[QUOTE="AmayaPapaya"]a fishing site(lets say a nintendo.com fake site)is easily doable, there is still a chance this is a fan setup, and it doesnt takes a lot of effort to pull it out.Gonintendo was invited to the roundtable and they havent confirmed this, they did say the real picture and decided to respect.Nintendo never purposedly has let any press kit leak.Not to mention is as awkward as possible to imagine a link without sword but with a shield..Punching enemies?using magic beams from his hand?Sorry if im a bit skeptical but being Zelda and not an obscure game, the amount of pranksters out there is astounding. I will better just wait for some official material,Specially from sites that accepted the fake conduit review at first.It's an obviouse fake...he looks exactly like TP link or very similar...and what did everyone say...He is older than ever! If i saw that picture i would say...Oh he looks like TP link *Types description to web*...i wouldnt say o ya he is older than ever! Its not just IGN that said that! It was other Websites too...
Its not that the press kit leaked, its that the password and username were incredibly easy to get, since its the EXACT same one they used last year, save for 2009 instead of 2008. Seriously, its all there, videos, screenshots, and official artwork from all of the games they showed off this year. Even 3rd party stuff. Heck, you can get it if you google the right place.
I googled "nintendo E3 2009 press" and this was the second result, with the information showing up in the preview before I even clicked the page. The information to get there is at the bottom, you can check for yourself compadre.
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