RE5 does play like RE4, the more I play the more the seem exactly alike. Its slightly different in a few things, so anyone that played RE4 extensively will have a sort of shock to the system when they first play it but in the end its the same. i dont understand how the control scheme is clumsy when it is identical to RE4. Are you putting aiming to fastest, are you playing with control scheme A, if so there is no real difference. The enemies act the same, your character moves sort of the same way. The camera positioning maybe a bit different but it still works. There is nothing in RE5 that I couldn't do in RE4.
Melee is actually better in RE5. I understand the first reaction that melee took a hit, I had it as well. Upon further playing I found that the melee system has been completely revamped to offer far more depth. In RE4 you had one type of attack, depending on the enemy it was a certain animation. Sure that one move maybe did more damage or felt it did more damage but it never offered the chance for a follow up. In this game you can take out any regular enemy with one shot to the head, one melee attack to knock them down and then a melee attack to finish them off on the floor. Way more effective than in RE4. Plus you can get your partner involved and do team super moves. Also each character has an instant kill move if you make the enemy kneel to the floor and get behind them. There are far more moves and they are more effective.
The partner AI is actually really damn good. I think I only had Sheva die once on me the whole time I played with her, even when I experimented with her by giving her no weapons or making her go on attack mode, she managed to stay alive. I advise everyone to keep her on cover, she will basically do exactly what you do. If you shoot she will shoot, if you run she will run, she will always be around to give you help when you need her. She acts as an extension of your character, you can almost pretend she is not there. In a game this chaotic I am shocked at how well behaved the AI is, she doesn't steal your ammo, she wont go around getting herself killed, she doesn't waste ammo for no reason (again as long as you dont put her in attack mode), she knows when to heal and when not to. By far this was my biggest concern with the game and so far I am extremely pleased with the results.
My logic is fine, those additions you mention COMPLIMENT (could be a good addition or a bad one) the RE4 style gameplay but they dont change it. Changing the scheme changes the combat, change the combat you change the game. Should the combat stay like this forever, of course not, does it need to change after ONE game, no it does not. There is plenty room to explore this type of game.
I am sick of everyone wanting this game to be something its not. Why muse everygame play just like every other. EVERY single freaking shooter has the same boring twin stick control scheme. One game has a different control scheme, not one that is broken, not one that doesn't work, just one that doesn't fit the usual categories everyone is used to and everyone freaks out. The last 4 years has changed nothing, games have had the same controls as they did back in 2005 when RE4 came out, there have been no magic advancements in controls, so dont act like RE5 is a step back, its just different, just like RE4. This westernization of everything is going to far, I for one am sick of it and I am glad a developer sticks with a formula that worked even if its different.
As I said before leave my RE alone, go play another game if you want the same controls, the same combat as everything else.
(ok went off on a rant but yeah I am fed up with people telling me that the game I am playing is broken, when it clearly is not)
Your RE?
Spare me your indignities. I've been playing this franchise since day one and I've allowed for plenty of concessions when it comes to control. Your entire argument is hypocritical because you defend radical change when it suits your own viewpoint and then reject minor change for some narrow adherence to a construct that was never all that wonderful to begin with.
As for Sheeva, her AI is garbage. She's a dull-witted automaton and she gets in the way constantly. It's obvious they made her as a stand in for co-op, which is what this pathetic entry is all about. RE is officially a forced two-player experience. Hooray for the death of the singular RE game. Maybe the next game can be RE: Party Edition because god knows this series is no longer even remotely about survival horror.
Also, adding a stomp move to the melee doesn't revamp it and make it superior, especially when the overall effectiveness of the standard melee attack has become a nerfed, flaccid shadow of it's former self. Perhaps if the developers had added more than one type of swing to the knife attack, the idea of an expanded melee system would have been effectively implemented. Then again, such adjustments might actually "ruin" the gameplay by, you know, making sense and being intuitive.
And despite your incessant protestations, adding strafing and full analog control wouldn't radically alter the gameplay. What it might do is force the lazy developers to actually improve the ridiculous AI of the enemies, most of whom, like RE4, run at you and then come to a halt so they can be easily dispatched. I guess, technically speaking, making the control slower and less responsive is one way to up the difficulty but frankly, that seems like a pretty backwards mentality in terms of game design.
And yes, the control scheme is busted because the game is stiff and unintuitive. Your whole diatribe about games being "westernized" is off point and completely irrelevant because I've played plenty of Japanese games that control beautifully. RE5 and its controls are not some perfect little slice of sublime gaming and frankly, it plays like a broken, unpolished third person shooter. Crappy controls do not make it special and your fierce, fetishistic commitment to banality and stagnancy doesn't imbue your arguments with any higher degree of truth. You operate under the notion that you and those who share your mindset are the only fans "who get" what RE is all about and that's simply untrue. There are plenty of RE fans who have been loyal supporters of this franchise for a very long time and we are genuinely unhappy with this demo and for good reason.
The truth is that you were going to love this game no matter what so instead of acting like the control complaints are not legitimate (because they most certainly are) why not just admit you have fanboy blinders on and be honest with yourself and the rest of us? It's okay to love this game and this franchise unconditionally but this mass delusional cool aide you want everybody else to drink just isn't going to happen. RE5 may not be a step backwards but at best it's a step to the side, which is hardly something to praise given the pedigree of the franchise.
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