@palasta said:
They have the time, resources and the will to fight this war to the bitter end. Ukraine doesn't.
Bit of a misconception (which seem to have a lot of) that simply taking land equates to a win, like it's a Command And Conquer video game or some shit.
Again, this goes all the way back to medieval times, my country funnily enough. England declared victory and took all of Scotland.
It turned into guerrilla tactics where it became unsuitable for England regardless of objectively superior forces, culminating in Battle Of Bannockburn where the topography of the land, internal corruption and poor tactics worked against them. A lot of them dying in a burn (stream) as they were routed. i.e. Bannockburn
Now probably thinking "ahh that's a stupid ass comparison, they had axes and spears this is modern day", no, that tactic is demonstrably true to this day.
Vietnam, Rus/Afg, Iraq etc..
Ukraine itself, we can argue, through it's use of cheap and efficient drones, have changed how everything works, creating a modern equivalent of hit and run tactics.
What you would have for Russia is Afghanistan 2.0, but worse, signicantly worse. In part because unlike them, they would continue to be supplied by Europe, itself signicantly more wealthy than Russia, by a lot, with Russia as is, already in a bad state.
Wonderful quote in Deep Space 9, when Star Trek wasn't garbage, "victory will taste as bitter as defeat" and it holds true here, right now.
The idea that this has made Russia "great again", is laughable.
In fact, from the opening days of this war, you had a 40 mile line of broken down tanks, in part due to internal corruption creating the longest traffic jam in human history.
Russia has had to ask NK for help, both shells and litterally their army, itself defeated and crushed to be re-assessed because a country of about 37 million people invaded on of about 144 million and repeatedly attacks it, about 10% of their refinery capacity, and of course something like 33%+ of Black Sea Fleet, when Ukraine had no navy.
Ultimately Russia bit off more than it could chew, expecting Ukraine to roll over and (arguably rightly so) a milk toast response from the outside world. It's a big, bloody mess.
And then their golden angel came along, the big Don', who seems to have it in his brain he and Putin are like Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon.
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