Why do you even have to ask? Don't be so daft. Atheists purchased some ad space that Christians have been using for Christmas as a tradition for 60 years, with the sole intention of pissing them off... It's Christmas time. The Christians are trying to celebrate their holiday and mind their holiday. If there were posters accompanying the Nativity scene for the past 60 years saying "Believe or Burn!!", "Atheists will go to hell!!", then I'd say, hey, let the Atheists go wild and retaliate. But it's not, It's a harmless expression of beliefs. And these pricks go out of their way to discourage people's beleif by expressing their lack-there-of, with the sole intention to piss people off. I don't get it? What are they trying to prove? You don't believe anything, wonderful, now why are you acting almost as preachy as the religions you loathe so much? Just let it be. And don't gimee this BS of "dey wanna enlighten teh minds with teh truthhh!!" If you're going to post idiotic anti God symbols at a freakin Christmas Nativity scene thinking CHRISTIANS are going to say "hm. you know what? I don't believe in Jesus! what a crock!", you're a moron.
Is what they did unjust and unfair? No. They got the space fair and square.
But does that make them look any less like pretentious penises? No.
This is the equivalent of, I don't know, some radical Christians buying a spot in a beloved annual science convention that's been going on for 60 years and condemning scientists by saying they're all going to hell and what-not. What are they going to prove? They're just pissing people off. (Except at least these Christians would be advocating the belief of something rather than a lack of, which just sounds silly to do in the first place)
But really, the irony here is that all of the Christians will go on with their life, celebrate their holiday, while all these radical Atheists will have achieved NOTHING and just ostracize themselves even lower on the rungs of society, and go back in their basement to blog about this "victory" on their site. Way to go in making a name for yourself in society, Atheists... This reminds me of the the radical Muslims who f**k everything up for the good Muslims in societey, (and no I'm not saying atheists are like radical Muslims.) Frankly, if I was an Atheist, I would be ashamed.
My best friends are atheists, but I respect them because they don't go stomping out my Nativity scene under my Christmas tree, just as I don't hang a crucifix on their door whenever I enter their house.
seriously. I couldnt have said it better myself
Holy crap i remember you! pretty good man just goin to university and writing a book. pretty good religion discussion eh?
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