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Since we are speculating didn't Miyamoto mention something about this game being after Twilight Princess? Therefore Link would already start with the Master Sword and Ganon wouldn't be the villain, unless he finds some way to come back - it wouldn't shock me if he does.
Since we are speculating didn't Miyamoto mention something about this game being after Twilight Princess? Therefore Link would already start with the Master Sword and Ganon wouldn't be the villain, unless he finds some way to come back - it wouldn't shock me if he does.
pretty sure he said to ign that it wouldn't be a tp seuqel
Interesting lil concern from System Wars.... Nobody in Miyamoto's conference ever said anything about a whitish girl riding Link. Not 100% sure this is the picture..AlexSays
is there a way we can ask the guys from ign or gamspor or some other place if this is the real pic? for me it loooks real but I'm not totally sure
Since we are speculating didn't Miyamoto mention something about this game being after Twilight Princess? Therefore Link would already start with the Master Sword and Ganon wouldn't be the villain, unless he finds some way to come back - it wouldn't shock me if he does.
pretty sure he said to ign that it wouldn't be a tp seuqel
Interesting lil concern from System Wars.... Nobody in Miyamoto's conference ever said anything about a whitish girl riding Link. Not 100% sure this is the picture..AlexSays
is there a way we can ask the guys from ign or gamspor or some other place if this is the real pic? for me it loooks real but I'm not totally sure
Dude, it's real. I know where TC got the pic but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the there a way we can ask the guys from ign or gamspor or some other place if this is the real pic? for me it loooks real but I'm not totally surehyrueprince11You could probably email or message Matt CassaSumpthin'. I'm convinced though.
Trust me, its the picture. I downloaded it out of Nintendo's E3 press kit (along with other goodies) I would link it but I don't know if its in line with the TOS.bc1391I'd be willing to have you moderated for factual evidence. [spoiler] Just Kidding :D [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="hyrueprince11"]is there a way we can ask the guys from ign or gamspor or some other place if this is the real pic? for me it loooks real but I'm not totally sureAlexSaysYou could probably email or message Matt CassaSumpthin'. I'm convinced though.
Trust me, its the picture. I downloaded it out of Nintendo's E3 press kit (along with other goodies) I would link it but I don't know if its in line with the TOS.bc1391I'd be willing to have you moderated for factual evidence. [spoiler] Just Kidding :D [/spoiler] ]
I'm also pretty convinced but it wouldn't hurt anyone to ask someoned who saw the pic in the roundtable
ohh i got it!!!!! miyamot said this will be in a new era. well the era of before the master sword has not been yet seen. what if there is know master sword at all in this gmae but this zora person is actually the spirit of the master sword and her and link have to kill ganon but then she transfers herself into a sword and link seals her away in a temple so that other heros may use her when their destiny guides them to her.
That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture due to how she looked and there was no sword in Link's hand. That would be very interesting story wise if they decide to go in that direction. Wouldn't be the first game where there was no Master Sword to be used. Though the first for a console version of the game as that's usually done in the hand held versions.she is the master sword, ppl.
just compare the details
her clothes,her color, the cristal on the head, the place where she is, no sword on link's hand.
it's the spirit of the master sword.
ohh i got it!!!!! miyamot said this will be in a new era. well the era of before the master sword has not been yet seen. what if there is know master sword at all in this gmae but this zora person is actually the spirit of the master sword and her and link have to kill ganon but then she transfers herself into a sword and link seals her away in a temple so that other heros may use her when their destiny guides them to her.
Hm. Could be. It would be interesting since the Master Sword is more or less a character on its own. A sort of fleshed out origin story for how it came to be would be the bane of evil great could potentially make for an intriguing story.
Miyamoto is saying the absence of a sword is a hint. Some a hypothesizing that the girl is a personification of the Master Sword... just adding fuel to the hype train ;).
Anyway, the art looks cool but the style may change a bit by the time it's shown again. Also, this seems like a direct sequel to TP, looks like the same Link but a bit older.
One thing I just thought of that might throw a slight wrench on the idea that Link doesn't have a sword because the girl is the Master Sword is this: in every single Zelda game containing the Master Sword, Link first used another sword before finding the Master Sword. So, it would make no sense for him to just use nothing in lieu of a sword if this indeed was a separate game.
This might actually add credence to the idea that this game is perhaps a sequel to Twilight Princess (or any other Zelda, really) - if that were the case, then he would already have the Master Sword, and then it would make sense for him not to have a sword if it was indeed turned into that girl.
She kinda reminds me of the queen of Fairies in the Wind Waker. The little small girl that likes Link....tocool340
I'm shocked it took as long as it did for someone to bring that up. I was going to say the same thing, actually, as that was the first character I thought of when looking at the concept. Although, the whole "Master Sword Spirit" thing also sounds interesting. Hmm... I kinda wish I wouldn't have seen this so soon, but it's here now. *shrugs* Might as well enjoy it, huh? :P
[QUOTE="GabuEx"]Am I the only one who notices at least a passing resemblance?AlexSaysYes you are the only one. I'm not seeing that at all. lol
The skin color, facial structure, head shape, flowing robes... to be honest, in looking at it again it looks a lot like a younger Midna to me, albeit with different color hair.
Wow awesome, I knew that tiny blurry pic floating around was the real one, and Im glad they stuck with this art style. There is quite a bit we have learned just from this picture and I think danger_ranger95's theory maybe correct since she looks alot like the master sword if you look at her design. It seems like the most logical explanation for him not having a sword, but id assume she wouldn't return to her sword form till much later in the game meaning link would have other swords before then. And link has finally become a righty as well which is awesome, I think even if Nintendo had shown this at their conference we would have been satisfied with our zelda fix, I know i am and Im really excited for it as well.
WHERE IS THE SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hope to all that is HOLY that they dont get rid of the SWORD!EpiphoneMan2008
Maybe the lack of the sword is to represent that the sword isnt in Links hands but yours lol.
[QUOTE="tocool340"]She kinda reminds me of the queen of Fairies in the Wind Waker. The little small girl that likes Link....Madmangamer364
I'm shocked it took as long as it did for someone to bring that up.
I said that on the first page. But I'm liking the "manifestation of the sword" concept more so now.The skin color, facial structure, head shape, flowing robes... to be honest, in looking at it again it looks a lot like a younger Midna to me, albeit with different color hair.GabuExDamn your spoilers. I still haven't finished Twilight. lol The head shape and facial structure just seems like the regular ol' Zelda oval with eyes. I'll give you the rest though. It'd still take a more detailed picture to convince me. Right now it's a while girl with a ovaly face and a few gems who has a lot in common with a sword. Maybe this game has a young Midna who is really the Master Sword... but that'd just be weird.
It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...
It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...AmayaPapayaIt's already been confirmed as being real several times. It's real.
Not a fake, it comes straight from Nintendo's E3 Press Site, along with a ton of other artwork, videos, and screenshots from other games shown. The fact that its there means its supposed to be given to various press outlets for an announcement (or purposeful leaking) of the image later on.It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...
[QUOTE="AmayaPapaya"]It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...AlexSaysIt's already been confirmed as being real several times. It's real.
Where is the proof?
[QUOTE="AmayaPapaya"]Not a fake, it comes straight from Nintendo's E3 Press Site, along with a ton of other artwork, videos, and screenshots from other games shown. The fact that its there means its supposed to be given to various press outlets for an announcement (or purposeful leaking) of the image later on.It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...
That is a perfect picture! Nintendo would have had to leak it...I still am not to sure if it's real but ill accept it for now...
Where is the proof?AmayaPapayaYou mean besides in this thread? You seriously can't look around?
Someone at Kotaku was at the conference and they verified it.
Then some of us have links to Nintendo's actual press kit, which shows the picture.
It's legit dude.
You mean besides in this thread? You seriously can't look around?[QUOTE="AmayaPapaya"]Where is the proof?AlexSays
Someone at Kotaku was at the conference and they verified it.
Then some of us have links to Nintendo's actual press kit, which shows the picture.
It's legit dude.
Now why would i do that when i can have someone do it for me!
I guess you could easily say this is fake but i guess that link(BTW i mean the Internet Link...i had to re read it to know what it sounds like :P)looks bullet proof to me....
[QUOTE="EpiphoneMan2008"]WHERE IS THE SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hope to all that is HOLY that they dont get rid of the SWORD!MadSavage22
Maybe the lack of the sword is to represent that the sword isnt in Links hands but yours lol.
You should drop the lol cause that could very well be true. :)
If you notice the backround it shows what looks like a portal...A Portal to what...Time (Already done), Space (Fits the Galaxy theme), or just a portal to whereever (Twilight princess had something similar)...Maybe itss not a portal but a very important room...
Damn your spoilers. I still haven't finished Twilight. lolAlexSays
Oh, whoops. I kinda assumed that everyone had already finished it who was going to. :P
The head shape and facial structure just seems like the regular ol' Zelda oval with eyes. I'll give you the rest though. It'd still take a more detailed picture to convince me. Right now it's a while girl with a ovaly face and a few gems who has a lot in common with a sword. Maybe this game has a young Midna who is really the Master Sword... but that'd just be weird.AlexSays
Oh, I'm not saying that it's a perfect one-to-one mapping... but I can't look at those two pictures without seeing a very real resemblance between the two. Which would be fine by me; I was one of the few people who liked Midna. :P
But Link puts the Master Sword back at the end of TP. You don't actually see him do it, you just see the Master Sword sitting in the stone during the end credits. But I suppose he could always go back and get it (?). So I'm calling (and hoping) no on the TP sequel.One thing I just thought of that might throw a slight wrench on the idea that Link doesn't have a sword because the girl is the Master Sword is this: in every single Zelda game containing the Master Sword, Link first used another sword before finding the Master Sword. So, it would make no sense for him to just use nothing in lieu of a sword if this indeed was a separate game.
This might actually add credence to the idea that this game is perhaps a sequel to Twilight Princess (or any other Zelda, really) - if that were the case, then he would already have the Master Sword, and then it would make sense for him not to have a sword if it was indeed turned into that girl.
And I have to agree with everyone saying this is the spirit of the Master Sword. I mean, just look how pointy she is!
a fIt's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...
phishing site(lets say a fake site)is easily doable, there is still a chance this is a fan setup, and it doesnt takes a lot of effort to pull it out.Gonintendo was invited to the roundtable and they havent confirmed this, they did see the real picture and decided to respect.Nintendo never purposedly has let any press kit leak.Not to mention is as awkward as possible to imagine a link without sword but with a shield..Punching enemies?using magic beams from his hand?Sorry if im a bit skeptical but being Zelda and not an obscure game, the amount of pranksters out there is astounding. I will better just wait for some official material,Specially from sites that accepted the fake conduit review at first.
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