Guns should be restricted. Have them mandate tests every once in a while (maybe six months or so) to make sure you are mentally able to wield a gun, and that you have no pressing issues that may change that (such as a traumatic event).
Even then, guns should still be allowed only in designated areas, like hunting ranges. There is no sense whatsoever in having a gun around your house, especially if you have children. Why? If a parent is irresponsible then thats their problem. Not mine.
Gun permits are handed out like candy on Halloween, and any stupid/insane/angry guy with a grudge can get a permit and buy a gun at the nearest Wal-Mart. You got statistics on that? Each state has different laws. Each county has different laws following the state laws. And (I know from my state here in CA) we do not honor permits from other states.
The Second Amendment is sorely outdated and needs to be changed. It was originally created to protect the people from corrupt government. Now, back then they didn't have these things called "cars," nor did they have the massive federal government we have today. If our government becomes corrupt, a few firearms isn't going to bring them down. But the law also allows the right for citizens who do not own guns to be able to purchase them at a crisis such as what you mentioned. There may be a few firearms now -- but if the need arises -- we all have the right to decide our method of defense. The government is only as powerful as the people allows them to be.
If someone breaks into your home, do you honestly think you're gonna go for your gun? Let's think about that: If you have a family and are responsible, you keep your unloaded gun in a high place and locked in some kind of safe, away from bullets. Now, if someone breaks into your home, and you are lucky enough to hear it happen, do you seriously think you'll have the time (or the courage) to run to your hiding spot, unlock the safe, load the gun and use it? This is completely assuming that you are in a position where you can quietly get to your gun in the first place. Thats your scenario -- and then there is another which is just as plausible. Where you are able to get your gun and defend yourself. Someone already mentioned a similar incident earlier. Just the thought of someone having a gun had the perps running. And you seem to misjudge the power of adrenalin and the courage that comes to a person who has their life and the life of their family on the line when it comes to an intruder.
Outlawing guns will not give criminals a greater access to guns. Japan strictly forbids guns and they have one of the lowest gun crime rates on Earth. You must also consider the size and the culture of the country. It is instilled in them that they are a group culture and that anything they do will bring shame to their group (family). And their justice system over there is so efficient and it is so rare for anyone to contest the death penalty and what not -- that it actually helps lower crime rates (btw western crime rates have dropped too). And yet, this mentality has not stopped people from committing crime or killing themselves (stabbing is very popular there -- as already mentioned in this thread, the most recent one was with that guy who ran over people with his car and then stabbed a bunch more. A perfect example of if someone wants to kill -- they will find a way... gun or no gun.
The truth is, some people are obsessed with guns in this country, and it is a meaningless obsession with no justification. Maybe through your eyes. Through mine, the gun is justified.
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