You honestly don´t know that. You assume to know his motives, you cannot possibly claim to know them for sure, when there are reasonable alternative explanations ready at hand.
Well i WAS in Denmark at the time
and that what you said about moderates supporting the cartoonist is a bit untrue
as for his motives they are clear
if i wanted to encourage debate i would draw Jesus in the bed with Mary Magdalene
if i wanted to inflame or anger faithful i would draw him in bed with a child
same applies here
debate can be encouraged in different ways
lets not forget who was supported until recently by the same paper or who are two of its trustees ;)
regarding the moderates, how is that untrue? I remember numerous moderates getting interviewed, saying that they were against the extreme public reactions and financial sanctions aimed at Denmark, and i remember polls being taken, supporting that very viewpoint. While they may not have been directly supportive of the artist, they did not approve of the reactions aimed towards him, so in that sense they did support him, at the very least indirectly. And yes, debate can be encouraged in different ways, and going about it the way he did, and the paper did, was not the smartest way to get any constructive point across the table, but it is their right to do so, and it is the contesting from others, of that right i find somewhat distasteful. It´s ours, we all for the most agreed on it, this being a democracy and all, so we can theoretically do with it as we please.Thank you
finally agreed on something
i never said they didn't have right to do what they did,only that they could do it in more tastefull way
Paintings of Muhamed exist in many collections ( painted by Muslim artists)
but in this day and age all of us have to look at bigger picture (sadly)
Danish ppl and companies were punished by actions of few idiots
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