In the case of the storyline, It's hard to see how the creation of the Master Sword would fit in. It has been stated in past interviews that Ocarina is the first game in the series timeline, which is evidenced by Link being chosen as the Hero of Time by the gods to counter the evil that has come to Hyrule, and Gannon being born, not revived in a Dracula-esqe style. True, the Master Sword would've been made before OoT, but it doen't mean that Link is the Hero of Time at that point, or even there. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but does it say anything about there being a Hero of Time before the events in OoT anywhere within Ocarina, because I'm sure it didn't. It's been a while since I've played it though, so I'm a bit unsure.
Although, it was also stated (in the same interview I think) that they don't know where the Zelda games they are working on will take place until well into development, so it could become the first game storywise.
My theory, (if the girl with Link is actually the Master Sword), is that a Link from the future has to go back to the past to make sure that the Master Sword is created. Because in the future it has been wiped out of existence and the world is now a dark, evil place. Link is unaffected (He is the Hero of Time, after all:P), and is brought to the past by the spirit of 'The Master Sword' to save the day. Oh, and Gannon is behind it all.
I really would like to see a huge world in this one. I'm not saying that past games worlds weren't already huge, but I'd like to see something other then Hyrule. I'm sure that there are more kingdoms out their then Hyrule, and alot more princesses then Zelda that need saving. Link geting caught up in a war between two kingdoms would be great, as they go to charge each other Braveheart style with you caught in the middle having to fight your way out. But very doubtful at the same time.
As for gameplay, just give me good sword controls and a large expansive world full of evil to smite, and I'll be a happy camper:D
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