No problem, I just wanted to explain what you were walking in to.
In any event..... no, to the immediate families I donot think there is a difference. If I follow your train of thought, since I have a child and you do not, and he depends on me, my death is somehow more significant than yours? Would your family suffer any less than mine would? I'm not sure how one tries to quantify that.
To your company, from a business standpoint, it would be no different than if you up and suddenly quit one day. The coworkers that knew you well would miss you, butto the rest it would be an interesting story to tell in the break room.
As I am (as of now) child-less, yes, your death would probably be more impactful than my own. Your child would grow up never having known his father, which is a pretty big deal. We actually lost someone a couple of years ago at work. It was much more traumatic than anyone who left their position here. (And, stepping completely away from the emotional standpoint, it is most often more difficult for the company as well, since it is a sudden vacancy, as opposed to him giving two weeks' notice, which in my profession is the standard. This is probably different than lower-level jobs that may see people walk out with no notice, but in 6 years with this company I've never seen that).I guess we just have a different philosophical view on the subject (not sure there is a definitive right or wrong).All I know is, nobody 'depends' on this little guy. He hasn't given and keynote speeches. He hasn't written the next Great American Novel. His cord was only cut 16 days ago, but I can't imagine life without him. It's strange the way the mind works, because sometimes it seems like he was always here. Should something happen to him, I can assure you it is something that we'd never recover from. So that's why I don't see the difference in the loss of an adult compared to a little one.
(I'm still not very good at posting pics here, so hopefully the sizing isn't too messed up).
it's great that this brings you happyness. but a legal abortion system won't take him away from you, nothing will in fact. you took this path, and other people take paths of their own regarding reproduction.
would you want another child? if you had two children, would you feel sad that you didn't have 3? if you had 3, would you want 4? where would it end?
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