@theformless said:
@uninspiredcup: Is the security deal like Trump's deal in Syria? Just dont interfere with US economic interests, otherwise do as you please? Or the security guarantee covers all of Ukraine?
When it comes to technically of business specifics probably better talking to Matt or Marodox then it comes to that stuff.
From what I understand -
The third iteration offers 0 security guarantees with the idea that America simply being there as one.
Ukriane is intrinsically and keenly aware Russia and more specifically, Putin, works and have had "deals" in the part no honored. Trump is absolutely clueless thinking he understands bigly. They know Putin won't give up aspirations.
In that regard they are absolutely correct to want this.
America itself cannot be trusted. Thus far they have tried to scam them twice, which sure seen me ramble about. Economic slavery for generations, 500b, 350b etc.. Attempted to blame Ukraine, change their leader, disrespect them (setup depending on your opinion), and now directly trying to coercion them through giving Russia advantage and directly killing them as leverage.
You can also argue this is yet another attempt to replace Zelensky, which is something Russia wants, and something attempted repeatedly as this point, with American media doubling down with the idea.
Thus far, the Trump administration have never at any point blame at Russia, supporting them, trying to have them dictate "peice", denigrating Ukraine at every point.
Also Europeans who are suppose to be peace keepers, except Ukraine is massive, America isn't going to help, we would effectively be guarding Americas investment after all the bullshit they have pulled..
Theoretically as well, this could escalate war, and by default does. Not just if Russia attacks, their might be groups within Ukraine itself who could purposefully attempt to create conflict.
Russia has other methods of taking Ukraine, namely replacing the government with internal influence, we discussed about 3-4 pages back how they try to influence Europe by promoting right-wing parties, and managed to get Trump himself muttering the Kremlin mouth for the world to see.
Letting Russia lick it wounds, America wanting to remove sanctions is a god awful idea.
Me personally? I wouldn't take it. Even if America tried to strongarm Ukraine. Rely on the Europeans to step up (which they should be doing), it will be harder, need to fill American gaps, many which cannot be filled, but I still think that would be a better option than trusting Trump.
Problem is Europe itself is very cucky, they know Trump is trash, but they fear losing America' umbrella, trying to appease them still trying to get Zel to cave in, which is still highly likely from what I can tell.
Long term Europe will need to defend and invest in itself regardless.
Video found as well which was interesting, if find it post it, lost on Youtube list. Went into detail about how the deal outside the minerals works.
This was an interesting vid with Supreme Ultra Mega Uber Allied 40K commander in Europe General Sir Richard Shirreff where he has a slightly more optimistic outlook if Ukraine continued to fight.
Essentially, bad but not an end-game.
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