Gun control freaks never cease to amaze me.
Why don't you people understand the basic logic that the only people affected by gun laws are people who follow laws? Violent and insane people do not care about your laws, if they did they would not be a threat anyway! Don't you find it ironic that the Virginia Tech shooting killing 30 some people took place in a building marked a "gun free zone"? The only people who followed the law in that case were those left either wounded, dead, or scarred for life when the one guy who did not care about the law went in guns blazing.
These laws only affect people who care to follow them, the ones who are no danger to you and might even *gasp* be there to save you some day. Arizona is a open carry state, yet remarkably none of the good guys were walking around with their guns that day, hence the "wild wild west" phenomenom that gun control advocates always bring up never happened. It was yet another turkey shoot like most of these incidents are. One bad guy, one gun. Legislating the hell out of the rest of us did not, and never will change what happened.
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