just don't seem to be very informed about race sims(comparing GT to Grid and Need For Speed at a few points) and the history of the series and Justin doesn't seem like a very good racer. They talk about the tracks being ugly during a kart race, when clearly the kart track was not representative of the other tracks in the game, one of them made a comment that you could 'turn any of the tracks into dirt tracks in the old GT games'... things like that. I just get the sense that this is just another review for them and that they'd rather be playing something else. I'm sure their review will have value, but it doesn't sound like it will be written from a perspective that I can appreciate.edit: They also say the game doesn't have custom soundtracks, when it does... things like that. In this stream they seem to be content with answering questions before they actually know the answer.
Its very strange indeed, go watch the Forza 3 review by the same guy and see how explicit his details of the game are. He clearly loved every second of it, sounded knowledgeable and gave props to T10s achievements. Its like the entire gaming journalists forgot about Gran Turismo now that PS3 isn't their main system or something. I wish Brain Ekberg was reviewing this, he was fair and new his stuff.Where is everyone, its out in an hour, the end of the world is probably upon us! Sucks to miss the launch but by Christmas I may be back in the mix.dvader654
i am skipping this.
wont rent it till the 30th which is when my BB gets it.
Its very strange indeed, go watch the Forza 3 review by the same guy and see how explicit his details of the game are. He clearly loved every second of it, sounded knowledgeable and gave props to T10s achievements. Its like the entire gaming journalists forgot about Gran Turismo now that PS3 isn't their main system or something. I wish Brain Ekberg was reviewing this, he was fair and new his stuff.F1Lengend
Shots fired.
Even though I've got it paid off at GS, I kinda want to go get it from Walmart in 2 hours.rragnaar
do it. dont give GS your money. how can they not do a midnight launch for whats probably the biggest ps3 exclusive anyway?i cancelled my uncharted 2 preorder at GS because they refused to do a midnight launch, i just stepped into the walmart around the corner and picked it up at midnight with no fuss whatsoever. i dont get why people love GS anyway. the night Halo Reach launched, there were some 200 people lined up outside of my local Gamestop for two hours, and had to wait an extra hour or so to get their copy. meanwhile, there is a blockbuster and walmart right next door with no lines or waiting whatsoever. it's mindboggling really.
also just read a post on gaf claiming the reviewers only got 2 days to review the game. and only one day to check out the online component. For a game that locks away all the cool cars, that makes you grind for hours, 2 days is simply not enough. i also hear that whether and other features are locked as well. Why Sony keep shooting themselves in the foot is beyond me. That guy on gaf is right, GT5 has been managed poorly right from the word go. It shouldve been a PS3 launch title yet we are getting it FOUR years after launch. Pretty emblematic of Sony this gen actually.
edit: i cant believe i spelled weather wrong.
[QUOTE="rragnaar"]Even though I've got it paid off at GS, I kinda want to go get it from Walmart in 2 hours.S0lidSnake
do it. dont give GS your money. how can they not do a midnight launch for whats probably the biggest ps3 exclusive anyway?i cancelled my uncharted 2 preorder at GS because they refused to do a midnight launch, i just stepped into the walmart around the corner and picked it up at midnight with no fuss whatsoever. i dont get why people love GS anyway. the night Halo Reach launched, there were some 200 people lined up outside of my local Gamestop for two hours, and had to wait an extra hour or so to get their copy. meanwhile, there is a blockbuster and walmart right next door with no lines or waiting whatsoever. it's mindboggling really.
also just read a post on gaf claiming the reviewers only got 2 days to review the game. and only one day to check out the online component. For a game that locks away all the cool cars, that makes you grind for hours, 2 days is simply not enough. i also hear that whether and other features are locked as well. Why Sony keep shooting themselves in the foot is beyond me. That guy on gaf is right, GT5 has been managed poorly right from the word go. It shouldve been a PS3 launch title yet we are getting it FOUR years after launch. Pretty emblematic of Sony this gen actually.
edit: i cant believe i spelled weather wrong.
PS3 launch game? Impossible. Franchises don't last long when they are rushed and shipped out in mediocrity. GT4 came out in 04, prologue came out in 07 and was half a game (although looked great and had more cars than most games). Anyway, this is definitely a messy launch and shows PD has lots to learn even though this game looks ace. They are in prime position to set GT6 for a PS4 launch and really start over with Sony as a whole. They can even get two GTs out in one gen although that would put the next game (GT8 lol) in a bad position. Wait, how did I get to GT8...Time for some starcraft II than sleep and wake up early for this game (*took a week off work)I just watched about 20 minutes of that Now Playing feature.
Honest thoughts: Justin Calvert is being a bit unfair. He expects his imported cars from the PSP Gran Turismo to be completely remodeled for GT5? That seems like an unrealistic expecation to me. This permeates alot of his impressions. He also mentions that he's disappointed that his imported cars don't have cockpit views. HELLO! Dude, give me a break. The game has 1000 cars, did you expect PD to remodel all of the cars from PSPS GT history including cockpits for you? .
I am definitely a little disappointed in the presentation. The tracks look bland. The models of the bystanders look terrible, like crash-test dummies. What happened to this being THE showcase for PS3 power? Wasn't this game in development for 7 years? Also, Calvert mentioned that only "premium" vehicles recieved modeled interiors. This is disappointing. I was really looking forward to using that view for alot of the game, some of the models looked stunning. And the Karts did look terrible. My god. Could this be a case of PD stressing too much over the technical aspects of these cars, and not enough on shocking the world with a beautiful racing game?
Anyway, I can tell Calvert doesn't like the game very much, but only time will tell how this game is recieved, as well as how well it plays and how much fun it is when we all unwrap it and try it for ourselves.
Gran Turismo 5 is in my PS3. That doesn't even seem real to me. I fairly awake now, so I'll try to stay up and get some races in before I pass out. My best friend and I went up to Walmart and got copies. They only had five on display. I don't know if they've got more in back, but it makes me wonder how many copies they were able to print.
Gran Turismo 5 is in my PS3. That doesn't even seem real to me. I fairly awake now, so I'll try to stay up and get some races in before I pass out. My best friend and I went up to Walmart and got copies. They only had five on display. I don't know if they've got more in back, but it makes me wonder how many copies they were able to print.
You can do it! :P Impressions Rrag!
I just watched about 20 minutes of that Now Playing feature.
Honest thoughts: Justin Calvert is being a bit unfair. He expects his imported cars from the PSP Gran Turismo to be completely remodeled for GT5? That seems like an unrealistic expecation to me. This permeates alot of his impressions. He also mentions that he's disappointed that his imported cars don't have cockpit views. HELLO! Dude, give me a break. The game has 1000 cars, did you expect PD to remodel all of the cars from PSPS GT history including cockpits for you? .
I am definitely a little disappointed in the presentation. The tracks look bland. The models of the bystanders look terrible, like crash-test dummies. What happened to this being THE showcase for PS3 power? Wasn't this game in development for 7 years? Also, Calvert mentioned that only "premium" vehicles recieved modeled interiors. This is disappointing. I was really looking forward to using that view for alot of the game, some of the models looked stunning. And the Karts did look terrible. My god. Could this be a case of PD stressing too much over the technical aspects of these cars, and not enough on shocking the world with a beautiful racing game?
Anyway, I can tell Calvert doesn't like the game very much, but only time will tell how this game is recieved, as well as how well it plays and how much fun it is when we all unwrap it and try it for ourselves.
IGN wasn't impressed either (they state most of the cars arent' well modeled, AI is still braindead, its too hard to damage cars, some of the track modelling sucks, the track creator isn't good, etc). The fact Sony kept the game from reviewers up until the last minute coupled with the early negative reviews is really, really lowering my expectations for GT5.
It sounds like the core gameplay is good, so as a big fan of the series I am going to pick it up after work today, but viewed through the filter of other people who have played it sounds like GT5 is a big game, ambitious game hurt by the developer's inability to know when to say when. As I often say in the context of wrpgs (especially those by Obsidian), throwing in all the stuff one can up until the game ships (as opposed to polishing a smaller amount of stuff) doesn't make for a better game.
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