What makes it clear that politics motivated him? The fact that he shot a politician? By that logic, John Hinkley must've been a Chomskyite.
There is no evidence that this was politically motivated. Claiming it's "obvious" isn't evidence.
Unless I interpreted his youtube video incorrectly, he made it sound like it was politically motivated.
I watched all of his youtube videos, and couldn't get one coherent thought out of them, politically or otherwise. Watching that video, the first thing that comes to your mind is political motivation? Do you see what he's saying? It makes no sense at all, it doesn't even resemble an argument. Watching those videos made me think I was peering into the mind of someone completely deranged, not that he was motivated politically.
"You can create new currencies, therefore you can create a third currency."
"You can new languages, therefore you can create a third language."
These are not political arguments, these are the rantings of a lunatic.
I agree, but it felt to me like there was an underlying theme of politics throughout the whole thing. Like I said...he's Alex Jones-crazy. His rant about being called a terrorist in particular I thought could be seen as evidence that this is likely to be political. Add that to the fact that Giffords announced in advance where she'd be holding a political meeting, and I'd definitely place my bets on this being politically motivated. I have no earthly idea how me thinking that is "almost as twisted" as what he did.
He shot a dozen people.
I think he might be motivated by his crazy political views.
Somehow I'm almost as twisted as he is. Okay then.
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