I like curves in my women. ^^skinny is pretty.
but not like "ew skinny"
but i would say shapely women are pretty also.
but chunky women... well not so much... :P
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[QUOTE="PeterPerson"]I like curves in my women. ^^skinny is pretty.
but not like "ew skinny"
but i would say shapely women are pretty also.
but chunky women... well not so much... :P
i like.... men. :P
[QUOTE="ag1052"]My house has a foundation!!!JordanElek
That foundation is about as flat as the .. horizon!
Oh you did not just go there!
ok so here is one for you... peanut butter and jelly is a very common food... yet if you were to see someone eat a bowl of peanuts and stawberries (or grapes) you would think he is really weird... why is that?ag1052
because its not between bread.
ok so here is one for you... peanut butter and jelly is a very common food... yet if you were to see someone eat a bowl of peanuts and stawberries (or grapes) you would think he is really weird... why is that?ag1052
Peanuts and raisins go together.
[QUOTE="ag1052"]ok so here is one for you... peanut butter and jelly is a very common food... yet if you were to see someone eat a bowl of peanuts and stawberries (or grapes) you would think he is really weird... why is that?bob_newman
Peanuts and raisins go together.
Heck yeah they do; like in a good trail mix! The best trail mix is sold at Target of all places. I can't remember the brand they use but there's a bunch of different mixes they have and the best one is called Monster Blend I think. Delicious...
Is it a Canadian thing to call it peanut butter and jam?
...because that's what it's actually called. It is a preserved jam. I hate the word jelly. It reminds me of jellyfish, and I hate jellyfish.
Is it a Canadian thing to call it peanut butter and jam?
...because that's what it's actually called. It is a preserved jam. I hate the word jelly. It reminds me of jellyfish, and I hate jellyfish.
No we have jam here too and there's some sort of distinction but I have no idea what it is.
ONe sec while I look it up.........
The great Cecil Adams says.....
"Jelly is made from fruit juice and so has no fruit bits. Jam is made by boiling fruit and does have fruit bits. Preserves are basically the same as jam unless you buy them from Smucker's, in which case if it's got seeds in it it's preserves and if it doesn't it's jam. Marmalade typically is a citrus-based preserve, sometimes containing the rind, but other fruits can be used. Apple and peanut butter are called that because they bear a resemblance to dairy butter."
Now see this is why I WONT touch jam. The idea that it's the same consistency as someone chewing it and spitting it back in the jar before I put it on something bothers me.
I don't like chunky food, we've evolved as a society to the point where we can make these things smooth.
[QUOTE="ag1052"]ok so here is one for you... peanut butter and jelly is a very common food... yet if you were to see someone eat a bowl of peanuts and stawberries (or grapes) you would think he is really weird... why is that?bob_newman
Peanuts and raisins go together.
I never heard of no raisin jelly...Also the only jelly is GRAPE jelly.
Stawberry jelly is a secret plot for Communists to take over our country.
Strawberry red, communism red?
I think not!
I'll have to kindly disagree with you. While grape jelly is a very good jelly, my vote is with the dark horse of all jellies, RASPBERRY. I spoke about this a few weeks ago in this very thread... If you never had a grilled PB&J sandwich, then you haven't lived. That reminds of when the Counting Crows say "If you never stared off into the distance then your life is a shame..." Same thing with the grilled PB&J.
I took a class in college all about puzzles... I can solve the rubix cube... heck I can even do this.Jam> Jelly any day.
On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
p.s.... i can.. (i cheated because a friend taught me, so i didnt learn myself)
[QUOTE="alexh_99"]I took a class in college all about puzzles... I can solve the rubix cube... heck I can even do this.Jam> Jelly any day.
On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
p.s.... i can.. (i cheated because a friend taught me, so i didnt learn myself)
Awesome... I'm sure that's some kind of eye trickery but still cool nonetheless.
On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
People think I'm smart? Where did I go wrong?!?
I enjoy puzzles a lot, but I've never owned a Rubix Cube so I never got into it.
I'm sure it's not that hard once you memorize the pattern.
[QUOTE="alexh_99"]On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
People think I'm smart? Where did I go wrong?!?
I enjoy puzzles a lot, but I've never owned a Rubix Cube so I never got into it.
I'm sure it's not that hard once you memorize the pattern.
i...hate...rubix cubes
Anybody else catch David Cassidy on Oprah today?Jaysonguy
No. I can't bring myself to watch Oprah. Not for a Phish concert, not even for Burning Man.
[QUOTE="alexh_99"]On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
People think I'm smart? Where did I go wrong?!?
I enjoy puzzles a lot, but I've never owned a Rubix Cube so I never got into it.
I'm sure it's not that hard once you memorize the pattern.
its just because you take the time to write "wall o text"s
I enjoy puzzles a lot, but I've never owned a Rubix Cube so I never got into it.
I'm shocked
Not only did I have an old school Rubik's cube (made just about the time the cartoon came out "Rooooo-BIX!" lol I crack myself up just thinking about him talking)
I also had two keychain Rubik's cubes.
They're awesome
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Anybody else catch David Cassidy on Oprah today?bob_newman
No. I can't bring myself to watch Oprah. Not for a Phish concert, not even for Burning Man.
oprah is old stuff!
its all tyra these days! :P
[QUOTE="alexh_99"]On another note, who can solve a rubix cube? if i had to guess i would say jason and bob could.
People think I'm smart? Where did I go wrong?!?
I enjoy puzzles a lot, but I've never owned a Rubix Cube so I never got into it.
I'm sure it's not that hard once you memorize the pattern.
the first level is a piece of cake... the second is easy enough for most people... the third took me for'stink'ever to get down.its just because you take the time to write "wall o text"s
You hatin' on my stylez?!?
I'm shocked
Not only did I have an old school Rubik's cube (made just about the time the cartoon came out "Rooooo-BIX!" lol I crack myself up just thinking about him talking)
I also had two keychain Rubik's cubes.
They're awesome
I was poor. Too poor for Rubix Cubes, too poor for Burning Man.
Also, for my Christmas/Birthday gifts I'd get Ninja Turtles and Lego. And Video games sometimes.
oprah is old stuff!
its all tyra these days! :P
I just threw up a little.
the 2x2 rubiks cube is my favorite... it seems simple enough but if you touch anything you mess it all up...
So...you can't touch it? Like, it just sits there?
Yeah, sounds pretty easy all right.
today I was walking past EBGames today (Don't hate me Jayson, I was curious!) and they had one of those 2 for $20 bins.
Anyway, I picked up Viewtiful Joe 1&2 (great games), but more importantly, for some reason they put The Godfather: Blackhand Edition and Mercury Meltdown Revolution in there. I thought it was a mistake (MMR was even still in its wrapper), but I thought I might as well try taking them to the cashier, and they accepted it. I'm pretty sure they screwed up, but I don't care. So all in all I got 4 great games for $40.
Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.
i love it too.
almost as much as i love tyra! :P
me and my friend just decided to start worshipping her one day. its great fun! plus i love her talk show and she is soooo pretty!
You must all watch now!
"Rooooooooo-Bik, he's our frieeeeeeeeeenduah"
That was the best thing I've ever seen.
Tyra aint got nuttin' on Rubik!
I mean look at that impressive creature!
It's got legs and a head, no sort of formidable limbs at all! It's lack of working appendages strike terror in all that gaze upon him!
but can he vomit beams of light?
(i had to post another :P)
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]Tyra aint got nuttin' on Rubik!
I mean look at that impressive creature!
It's got legs and a head, no sort of formidable limbs at all! It's lack of working appendages strike terror in all that gaze upon him!
but can he vomit beams of light?
No he cannot and I'm in tears just contemplating what the creators of Rubik were thinking.
"Ok we need something that kids will love" "How about a Rubik's cube?" "That's great but it needs something else" "How about a head?" "GREAT, a head! does it need anything else" "How about some arms?" "Arms are last year, 81 is going to be the armsless year!" "Ok how about legs?" "No legs, just ankles and feet" "Kids love highly immobile helpless lead characters!"
"Ok can we do anything else?"
"I got it! Instead of the head coming out of the TOP of his body let's make it come out the front" "A permanent hunch! I love it!"
Ok I'm cracking up........
today I was walking past EBGames today (Don't hate me Jayson, I was curious!) and they had one of those 2 for $20 bins.
Anyway, I picked up Viewtiful Joe 1&2 (great games), but more importantly, for some reason they put The Godfather: Blackhand Edition and Mercury Meltdown Revolution in there. I thought it was a mistake (MMR was even still in its wrapper), but I thought I might as well try taking them to the cashier, and they accepted it. I'm pretty sure they screwed up, but I don't care. So all in all I got 4 great games for $40.
Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.
So...nobody's going to remark on my sweet deal? Come on!!!!
Hey Jordan your pic on the first post of the offtopic lounge is MIAag1052
I know. It'll be back in two days.
You did awesome shopping Bob
I was too hopped up with cracking up over Rubik to do anything else so I went to bed
I love finding deals, it's like my thing. I went and bought some of my Christmas presents online and then when they arrived I returned them with the slip from the store (you can never return the originals because they're bought with love). Made another 60 just switching games like that. Amazon had Puzzle Quest for 14.99 and Resident Evil UC for 29.99 so I mean I'm totally deal oriented.
I know 3 out of 4 of those games are completely awesome. I'm not sure about the puzzle one but for ten bucks can you really go wrong?
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