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Christian post? Not going to trust that.
Even if it's true why does it matter? People shouldn't base what they believe on emotions. There is either a god or there isn't a god, wanting there to be one doesn't make it true.
Since I became an atheist, I've had a lot better outlook/feeling on life.rockguy92The word "depression" is being misused here.
To be fair, the study itself is from a legitimate database of abstracts from biomedical publications. The only problem is that you don't get to see the paper itself, and can only see the abstract, method, results, and conclusion. But just because a religiously affiliated site posts an article about the study doesn't somehow invalidate it.Christian post? Not going to trust that.
[QUOTE="Zensword"]Atheism is bad for your mental health.Funky_LlamaCorrelation =/= causation /thread Is the same true for the study showing thinking analytically decrease your religious belief?
[QUOTE="toast_burner"]To be fair, the study itself is from a legitimate database of abstracts from biomedical publications. The only problem is that you don't get to see the paper itself, and can only see the abstract, method, results, and conclusion. But just because a religiously affiliated site posts an article about the study doesn't somehow invalidate it. No, but you can't deny that an underlying bias is possible. I agree that we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss, but at the same time, I doubt you would see the same website posting the study if it showed the opposite results.Christian post? Not going to trust that.
[QUOTE="Funky_Llama"][QUOTE="Zensword"]Atheism is bad for your mental health.themajormayorCorrelation =/= causation /thread Is the same true for the study showing thinking analytically decrease your religious belief?No, because upon looking at their paper it was clear that their methodology measured the direct effects of causing subjects to think analytically. Of course, for all I know this study controls for other variables in a similar manner; I don't know, I haven't read it. But neither has TC, so I thought I'd make it clear that his inference was fallacious.
no crap
look at the losers on this board always trying to kill themselves
they shud just do eet IMMEDIETELYLLYLy
[QUOTE="Funky_Llama"][QUOTE="Zensword"]Atheism is bad for your mental health.ZenswordCorrelation =/= causation /thread In this case, I think it's causationWhich is pure conjecture on your part.
Not that many people bashing Christianity as the most depressed... i feel like to be fully atheist you would have to be real selfish. working/thinking upon human instincts and refusing anything good/godly. i mean if there is love in an atheist life you aren't much of an atheist because love comes from the one perfect source that keeps us alive. i would be one hard-ass atheist if i wanted to be...would it be depressing? yeah because people wouldn't like me being so anti-godplaymynutz
That was a load of nonsense Why do you think being atheist will make you more selfish? Human are humans no matter what they believe and will always feel human emotions (unless they have some kind of rare personality disorder)
Personally, I've been quite happy ever since I became an atheist. ghoklebutterMaybe your happiness had nothing to do with becoming an atheist. Ever thought about that?
When I think about Christianity I get depressed.
Could you imagine? That you have no freedom. You're forced to live by a specific rule set and if you roll the birth dice of being born in the wrong country, the wrong denomination, the wrong community, the wrong family, you run the risk of being eternally tortured in agonizing pain.
How is this comforting for anyone? Bliss ignorance that your religion is the right one?
[QUOTE="playmynutz"]Not that many people bashing Christianity as the most depressed... i feel like to be fully atheist you would have to be real selfish. working/thinking upon human instincts and refusing anything good/godly. i mean if there is love in an atheist life you aren't much of an atheist because love comes from the one perfect source that keeps us alive. i would be one hard-ass atheist if i wanted to be...would it be depressing? yeah because people wouldn't like me being so anti-godtoast_burner
That was a load of nonsense Why do you think being atheist will make you more selfish? Human are humans no matter what they believe and will always feel human emotions (unless they have some kind of rare personality disorder)
atheist need to try harder then. i would hold no remorse or mercy for anyone without believing in god[QUOTE="toast_burner"][QUOTE="playmynutz"]Not that many people bashing Christianity as the most depressed... i feel like to be fully atheist you would have to be real selfish. working/thinking upon human instincts and refusing anything good/godly. i mean if there is love in an atheist life you aren't much of an atheist because love comes from the one perfect source that keeps us alive. i would be one hard-ass atheist if i wanted to be...would it be depressing? yeah because people wouldn't like me being so anti-godplaymynutz
That was a load of nonsense Why do you think being atheist will make you more selfish? Human are humans no matter what they believe and will always feel human emotions (unless they have some kind of rare personality disorder)
atheist need to try harder then. i would hold no remorse or mercy for anyone without believing in godThats because you're a psychopath. A sane person wouldn't need the idea of a god to be a good person, it comes naturally.[QUOTE="Blood-Scribe"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]To be fair, the study itself is from a legitimate database of abstracts from biomedical publications. The only problem is that you don't get to see the paper itself, and can only see the abstract, method, results, and conclusion. But just because a religiously affiliated site posts an article about the study doesn't somehow invalidate it. No, but you can't deny that an underlying bias is possible. I agree that we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss, but at the same time, I doubt you would see the same website posting the study if it showed the opposite results. Yes, of course there's the possibility that bias could skew interpretation of the study.Christian post? Not going to trust that.
But after reading the article, it didn't strike me as being particularly biased, and even cited another study that stated that religious and non-religious people alike tend to have similar levels of depression in more secular societies, whereas more religious societies were the ones that had happier believers as opposed to non-believers (the reasons for which seem obvious). It further asserts that as religiosity continues to decline in secular societies, the psychological benefits of religious belief will be mostly diminished. So as far as this article is concerned, I don't think it's particularly biased.
Atheism is bad for your mental health. Yeah... No bias there.
Do you have a source that is reputable with a study like this?
atheist need to try harder then. i would hold no remorse or mercy for anyone without believing in godThats because you're a phychopath. A sane person wouldn't need the idea of a god to be a good person, it comes naturally. Well talking biblical...humans sin and will always sin because thats our true animal nature. whenever we do good, say give a hand to someone that needs it, sure it happens naturally but the source of the goodness comes from God. ah your right im writing a little too crazy as the world seems i can always kick back and say there is nothing new under the sun so i'm not surprised by your reaction[QUOTE="playmynutz"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]
That was a load of nonsense Why do you think being atheist will make you more selfish? Human are humans no matter what they believe and will always feel human emotions (unless they have some kind of rare personality disorder)
atheist need to try harder then. i would hold no remorse or mercy for anyone without believing in godThats because you're a psychopath. A sane person wouldn't need the idea of a god to be a good person, it comes naturally. Lol it does not come naturally. Thats why we have things like discipline.[QUOTE="playmynutz"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]
That was a load of nonsense Why do you think being atheist will make you more selfish? Human are humans no matter what they believe and will always feel human emotions (unless they have some kind of rare personality disorder)
I was about to say.. This.. Through religion there is no questions needed to be answered, and their beliefs are absolute, meaning there is absolute right and absolute wrong.. And religions like Christianity bank on forgiveness, no matter what you have done you can repent and be forgiven.. Thus forgiving your self as well..Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah, that probably is true. It's kind of similar to the "half glass full" vs. "half glass empty." Even if Christians only think there is a 1% chance of God ever existing and rewarding them for their good works, they put their faith in that chance. Meanwhile, the atheist pawns over every reason he couldn't exist, and tries to eliminate any thought of the possibility of him existing from his mind, even if there is a slim chance that he might actually exist. It's kind of like a cancer patient who is told he has slim chances of living; the optimist would look at those numbers, and hope that *hopefully* he will turn out okay. Meanwhile, the skeptic would look at it, and think there was no way he would ever get better, and get depressed.the_plan_manNone of that explains why atheism would cause someone to be depressed.
Why is thinking there is no god being pessimistic?
None of that explains why atheism would cause someone to be depressed.[QUOTE="the_plan_man"]Yeah, that probably is true. It's kind of similar to the "half glass full" vs. "half glass empty." Even if Christians only think there is a 1% chance of God ever existing and rewarding them for their good works, they put their faith in that chance. Meanwhile, the atheist pawns over every reason he couldn't exist, and tries to eliminate any thought of the possibility of him existing from his mind, even if there is a slim chance that he might actually exist. It's kind of like a cancer patient who is told he has slim chances of living; the optimist would look at those numbers, and hope that *hopefully* he will turn out okay. Meanwhile, the skeptic would look at it, and think there was no way he would ever get better, and get depressed.toast_burner
Why is thinking there is no god being pessimistic?
I think it has more to do with faith.. In that they believe that they are doing the right thing and god supports them.. A agnostic or atheist has none such belief or ideal..[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"]Personally, I've been quite happy ever since I became an atheist. Gaming-PlanetMaybe your happiness had nothing to do with becoming an atheist. Ever thought about that? No, I'm happier because of my atheism. I am no longer fearful because I've eschewed my fear of God, which also exacerbated my self-hatred and made me very selfish.
My teacher said people who dont believe in god,dont live as long as the ones who do. I think its true. Atheist people are always busy proving their belief is right. And they have stress from other people not accepting their belief. So like my teacher said "you gunna die"
It's odd that I've never seen anyone preaching atheism, but seeing someone preaching about religion is rather common. I guess what you're saying is just a bunch of bull.My teacher said people who dont believe in god,dont live as long as the ones who do. I think its true. Atheist people are always busy proving their belief is right. And they have stress from other people not accepting their belief. So like my teacher said "you gunna die"
I could understand that in a way that it makes you think more about why life is here and does your life have any meaning.
It would also be happy to believe that your relatives are in heaven after they die and happy.
But it's just not real IMO, theres plenty of bad things in the world and the happiness you get from believing is just from delusion.
I'd rather not give up all my beliefs in the human race and science just so I can be "less depressed".
My teacher said people who dont believe in god,dont live as long as the ones who do. I think its true. Atheist people are always busy proving their belief is right. And they have stress from other people not accepting their belief. So like my teacher said "you gunna die"
Eh, I've never had an athiest visit my house trying to convert me and convince me to attend mass, but I get religious folk doing it quite a bit.
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