The UFO phenomenon has drawn ire and skepticism from many.. I dare say most. However, there are many cases that have been unexplained, or can seemingly only be explained by the idea that either aliens from another planet or interdimensional beings are responsible. These objects often exhibit flight characteristics that can only be explained by intelligent control, but far above the capabilities of man-made craft. Indeed.. if humans had the type of technology that has been demonstrated by UFOs for at minimum 65 years, we would surely be using such technology in commercial or open military ventures. Some of the most credible witnesses to such events are military personnel, commercial pilots, FAA officials, policemen, and all sorts of former skeptics. However, there is one type of witness that might rank above all of these in terms of credibility. Astronauts. Check out what some of the most credible human beings on Earth (when it comes to flying objects) have experienced, and what they had to say about it- - Buzz Aldrin - Gordon Cooper Edgar Mitchell
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