I was one of those that made Kevin Van-Ord cry after the Odin Sphere review. I didn't mean to make him cry, but as soon as I heard about it on "The Hotspot" I felt guilty about being harsh.
Wait...why'd he cry?
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I was one of those that made Kevin Van-Ord cry after the Odin Sphere review. I didn't mean to make him cry, but as soon as I heard about it on "The Hotspot" I felt guilty about being harsh.
Wait...why'd he cry?
[QUOTE="SirSpudly"]I was one of those that made Kevin Van-Ord cry after the Odin Sphere review. I didn't mean to make him cry, but as soon as I heard about it on "The Hotspot" I felt guilty about being harsh.
Wait...why'd he cry?
Long story short, it was billed the last great PS2 game, and it got a 7.6. I was critical of the review, but it got out of hand in a huge way with some other posters. I just attacked the graphics and slowdown, but I mean people were making post after post simply because the story wasn't a 10.
To put up with the sheer bs spread by people probably got to Kevin (who didn't even review the game). He was a mod before, but even the people on the podcast admitted that some days its just hard to keep explaining yourself. Ever since then, I've been pretty shy to talk about review scores.
I once dated a woman because she knew what Disgaea was. Worst night of my life.
Well my summer is finally starting to look up. I fianlly found a job, as a security guard. Not the most glamorous of jobs but the pay is better than a retail store and the experience will probably be able to land me a government job next year. And now Nintendo has sent my Wii back to me after a short 5 day repair period, so I can start video gaming again. AND I don't have to start work until June so I have a good solid chunk of days to play some games, and I can go buy new games since I no longer have to be stingy with my money. Okami, Endless Ocean, and Mario Kart Wii, here I come. Huzzah!
Hows everyone else's summer/near end of school/etc. going?
Last day of school tomorrow, which is funny because we're out today for the preliminaries.
Bah, I'll be hanging out at my friend Amber's house, maybe playing some COD4 and GTAIV. This week though, I've rented Zack and Wiki, and I've gotta tell you, it's loads of fun. =D
Hey so a couple days ago I saw something that I never thought I'd see in my life: A mother preordering a game for herself.
Obviously, it was WiiFit. But the fact that she preordered it for herself is a HUGE deal. I mean, mothers are the last demographic I'd think would buy video games for themselves, let alone pay for one before it's out.
I just thought I'd share. Anyone else see anything crazy like that happen?
Hey so a couple days ago I saw something that I never thought I'd see in my life: A mother preordering a game for herself.
Obviously, it was WiiFit. But the fact that she preordered it for herself is a HUGE deal. I mean, mothers are the last demographic I'd think would buy video games for themselves, let alone pay for one before it's out.
I just thought I'd share. Anyone else see anything crazy like that happen?
That is exactly what makes nintendo brilliant. They may not have the most powerful system, but they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Hey so a couple days ago I saw something that I never thought I'd see in my life: A mother preordering a game for herself.
Obviously, it was WiiFit. But the fact that she preordered it for herself is a HUGE deal. I mean, mothers are the last demographic I'd think would buy video games for themselves, let alone pay for one before it's out.
I just thought I'd share. Anyone else see anything crazy like that happen?
Well my summer is finally starting to look up. I fianlly found a job, as a security guard. Not the most glamorous of jobs but the pay is better than a retail store and the experience will probably be able to land me a government job next year. And now Nintendo has sent my Wii back to me after a short 5 day repair period, so I can start video gaming again. AND I don't have to start work until June so I have a good solid chunk of days to play some games, and I can go buy new games since I no longer have to be stingy with my money. Okami, Endless Ocean, and Mario Kart Wii, here I come. Huzzah!
Hows everyone else's summer/near end of school/etc. going?
What kind of government job you looking at? Anyway summer's goin fine it just started this week, already had a summer job lined up (working for the parks - mowing grass, weed wacking, etc.) Just graduated from the junior college (fire science AAS) and now commuting to the university but still livin at home
For PeterPerson
I own Sonic the Hedgehog #0 factory sealed. It was a christmas present, but I saw the price tag on the wrapper...it was 2.50.
Why can't comics cost that much now?
Because of inflation? :D
For PeterPerson
I own Sonic the Hedgehog #0 factory sealed. It was a christmas present, but I saw the price tag on the wrapper...it was 2.50.
Why can't comics cost that much now?
omg jakey!
haha jk
but thats cool. i never played those games.
[QUOTE="_BlueDuck_"]Well my summer is finally starting to look up. I fianlly found a job, as a security guard. Not the most glamorous of jobs but the pay is better than a retail store and the experience will probably be able to land me a government job next year. And now Nintendo has sent my Wii back to me after a short 5 day repair period, so I can start video gaming again. AND I don't have to start work until June so I have a good solid chunk of days to play some games, and I can go buy new games since I no longer have to be stingy with my money. Okami, Endless Ocean, and Mario Kart Wii, here I come. Huzzah!
Hows everyone else's summer/near end of school/etc. going?
What kind of government job you looking at? Anyway summer's goin fine it just started this week, already had a summer job lined up (working for the parks - mowing grass, weed wacking, etc.) Just graduated from the junior college (fire science AAS) and now commuting to the university but still livin at home
It's a job at border customs, I live in a sea port town that has a ferry that travels between Canada and the States. It's pretty low end on the government job scale (they mostly hire students anyhow) but it'll be great to have on ye olde resume.
Hey everyone,
This might not be the right section to ask, but this has been bothering me. How can you put pictures into posts or messages here? I've tried copying and pasting, but nothing comes up. I've even tried to put the picture into Word first and hit the "paste from Word" button, but it didn't work. Help would be much appreciated.
Hey everyone,
This might not be the right section to ask, but this has been bothering me. How can you put pictures into posts or messages here? I've tried copying and pasting, but nothing comes up. I've even tried to put the picture into Word first and hit the "paste from Word" button, but it didn't work. Help would be much appreciated.
Here's what you do:
1) click "New Message" or "Quote" or whatever, just make it to the posting screen.
2) There should be a picture of a tree next to a smiley face on the icons above where you type the text. If you've ever posted a smiley, it's to the left of that.
3) Paste the URL of the pic into the option "Image URL". Note that the picture has to be from a website's URL. You can't just get it directly off of paint or your computer or whatever.
If you need to upload a picture somewhere, there's a place to upload them off your computer and onto Gamespot. Go to your profile, click "images" on those tabs there, and click either "create new album", or "upload pictures" or whatever it says there.
4) Press "Insert". It might ask you if you want to name your picture. Ignore that part and press ok or whatever.
I think that's about it.
Bob, are you the one that removed the watermark from that IGN pic from Okami?
If so, I wanna know how you did that, cause I'm slowly learning my way around photoshop.
[QUOTE="AdRock92"]Hey everyone,
This might not be the right section to ask, but this has been bothering me. How can you put pictures into posts or messages here? I've tried copying and pasting, but nothing comes up. I've even tried to put the picture into Word first and hit the "paste from Word" button, but it didn't work. Help would be much appreciated.
Here's what you do:
1) click "New Message" or "Quote" or whatever, just make it to the posting screen.
2) There should be a picture of a tree next to a smiley face on the icons above where you type the text. If you've ever posted a smiley, it's to the left of that.
3) Paste the URL of the pic into the option "Image URL". Note that the picture has to be from a website's URL. You can't just get it directly off of paint or your computer or whatever.
If you need to upload a picture somewhere, there's a place to upload them off your computer and onto Gamespot. Go to your profile, click "images" on those tabs there, and click either "create new album", or "upload pictures" or whatever it says there.
4) Press "Insert". It might ask you if you want to name your picture. Ignore that part and press ok or whatever.
I think that's about it.
Thank you BobNewman
It is actually a picture for your blog thing. It's processing now, so hopefully I'll get it in soon.
Bob, are you the one that removed the watermark from that IGN pic from Okami?
If so, I wanna know how you did that, cause I'm slowly learning my way around photoshop.
Copy/Paste. Copy/Paste. Click on Eyedropper, choose color from around that area. Fill in the blanks with the brush. Copy/Paste. Copy/Paste. Oh, and lots of practice.
Practice on that Okami/IGN picture, if you want. Just zoom in real close (like 800-1200%) and try to match it all up. Don't be afraid of the fact that you're looking at what appears to be a bunch of pixels. The Magnifying lens is your best friend for minute details. Zoom in, do a few things, zoom out again to check how it looks, and zoom back in to continue. Rinse, repeat.
Also, here's a little tip on how to copy and paste only one piece of a picture that you want...ok that sounds confusing. Let me elaborate. Say you want one of those little willows in the Okami picture (Down by the water over there), but you don't want to cut out a piece of the original picture. Here's what you do: Right-click on the name of the picture (that little box that says "Layers", "Channels", and "Paths") and select "Duplicate Layer". Then, highlight the small piece of the picture that you want by using "Rectangular Marquee Tool" (The square with the dotted-lines). After that you just right-click the image and select "invert", then press "delete" on your keyboard. It should leave you with just that one little willow you highlighted, and you can move it all around the original picture. Quite useful.
Oh, and when your picture is all done, give it a light sweep with the blur tool. Make sure to set the strength really low though, like around 10%, otherwise it'll look too blurry. Basically, the blur tool will give the area you just shopped a cleaner, smoother look to it. I mean, you can't expect it to look perfect without a little help.
Wow, explaining how to edit that picture takes more time than actually editing the picture. Funny how that works.
Just practice a lot. That's the best advice I have. I learned all these things on my own, and I'm sure you will pick up little things along the way. I still have a lot to learn myself, but every time I do something in Photoshop I learn a little more.
Prolly been asked before, but... What are your most anticipated movies for the summer?
For me they are:
1. Hancock: Two words: Will Smith. Yeah, I'm a big fan, and what's even better is that I'm a sucker for super hero flics. Besides that it seems to have it's own style for the type of movie it is.
2. The Dark Knight: This is a no-brainer. This movie looks good, but not as mind-numbingly amazing as my friend is making it out to be. Seriously, he's taking his love for the joker to a new level. He constantly uses Joker quotes, he has a whole truck load of pictures of teh Joker, and he even cut his cheeks with a razor to get the joker-like face (just so you know, they're not bad cuts, but it looks stupid and gets on my nerves). I'll be happy when this movie comes out just so everyone can shut up about it...
3. Indy 4: I'm not a huge indy fan, as I've only seen Raiders of the lost Ark, but I a huge Harrison Ford fan and love the only Indy film I've seen, so I kow this will not disappoint.
4. You don't mess with the Zohan: Anyone who's seen the trailers for this film has to find it at least a little bit humorous. My friend and I, however, find this movie to be ridiculously funny, as we can't stop laughing at the trailer. Also, for those who don't know, it's and Adam Sandler movie.
Prolly been asked before, but... What are your most anticipated movies for the summer?Niff_T
Narnia, Batman, Indiana Jones. That's it for now. It'll be a great summer for movies.
I'm not a theater guy but I will own Zohan and Iron Man on DVD.
I like watching movies at home more but there's a lot of quality releases this summer for anyone who wants to go watch the film in the theater.
That's cool.
If you ask me movies are best watched at home. There's no distractions and you can pause it if you need to hit the head.
Besides, it much better if you're rocking an HDTV and surround sound. ;)
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]I'm not a theater guy but I will own Zohan and Iron Man on DVD.
I like watching movies at home more but there's a lot of quality releases this summer for anyone who wants to go watch the film in the theater.
That's cool.
If you ask me movies are best watched at home. There's no distractions and you can pause it if you need to hit the head.
Besides, it much better if you're rocking an HDTV and surround sound. ;)
Yeah, movies at home are nice and all, but I just can't resist the popcorn. You simply cannot duplicate it at home. :(
Prolly been asked before, but... What are your most anticipated movies for the summer?
The Dark Knight
Indy 4 (Seeing it opening day)
You dont mess with the Zohan looks pretty funny, so ill probably see that too.
I've already seen Ironman and Harold and Kumar 2, both of which i enjoyed.
Im not sure about the love guru, first off i think it looks really stupid. Mike Myers always talked about how he wanted to make a movie about the maple leafs ... and he makes this.
It doesnt look too funny, really, it reminds me a lot of Austin Powers.
[QUOTE="Niff_T"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]I'm not a theater guy but I will own Zohan and Iron Man on DVD.
I like watching movies at home more but there's a lot of quality releases this summer for anyone who wants to go watch the film in the theater.
That's cool.
If you ask me movies are best watched at home. There's no distractions and you can pause it if you need to hit the head.
Besides, it much better if you're rocking an HDTV and surround sound. ;)
Yeah, movies at home are nice and all, but I just can't resist the popcorn. You simply cannot duplicate it at home. :(
[QUOTE="bob_newman"][QUOTE="Niff_T"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]I'm not a theater guy but I will own Zohan and Iron Man on DVD.
I like watching movies at home more but there's a lot of quality releases this summer for anyone who wants to go watch the film in the theater.
That's cool.
If you ask me movies are best watched at home. There's no distractions and you can pause it if you need to hit the head.
Besides, it much better if you're rocking an HDTV and surround sound. ;)
Yeah, movies at home are nice and all, but I just can't resist the popcorn. You simply cannot duplicate it at home. :(
Ah, the 2 drinks, 1 popcorn deal. A cla.ssic. Does yours come with a candy too? When I get the combo, I usually get the red licorice. It seems to balance out the saltiness of the popco...I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.
But yeah, it's way too expensive. My friend used to work at a theatre, so we'd get to watch movies for free and get free popcorn and drinks. Good times.
Oh, and he told me that a large bag of popcorn costs them less than ten cents to make, and the drinks are somewhere in that ballpark as well. That makes it an even bigger ripoff.
Ah, the 2 drinks, 1 popcorn deal. A cla.ssic. Does yours come with a candy too? When I get the combo, I usually get the red licorice. It seems to balance out the saltiness of the popco...I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.But yeah, it's way too expensive. My friend used to work at a theatre, so we'd get to watch movies for free and get free popcorn and drinks. Good times.
Oh, and he told me that a large bag of popcorn costs them less than ten cents to make, and the drinks are somewhere in that ballpark as well. That makes it an even bigger ripoff.
As for the popcorn costing less than 10 cents to make, im not surprised. A McChicken from McDonalds only costs 5 cents to make, yet they sell it w/ the combo for like $6.99 CAD
Ah man, corporations are evil.Haziqonfire
Not so much. That's how they pay their employees and for the general up-keep of the theater. They choose to raise the price of food rather than the actual movie tickets, which I prefer. I'd rather spend $7 for a movie and have the choice to spend money on food or not rather than be forced to spend $15 for a ticket.
It's the same at a lot of places, like McDonalds, as you mentioned. When I worked at Chick-fil-a, they told me that fries and drinks bring in the majority of profit, since those only cost around twenty-five cents or so to make. If they'd price everything at production value, they'd be non-profit and wouldn't even be able to pay their employees.
I have to be honest, though. I don't buy food or drinks at theaters, and I don't buy drinks at fast-food places if I'm taking the food home with me. Even though I know the purpose, I have a hard time paying for things that are so obviously overpriced, especially when I can buy them elsewhere for much cheaper.
I think it's funny when people try to smuggle food into theatres , atleast in Canada anyways, when in fact theatres aren't allowed to stop you from bringing it in, due to fair business practice laws and such._BlueDuck_
I didn't know that. I always get my girlfriend to put stuff in her purse, and feel guilty when I do so. Now I don't have to! Hoorah!
[QUOTE="_BlueDuck_"]I think it's funny when people try to smuggle food into theatres , atleast in Canada anyways, when in fact theatres aren't allowed to stop you from bringing it in, due to fair business practice laws and such.bob_newman
I didn't know that. I always get my girlfriend to put stuff in her purse, and feel guilty when I do so. Now I don't have to! Hoorah!
Well, don't take my word at 100%, I'm no lawyer. It's just what I heard from a few employees and someone working in law. Also, I'm sure a lot of places will still give you guff for it even if they aren't legally allowed to. But I spose you can always threaten them with a nice letter to the local news paper, or sue them if you're really ballsy :P
I rarely eat food at the theatres and when I do it's usually food I brought in myself (either because it was cheaper or it was something homemade). I think it's funny when people try to smuggle food into theatres , atleast in Canada anyways, when in fact theatres aren't allowed to stop you from bringing it in, due to fair business practice laws and such._BlueDuck_
In America we have it differently
Whatever a theater says you can't bring in you can't bring in
It's like that in airports too. If you bring food into the airport you're not allowed to bring it on the plane. On the other hand if you buy the same exact food once you're in the airport you're allowed to bring it on the plane and eat it there.
Things are odd sometimes.
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"]As for the popcorn costing less than 10 cents to make, im not surprised. A McChicken from McDonalds only costs 5 cents to make, yet they sell it w/ the combo for like $6.99 CAD
Ah man, corporations are evil.JordanElek
Not so much. That's how they pay their employees and for the general up-keep of the theater. They choose to raise the price of food rather than the actual movie tickets, which I prefer. I'd rather spend $7 for a movie and have the choice to spend money on food or not rather than be forced to spend $15 for a ticket.
It's the same at a lot of places, like McDonalds, as you mentioned. When I worked at Chick-fil-a, they told me that fries and drinks bring in the majority of profit, since those only cost around twenty-five cents or so to make. If they'd price everything at production value, they'd be non-profit and wouldn't even be able to pay their employees.
I have to be honest, though. I don't buy food or drinks at theaters, and I don't buy drinks at fast-food places if I'm taking the food home with me. Even though I know the purpose, I have a hard time paying for things that are so obviously overpriced, especially when I can buy them elsewhere for much cheaper.
[QUOTE="Snyder_Trigger"]Bob, are you the one that removed the watermark from that IGN pic from Okami?
If so, I wanna know how you did that, cause I'm slowly learning my way around photoshop.
Copy/Paste. Copy/Paste. Click on Eyedropper, choose color from around that area. Fill in the blanks with the brush. Copy/Paste. Copy/Paste. Oh, and lots of practice.
Practice on that Okami/IGN picture, if you want. Just zoom in real close (like 800-1200%) and try to match it all up. Don't be afraid of the fact that you're looking at what appears to be a bunch of pixels. The Magnifying lens is your best friend for minute details. Zoom in, do a few things, zoom out again to check how it looks, and zoom back in to continue. Rinse, repeat.
Also, here's a little tip on how to copy and paste only one piece of a picture that you want...ok that sounds confusing. Let me elaborate. Say you want one of those little willows in the Okami picture (Down by the water over there), but you don't want to cut out a piece of the original picture. Here's what you do: Right-click on the name of the picture (that little box that says "Layers", "Channels", and "Paths") and select "Duplicate Layer". Then, highlight the small piece of the picture that you want by using "Rectangular Marquee Tool" (The square with the dotted-lines). After that you just right-click the image and select "invert", then press "delete" on your keyboard. It should leave you with just that one little willow you highlighted, and you can move it all around the original picture. Quite useful.
Oh, and when your picture is all done, give it a light sweep with the blur tool. Make sure to set the strength really low though, like around 10%, otherwise it'll look too blurry. Basically, the blur tool will give the area you just shopped a cleaner, smoother look to it. I mean, you can't expect it to look perfect without a little help.
Wow, explaining how to edit that picture takes more time than actually editing the picture. Funny how that works.
Just practice a lot. That's the best advice I have. I learned all these things on my own, and I'm sure you will pick up little things along the way. I still have a lot to learn myself, but every time I do something in Photoshop I learn a little more.
Thanks dude, I'll remember that. Haha, thanks for taking the time out to write that. ^.^"
Yeah I've been using photoshop since I was like 11 or 12. I've grown a lot in terms of skill with photoshop since then, I even opened up an online art shop! :P
But anything new I can learn, the better.
I don't know if anyone here is familiar enough with Neil Young, but I just realized that he sounds a lot like that old pedophile (Herbert) in Family Guy.
Now, every time I listen to some Young, I can't help but laugh.
Anyone here in the US doing anything fun for the Memorial Day Weekend?
I'm going on a small 2 night weekend getaway with the wife; should be fun. Then on Monday I plan on watching the Pistons and the Red Wings dominate in their Playoff series'!
Also, since I rarely get much quality Wii time during the week as I would like to, I am going to stay up really late on Sunday when we get home and play MLB Power Pros, Super Metroid on the VC, and Lost Winds. Cannot wait for that time!
Anyone here in the US doing anything fun for the Memorial Day Weekend?
I'm going on a small 2 night weekend getaway with the wife; should be fun. Then on Monday I plan on watching the Pistons and the Red Wings dominate in their Playoff series'!
Also, since I rarely get much quality Wii time during the week as I would like to, I am going to stay up really late on Sunday when we get home and play MLB Power Pros, Super Metroid on the VC, and Lost Winds. Cannot wait for that time!
Pitsburgh is going to own red wings!!!!
Today is a big day for Mr.Haziqonfire.
Today is the day i accepted my offer for university.
I cant believe im already going to University, seems unreal.
Cool, where you heading?
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"]Today is a big day for Mr.Haziqonfire.
Today is the day i accepted my offer for university.
I cant believe im already going to University, seems unreal.
Cool, where you heading?
So I recently purchased Okami and Endless Ocean, and today after finally beating No More Heroes, I popped in Endless Ocean for a quick try. At first I was kind of like "well, this is pretty lame.." ...and then suddenly it was 5 hours later and I was getting ready to track down a whale shark. Jumping Jesus Scuba-Diving Christ, this game really sucks you in. It's so immersive and addictive. And there really isn't anything particularily good about it technically. This game managed to scare me more than any other game I've ever played in the deep abyss section. Seriously, dark water and deep sea fish creep me out, and they were no different in this game. I had to hang out in the dolphin cave in an attempt to ease my fears a bit before I went out to check out the surrounding area.
I recommed everyone give this game atleast a rent.
So I recently purchased Okami and Endless Ocean, and today after finally beating No More Heroes, I popped in Endless Ocean for a quick try. At first I was kind of like "well, this is pretty lame.." ...and then suddenly it was 5 hours later and I was getting ready to track down a whale shark. Jumping Jesus Scuba-Diving Christ, this game really sucks you in. It's so immersive and addictive. And there really isn't anything particularily good about it technically. This game managed to scare me more than any other game I've ever played in the deep abyss section. Seriously, dark water and deep sea fish creep me out, and they were no different in this game. I had to hang out in the dolphin cave in an attempt to ease my fears a bit before I went out to check out the surrounding area.
I recommed everyone give this game atleast a rent.
Haha, I remember that part. Going in there I was like, "please, no sharks, please no sharks", even though I fully knew they wouldn't bother me.
Man, if it were possible to die in that game, even if it was an extremely rare occurance, I think the game would've been 10 times better. Just that fear of "maybe this time" would be enough for me to always be on-edge.
But yeah, it's a good game, regardless of the fact that you can't die.
[QUOTE="_BlueDuck_"]So I recently purchased Okami and Endless Ocean, and today after finally beating No More Heroes, I popped in Endless Ocean for a quick try. At first I was kind of like "well, this is pretty lame.." ...and then suddenly it was 5 hours later and I was getting ready to track down a whale shark. Jumping Jesus Scuba-Diving Christ, this game really sucks you in. It's so immersive and addictive. And there really isn't anything particularily good about it technically. This game managed to scare me more than any other game I've ever played in the deep abyss section. Seriously, dark water and deep sea fish creep me out, and they were no different in this game. I had to hang out in the dolphin cave in an attempt to ease my fears a bit before I went out to check out the surrounding area.
I recommed everyone give this game atleast a rent.
Haha, I remember that part. Going in there I was like, "please, no sharks, please no sharks", even though I fully knew they wouldn't bother me.
Man, if it were possible to die in that game, even if it was an extremely rare occurance, I think the game would've been 10 times better. Just that fear of "maybe this time" would be enough for me to always be on-edge.
But yeah, it's a good game, regardless of the fact that you can't die.
The sharks didn't bother me too much, I just worried I was going to run into one of those really alien-like deep sea fish like an anglerfish or a viperfish. So far so good though.
I agree on the ability to die comment .. like lets say all the animals were still just as safe by default..but if you happen to poke them the wrong way or approach them the wrong way.. CHOMP. That would really put you on edge.
I'm scared to death of running into a giant squid... are there giant squids?
I'm scared to death of running into a giant squid... are there giant squids?
I don't know...
*shifts eyes left to right*
Maybe, maybe not...find out and see.
There, that'll make the game more interesting.
I can't wait for Dr. Mario RX...
even though I own dr. mario on various systems, playing online is that big of a draw for me. xD besides it's two dr. mario games in one!
[QUOTE="roboccs"]Anyone here in the US doing anything fun for the Memorial Day Weekend?
I'm going on a small 2 night weekend getaway with the wife; should be fun. Then on Monday I plan on watching the Pistons and the Red Wings dominate in their Playoff series'!
Also, since I rarely get much quality Wii time during the week as I would like to, I am going to stay up really late on Sunday when we get home and play MLB Power Pros, Super Metroid on the VC, and Lost Winds. Cannot wait for that time!
Pitsburgh is going to own red wings!!!!
Don't you have to score A SINGLE GOAL first to even have a CHANCE to win a hockey game? And for any haters out there you can't even say the Wings bought their championship this year. Ken Holland is the best GM is sports.
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