Nay, just because something is brain dead does not make it dead. What makes something dead is it's lack of electrical brain waves. So if somebody is a vegetable, thechnically they are still alive. A living human is not defined by its cognitive brain function. ALL living things are defined by the characteristics I mentioned...humans are not "special". There is great immorality in terminating an unborn fetus, since it encourages irresponsibility, and above all it cheapens life. You appear to be quite ignorant yourself - because I am pro-life I am ignorant and lazy? Sweeping generalizations ftw! It is the pro-choice advocates who care nothing for human life in general. A newborn baby is not sapient (which you confuse with sentient), so does that make a newborn baby not human? The fact is that if we say unborn babies are not human, what is to stop us from saying infants are not human? Or todlers who are not capable of being sapient?
Of course pro-lifers are ignorant and lazy. If you actually cared for human life your focus would be keeping the many people who are living alive, rather than the abortion of those who aren't. It was just mentioned on TV that a million Africans dies a year from Malaria, and of course there are all those children in the world who die without a mention from these so-called "pro-life" advocates.
Pro-lifers care nothing for the life of the fetus after it's born, and care nothing for the lives of the many in the world that die. They only care for life which serves their ego the best. This is why there is an over-emphasis on Abortion then more pressing matters.
"Cheapening life" is vacuous term. What cheapens life? To kill is part of existing in this world, that we can better allocate resources to maintain the living shows much better respect for life than pushing another life into this world, caring little of what happens to anyone after they are born. If anything "cheapens" life it is the hypocritical nature of pro-life advocates. One that says, the this unborn North American thing is more valuable than the thousands or millions of the living. It is disgraceful.
Yes, you must be right huh? All those pro-lifers and churches out there setting up facilities and programs set up for taking care of unwanted children, helping women who DO decide to have the children, and all that are obviously hypocrytical? It is also a sweeping generalization to say all pro-lifers arent doing what they can to help those that do live. That's probably the biggest load of steaming **** i've ever heard.
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