Democratic Congresswoman Shot @ public event

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#151 Mousetaches
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From the looks of it, it wasn't politically motivated, regardless of his party. He was just insane. (and I'm actually very liberal, so it's not like I'm trying to get the to fit my narrative.)
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#152 kuraimen
Member since 2010 • 28078 Posts

I just saw the shooter's youtube channel.

He calls himself a revolutionary but he sounds more like a madman although some of his thoughts are interesting (outside this context of course). It strikes me the most that he calls on illiteracy and yet he can't even spell "your" properly in one of the videos.

He's the typical delusional revolutionary. In the words of Slavoj Sizek, he's not cutting the balls properly (like his ramblings suggests he wants to) but merely dusting them.

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#153 Rhazakna
Member since 2004 • 11022 Posts


A twitter fromanobody. Lets wait until the facts come out. It doesn't sound very logical that a liberal would shoot a liberal democrat, does it?


Actually, it could be quite logical. He may think she isn't following the liberal agenda like she should and 'wants to make an example' or to show other liberal leaders 'this is what happens if you don't follow our agenda'.

Or it could be one issue they don't agree with that is sticking in his craw.

Or maybe in some sick way if he thinks he eliminates her, someone he favors will take her place.

This CheckMate person sounds like one of the folks who very much want this to be political, because of the damage that would do to the tea party and the republicans at large. A disgusting attitude, really.
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#154 peaceful_anger
Member since 2007 • 2568 Posts


It's sad that theleft seems to almost jump with glee when something tragic like this happens because they see an opportunity to mine it for political capital, rather than being concerned about the victims involved. I mean seriously, if your first reaction to such an event is to think of Palin, Beck, or the Tea Party, then something is clearly wrong with you.

GreySeal9, just wanted to let you know my respect for you has gone up for not going that route.


I think the left is all over this because alot of the vitriol coming from right-wing media preaches revolution. In fact, Sarah Palin herself had gun targets pointed at democrat representatives.

Furthermore, it is the right that advocated gun ownership for all, regardless of any reasoning.

Something similar to this happened in Pittsburgh over a year ago when a man shot police officers. The man that fired on the police officer was a Glen Beck fan.

Be that as it may, this individual was seriously distrurbed.

So far there is nothing that can link this back to Sarah Palin or anyone for that matter. But if you want to bring up the gun targets, well guess what, Dems do it as well.

And you know where I got that picture? LINK From the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council). OMG, the Dems were calling for the assassinations of Reps in Congress back in 2004. :roll:

But if we are going to be outraged over Sarah Palin "inciting" violence, then we need to spread that outrage to other people as well.

Should we get mad at CNN for threatening Rahm with gun violence? Rahm Emanuel in political crosshairs

Was then Sen. Biden talking about violence against American policy? The cornerstone of American strategic policy is now in the crosshairs of the opposition party

Guess what?? CNN is inciting violence again. Biden puts McCain, not Palin, in crosshairs

Surely the left was up in arms when CBS advocated violence against Tom Delay. Dems put Delay in crosshairs

Pelosi must have been outraged with this headline in TIME. Newt in the crosshairs

The Washington Post was clearly suggesting that Obama wanted to shoot Kucinich. Kucinich in Obama's crosshairs

Now lets look at all the violence Obama has been inciting.
"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun! Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl"LINKOMG!!! I so afraid for my life. He is telling people to bring guns, and fight people that don't agree with him.

He also said argue with your neighbors, get in their face. LINK

And when he says "get fired up", he is clearly telling his supporters to burn down peoples houses. This dangerous rhetoric needs to be walked back.

So after all that, did the Dems and the media fake outrage over the crosshairs and reload statement just to try to score political points??? YOU BETCHA!!! Everybody knows these things are entirely metaphorical. To claim otherwise is completely disengenous, but that obviously doesn't stop some from trying.

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#155 WhiteKnight77
Member since 2003 • 12605 Posts

This appears to be an act of a very demented person, no matter his politics. I watched one of his videos and honestly, it was enough to see that he wasn't wrapped to tight and is definitely 2 sandwiches short of a picnic. Those who think it politically motivated may very well be eating crow later on.

As others have already pointed out, not all shootings of politicians are politically motivated.

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#156 Aquat1cF1sh
Member since 2006 • 11096 Posts
People are wackjobs. I hope the woman is okay. :(
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#157 Tauruslink
Member since 2005 • 6586 Posts
How unfortunate. I hope she survives. And RIP to that 9 year old girl.
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#158 kayoticdreamz
Member since 2010 • 3347 Posts


How sad that the ignorance in this country has reached a level that we now shoot to kill our elected officials. Shameful day to be an American.


its not at all surprising though. the elected officials have been spitting and kicking the faces of americans for years now. im not sure why anybody thinks america is different from other countries but america like all other countries if you oppress the people long enough they will violently fight back. this is in all likely hood just the beginning.

If you honestly believe that proposing policy changes and enacting laws counter to your own belief system is "oppressing" the people of the United States, you are clueless. The founding fathers created a system so that if a majority of people do not agree with their elected representatives, they simply have the sole power to vote them out of office and replace them, not shoot them. I'm sorry, but this is surprising. Because we should be better than this.

except certain laws break said constitution. those laws oppress the people. or how about the other thread about police brutality? the endless gun laws that violate the second amendment. censorship laws or compilance with the FCC. cops can make you stop without reasonable cause all the time i mean is speeding really a reasonable cause to get stopped by a cop? and if you call him on it chances are your just royally screwed. the 70 000 page tax code book that is oppressive.

the IRS basically is allowed to raped and seize all your belongings if you fail to pay all of your taxes and just give you the middle finger. not sure where the founders intended for an IRS to exist that could just come in and steal your property. or where they intended the law to be able to just stop you for no real reason. or how about supoenas i think its called? where you have to appear and testify in court. doesnt that sort of violate my 5th amendment rights? and im fairly certain the founders never intended to have a giant huge massive government and george washington even warned about getting too wrapped up in political parties. but no your right the american people arent oppressed at all.

but go ahead flick off a cop(1st amendment right) while carrying a gun(second amendment right) and see what happens to your 4th and 5th amendment rights. if thats not oppression i dont know what is. because youll get arrested, lose your gun, with no probable cause your house will be searched, and unless you want to rot in jail forever youll be forced to violate your 5th amendment right and testify. and theres a high chance your 6th amendment right of a speedy trial will get lost underneath the endless paper work to bring you to court. so 5 of the 10 bill of rights right there just got violated and we are not oppressed? oh and the laws that will put you in jail forever probably violate the 9th and 10th amendment because they are laws that are said that the state cant pass and feds cant pass so they are the peoples scratch that 7 of the 10 bill of rights destroyed right there. 6 if you arent carrying a gun.

but your right we are not oppressed at all....give it time the 3rd amendment will be violated too. wait i just double checked amendment 7 the no excessive fines or jail time can be imposed....ya that will get violated too. well there we have it folks america citizens lose 7 of there bill of rights apparently does not equal oppression

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#159 CheckMate
Member since 2002 • 4662 Posts

peaceful_anger, I'm conderned about your sanity.

Obama inciting violence?

Where'd you get that from,Fox News?

Why is it that the right always distorts? Arizona and republicans advocate open gun laws and the right to carry arms no holds barred.

The right, especially Glen Beck are constantly harping about revolution.

The right is alwasy harping on the Fed.

The right was harping how democrats supposedly disregard the Constitution.

All of this was in those deluded messages from that insane nut-job.

The anger was present at the open Town hall meeting during the health care debate where TEA Baggers were screaming at politicians.

It is the right that was fabricating death panels.

The list goes on and on.

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#160 CheckMate
Member since 2002 • 4662 Posts

kayoticdreamz, if there was no IRS how would the neo-con hawks war-monger?

Furthermore, our country has laws and as ruled by the SCOTUS their are limits to Free Speech and other amendments. We do not live in an anarchy.

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#161 quiglythegreat
Member since 2006 • 16886 Posts

This appears to be an act of a very demented person, no matter his politics. I watched one of his videos and honestly, it was enough to see that he wasn't wrapped to tight and is definitely 2 sandwiches short of a picnic. Those who think it politically motivated may very well be eating crow later on.

As others have already pointed out, not all shootings of politicians are politically motivated.

I find your colloquialisms fascinating
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#162 Solid_Sterb
Member since 2010 • 1703 Posts

That's horrible. I hope she's alright.

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#163 kayoticdreamz
Member since 2010 • 3347 Posts

kayoticdreamz, if there was no IRS how would the neo-con hawks war-monger?

Furthermore, our country has laws and as ruled by the SCOTUS their are limits to Free Speech and other amendments. We do not live in an anarchy.

well you know what? go ahead trust the government see what happens to you in the end. that said why would it be free speech if there was limits? and how does having limitless freespeech lead to anarchy? i clearly spelled out how 7 of the 10 bill of rights could be violated in a matter of moments. yet you disregard me cause i guess i sound too much like a right wing nut job....sad. but i guess glenn beck is right you present the left with facts and they laugh at you or insult you. or bring up points i never even touched on or have little to do with what i said like obama and arizona or fox news or glenn beck all things you brought up not me. so if you can counter my scenario please do otherwise i believe you just proved glenn beck right yet again.
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#164 YoungFlitz
Member since 2011 • 854 Posts
I heard about this but there were a lot more killed then 6. I heard there were 18-20 killed.
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#165 Mousetaches
Member since 2009 • 1293 Posts

This appears to be an act of a very demented person, no matter his politics. I watched one of his videos and honestly, it was enough to see that he wasn't wrapped to tight and is definitely 2 sandwiches short of a picnic. Those who think it politically motivated may very well be eating crow later on.

As others have already pointed out, not all shootings of politicians are politically motivated.

I find your colloquialisms fascinating

Rofl, I agree with both quigly and WhiteKnight
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#166 peaceful_anger
Member since 2007 • 2568 Posts

peaceful_anger, I'm conderned about your sanity.

Obama inciting violence?

Where'd you get that from,Fox News?

Why is it that the right always distorts? Arizona and republicans advocate open gun laws and the right to carry arms no holds barred.

The right, especially Glen Beck are constantly harping about revolution.

The right is alwasy harping on the Fed.

The right was harping how democrats supposedly disregard the Constitution.

All of this was in those deluded messages from that insane nut-job.

The anger was present at the open Town hall meeting during the health care debate where TEA Baggers were screaming at politicians.

It is the right that was fabricating death panels.

The list goes on and on.


Apparently you don't understand sarcasm. Next time I'll try to remember to post 5 million of :roll: to help you out.

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#167 HoolaHoopMan
Member since 2009 • 14724 Posts

kayoticdreamz, if there was no IRS how would the neo-con hawks war-monger?

Furthermore, our country has laws and as ruled by the SCOTUS their are limits to Free Speech and other amendments. We do not live in an anarchy.

well you know what? go ahead trust the government see what happens to you in the end. that said why would it be free speech if there was limits? and how does having limitless freespeech lead to anarchy? i clearly spelled out how 7 of the 10 bill of rights could be violated in a matter of moments. yet you disregard me cause i guess i sound too much like a right wing nut job....sad. but i guess glenn beck is right you present the left with facts and they laugh at you or insult you. or bring up points i never even touched on or have little to do with what i said like obama and arizona or fox news or glenn beck all things you brought up not me. so if you can counter my scenario please do otherwise i believe you just proved glenn beck right yet again.

There are of course limits to some of the amendments. The first amendment gives you the right to freedom of speech but libel/slander and yelling "FIRE!" in a movie theater are still illegal. Likewise the 2nd amendment doesn't give someone unadulterated gun rights. You can't legally own SAMs or small tactical nuclear warheads now can you? To think that these restrictions some how strip us of our freedoms is nonsense. Sounds like you'd be better off living in the hills with your anarchist buddies.
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#168 CheckMate
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A twitter fromanobody. Lets wait until the facts come out. It doesn't sound very logical that a liberal would shoot a liberal democrat, does it?


Actually, it could be quite logical. He may think she isn't following the liberal agenda like she should and 'wants to make an example' or to show other liberal leaders 'this is what happens if you don't follow our agenda'.

Or it could be one issue they don't agree with that is sticking in his craw.

Or maybe in some sick way if he thinks he eliminates her, someone he favors will take her place.

This CheckMate person sounds like one of the folks who very much want this to be political, because of the damage that would do to the tea party and the republicans at large. A disgusting attitude, really.

It was indeed a politician that was assaulted, as well as other innocent people.

You want to know what is disgusting? Preaching revolution, telling people that there are people in the government that want control over your lives. This is precisely what Loughner spoke about in his three Youtube messages. He most likely was crazy, and it didn't take much prodding to get him over the edge.

Here is Glenn Beck preaching revolution a couple of weeks ago. About secret people hiding in our government brainwashing people. This is almost exactly what Loughner spoke about. Watch for yourself:

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#169 CheckMate
Member since 2002 • 4662 Posts


kayoticdreamz, if there was no IRS how would the neo-con hawks war-monger?

Furthermore, our country has laws and as ruled by the SCOTUS their are limits to Free Speech and other amendments. We do not live in an anarchy.


well you know what? go ahead trust the government see what happens to you in the end. that said why would it be free speech if there was limits? and how does having limitless freespeech lead to anarchy? i clearly spelled out how 7 of the 10 bill of rights could be violated in a matter of moments. yet you disregard me cause i guess i sound too much like a right wing nut job....sad. but i guess glenn beck is right you present the left with facts and they laugh at you or insult you. or bring up points i never even touched on or have little to do with what i said like obama and arizona or fox news or glenn beck all things you brought up not me. so if you can counter my scenario please do otherwise i believe you just proved glenn beck right yet again.

There are of course limits to some of the amendments. The first amendment gives you the right to freedom of speech but libel/slander and yelling "FIRE!" in a movie theater are still illegal. Likewise the 2nd amendment doesn't give someone unadulterated gun rights. You can't legally own SAMs or small tactical nuclear warheads now can you? To think that these restrictions some how strip us of our freedoms is nonsense. Sounds like you'd be better off living in the hills with your anarchist buddies.

Yep. You are correct about Free Speech, etc.

Thank you for your post!

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#170 Rhazakna
Member since 2004 • 11022 Posts

kayoticdreamz, if there was no IRS how would the neo-con hawks war-monger?

Furthermore, our country has laws and as ruled by the SCOTUS their are limits to Free Speech and other amendments. We do not live in an anarchy.

Why would you think someone who opposes the IRS is a neocon, or even sympathetic to neoconservatism?
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#171 Rhazakna
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Actually, it could be quite logical. He may think she isn't following the liberal agenda like she should and 'wants to make an example' or to show other liberal leaders 'this is what happens if you don't follow our agenda'.

Or it could be one issue they don't agree with that is sticking in his craw.

Or maybe in some sick way if he thinks he eliminates her, someone he favors will take her place.


This CheckMate person sounds like one of the folks who very much want this to be political, because of the damage that would do to the tea party and the republicans at large. A disgusting attitude, really.

It was indeed a politician that was assaulted, as well as other innocent people.

You want to know what is disgusting? Preaching revolution, telling people that there are people in the government that want control over your lives. This is precisely what Loughner spoke about in his three Youtube messages. He most likely was crazy, and it didn't take much prodding to get him over the edge.

Here is Glenn Beck preaching revolution a couple of weeks ago. About secret people hiding in our government brainwashing people. This is almost exactly what Loughner spoke about. Watch for yourself:

There are people in government who want to control people's lives. They exist in every government, in every party all throughout history. Many of them have very good intentions, some of them don't. It has nothing to do with Obama, democrats, republicans or anything else. It's just the nature of the state. Denying this is silly, and it certainly isn't disgusting to say this.

Glenn Beck is not someone I'm familiar with, and I don't care to become familiar with him. I watched the suspects youtube videos, and what came across was insanity, not some political motivation. Maybe politics did have something to do with it, in his insane mind, but that seems to me to be similar to the people who blamed Marilyn Manson and Doom for Columbine.

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#172 WhiteKnight77
Member since 2003 • 12605 Posts


This appears to be an act of a very demented person, no matter his politics. I watched one of his videos and honestly, it was enough to see that he wasn't wrapped to tight and is definitely 2 sandwiches short of a picnic. Those who think it politically motivated may very well be eating crow later on.

As others have already pointed out, not all shootings of politicians are politically motivated.


I find your colloquialisms fascinating

Thank you.

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#173 deactivated-5f1dda6571ed7
Member since 2005 • 1355 Posts


[QUOTE="Rhazakna"] This CheckMate person sounds like one of the folks who very much want this to be political, because of the damage that would do to the tea party and the republicans at large. A disgusting attitude, really.Rhazakna

It was indeed a politician that was assaulted, as well as other innocent people.

You want to know what is disgusting? Preaching revolution, telling people that there are people in the government that want control over your lives. This is precisely what Loughner spoke about in his three Youtube messages. He most likely was crazy, and it didn't take much prodding to get him over the edge.

Here is Glenn Beck preaching revolution a couple of weeks ago. About secret people hiding in our government brainwashing people. This is almost exactly what Loughner spoke about. Watch for yourself:

There are people in government who want to control people's lives. They exist in every government, in every party all throughout history. Many of them have very good intentions, some of them don't. It has nothing to do with Obama, democrats, republicans or anything else. It's just the nature of the state. Denying this is silly, and it certainly isn't disgusting to say this.

Glenn Beck is not someone I'm familiar with, and I don't care to become familiar with him. I watched the suspects youtube videos, and what came across was insanity, not some political motivation. Maybe politics did have something to do with it, in his insane mind, but that seems to me to be similar to the people who blamed Marilyn Manson and Doom for Columbine.

i couldnt agree more with you! great post
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#174 Theokhoth
Member since 2008 • 36799 Posts
Now they're saying the shooter may not have acted alone. :?
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#175 fidosim
Member since 2003 • 12901 Posts
Now they're saying the shooter may not have acted alone. :?Theokhoth
Is there a mass conspiracy of people who believe that the government controls us through grammar and references to God on currency?
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#176 ragek1ll589
Member since 2007 • 8650 Posts

Truly a tragedy. Loughner does appear to be a loon. I wonder if that will be utilized in his trial to prevent him from receiving the death penalty (considering he did kill a federal judge).

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#177 deactivated-5f1dda6571ed7
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update: her doctor is optimistic about her recovery (whatever that may mean?)
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#178 WhiteKnight77
Member since 2003 • 12605 Posts

update: her doctor is optimistic about her recovery (whatever that may mean?)Unknownmuncher
His prognosis for her recovery is good.

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#179 WhiteKnight77
Member since 2003 • 12605 Posts

Truly a tragedy. Loughner does appear to be a loon. I wonder if that will be utilized in his trial to prevent him from receiving the death penalty (considering he did kill a federal judge).


Unfortunately, an insanity plea will be entertained from the looks of it all. I really wish that people could not use such a plea as easily as it is.

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#180 -Sun_Tzu-
Member since 2007 • 17384 Posts

This is just awful. Thankfully it sounds like the congresswoman is doing all right as of now, even though she's still in critical condition.

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#181 -Sun_Tzu-
Member since 2007 • 17384 Posts


Truly a tragedy. Loughner does appear to be a loon. I wonder if that will be utilized in his trial to prevent him from receiving the death penalty (considering he did kill a federal judge).


Unfortunately, an insanity plea will be entertained from the looks of it all. I really wish that people could not use such a plea as easily as it is.

The insanity plea is rarely used.
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#183 Rhazakna
Member since 2004 • 11022 Posts

The insanity plea is rarely used.-Sun_Tzu-
Seriously. The idea that an insanity plea is a get-out-of-jail-free card is pretty common, but it's a complete myth.

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#184 dunl12496
Member since 2009 • 5710 Posts

im guessing she was the targetweezyfb
Nope. It was intended for the Republican.

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#185 WhiteKnight77
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Truly a tragedy. Loughner does appear to be a loon. I wonder if that will be utilized in his trial to prevent him from receiving the death penalty (considering he did kill a federal judge).


Unfortunately, an insanity plea will be entertained from the looks of it all. I really wish that people could not use such a plea as easily as it is.

The insanity plea is rarely used.

Gucci Mane Sent To Mental Hospital details how Gucci Mane pleads mental incompetency when he was about to be sent back to jail prior to a probation revocation hearing just this past week. He had already been convicted previously. It is used more often than we hear about.

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#186 WhiteKnight77
Member since 2003 • 12605 Posts

[QUOTE="weezyfb"]im guessing she was the targetdunl12496

Nope. It was intended for the Republican.

Unless I missed something, I didn't see anything that stated who was targeted.

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#187 markinthedark
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No, I would agree that the context of the crime makes looking in to political motivations more rational than gambling. There is still no positive evidence regarding the motivation of the individual. The evidence we have, such as his youtube channel, does not seem to suggest a political motivation

Picture this: A wife, famous for having affairs, is brutally murdered in her home with no forced entry. By your logic, the crime itself is evidence that the husband did it, and of his motivations, but this is incorrect. The context of the crime makes looking into the husband a reasonable way to go, but the crime itself is not evidence of his guilt or his possible motivations.


why would the context make looking into the crime one way more reasonable than another way? is the context of the crime evidence used in drawing that conclusion? i think so.

If you were prosecuting the case, would you leave the part about his wife having an affair out, because its not evidence.... or would you use that information as evidence of his guilt when addressing the jury?

how bout you give me an example of what you consider evidence...

EDIT: lets just put it this way, would knowing the context of a murder help you catch the killer? if your answer is yes.... then that information would be a thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgement.... which is the very definition of evidence.

This debate is getting muddled. Let me try to break it down, and see if I'm confused anywhere.

Your claim: a politician being shot is, in and of itself, evidence of a politically motivated assassination.

My claim: that does not follow, the crime is not evidence of the motivation of the perpetrator in and of itself. By that logic, all killings of important people are in and of themselves, evidence of the perps motivation.

Your claim: the fact that it is reasonable to look into political motivations to explain this crime is evidence of political motivation.

My claim: again, that does not follow. Leading the investigation in that direction may be reasonable, given the context, but it does not follow that therefore the motivations of the suspect can be known.

Is this about right, or have I missed something? Honest question.

I never said that the crime was politically motivated.

I said there was evidence to support the conclusion that its politically motivated, not that the conclusion is correct.

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#188 -Sun_Tzu-
Member since 2007 • 17384 Posts


Unfortunately, an insanity plea will be entertained from the looks of it all. I really wish that people could not use such a plea as easily as it is.


The insanity plea is rarely used.

Gucci Mane Sent To Mental Hospital details how Gucci Mane pleads mental incompetency when he was about to be sent back to jail prior to a probation revocation hearing just this past week. He had already been convicted previously. It is used more often than we hear about.

No it's not. You look at the statistics and the insanity defense is used in less than 1% of criminal cases and out of those cases, it is only successful about a quarter of the time. It is used much less often than we hear about, because the media disproportionately covers cases that involve an insanity defense because of their often unusual nature. It's similar to how many people mistakenly have the impression that airplanes are more dangerous than cars because the media disproportionately covers airplane crashes.
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#189 XxspritexX
Member since 2005 • 5836 Posts
What kinda gun was it that he used?
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#190 194197844077667059316682358889
Member since 2003 • 49173 Posts
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Now they're saying the shooter may not have acted alone. :?fidosim
Is there a mass conspiracy of people who believe that the government controls us through grammar and references to God on currency?

Based on youtube, it certainly seems that way
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#192 MagnumPI
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I'm guessing he just couldn't grow up. If you lay on the "we are righteous because we are the United States and we are American" too thick for too long people never see the world for what it really is. I figured he snapped. Society creates it's own problems.

Most supporters don't even know they are lying. They believe in the **** they have been fed. The others just don't care. Society is based on lies because the truth won't manipulate anyone. Yes your government is your enemy, but they are the lesser of other evils. If you want to survive you're going to have to side with someone. Even if they are scum. Not all are though,many are just grunts, they don't know any better. or they know it's the only option.

Is there mind control, brainwashing and oppression via censorship? Yes, is it wrong? Yes. Does it infringe upon freedom? Yes. But if they want to play games then play their games. It's not that hard, they are not THAT smart. Dictionary's and other educational material are not banned... not yet. Don't use words they can censor.

I don't agree with his decision but what I saw on TV was nothing but bland reiteration of why someone shouldn't do it. Fo them it's no longer a question of why he did it, it's a matter of damage control and prevention. Why is killing wrong? Everyone says it's wrong but they never have a good reason why. Under the circumstances killing is not going to be accepted because we all want order. It's about what we want, not which is right or wrong. I don't want chaos, while it may lead to the extermination of a few scumbags it also leads to the deaths of innocent people. Or people who just aren't a threat. This is why the targets surround their selves with naive colleagues and mercenaries. They protect the target by unwittingly surrounding the target with innocent people, their selves.

It was asinine, but someone who would do something like this is either furious, desperate or dimwitted. Rather than figure out why he was angry they have psychologists say he was crazy. EVEN crazy people have a reason. Who has been harassing and belittling him? Who's the antagonist?

It's just gonna be another reason for people who have a reason to fear guns to try to ban guns. And when I say "a reason to fear" I mean these people give other people a reason to kill them.

It will be business as usual. Nobody wants the public nor free press to see him assomething more than a lunatic, which he may be. But more likely just a young man that wanted revenge for being lied to as well as rejected his entire life. And when naive or dimwitted people wake up it's going to be catastrophic.

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#193 XxspritexX
Member since 2005 • 5836 Posts

I'm guessing he just couldn't grow up. If you lay on the "we are righteous because we are the United States and we are American" too thick for too long people never see the world for what it really is. I figured he snapped. Society creates it's own problems.

Most supporters don't even know they are lying. They believe in the **** they have been fed. The others just don't care. Society is based on lies because the truth won't manipulate anyone. Yes your government is your enemy, but they are the lesser of other evils. If you want to survive you're going to have to side with someone. Even if they are scum. Not all are though,many are just grunts, they don't know any better. or they know it's the only option.

Is there mind control, brainwashing and oppression via censorship? Yes, is it wrong? Yes. Does it infringe upon freedom? Yes. But if they want to play games then play their games. It's not that hard, they are not THAT smart. Dictionary's and other educational material are not banned... not yet. Don't use words they can censor.

I don't agree with his decision but what I saw on TV was nothing but bland reiteration of why someone shouldn't do it. Fo them it's no longer a question of why he did it, it's a matter of damage control and prevention. Why is killing wrong? Everyone says it's wrong but they never have a good reason why. Under the circumstances killing is not going to be accepted because we all want order. It's about what we want, not which is right or wrong. I don't want chaos, while it may lead to the extermination of a few scumbags it also leads to the deaths of innocent people. Or people who just aren't a threat. This is why the targets surround their selves with naive colleagues and mercenaries. They protect the target by unwittingly surrounding the target with innocent people, their selves.

It was asinine, but someone who would do something like this is either furious, desperate or dimwitted. Rather than figure out why he was angry they have psychologists say he was crazy. EVEN crazy people have a reason. Who has been harassing and belittling him? Who's the antagonist?

It's just gonna be another reason for people who have a reason to fear guns to try to ban guns. And when I say "a reason to fear" I mean these people give other people a reason to kill them.

It will be business as usual. Nobody wants the public nor free press to see him assomething more than a lunatic, which he may be. But more likely just a young man that wanted revenge for being lied to as well as rejected his entire life. And when naive or dimwitted people wake up it's going to be catastrophic.

You should post this on GLP >_>.....OT is not a comfortable place for this stuff.
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#194 MagnumPI
Member since 2002 • 9617 Posts

Oh... well I didn't create topic.

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#195 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

I'm guessing he just couldn't grow up. If you lay on the "we are righteous because we are the United States and we are American" too thick for too long people never see the world for what it really is. I figured he snapped. Society creates it's own problems.

Most supporters don't even know they are lying. They believe in the **** they have been fed. The others just don't care. Society is based on lies because the truth won't manipulate anyone. Yes your government is your enemy, but they are the lesser of other evils. If you want to survive you're going to have to side with someone. Even if they are scum. Not all are though,many are just grunts, they don't know any better. or they know it's the only option.

Is there mind control, brainwashing and oppression via censorship? Yes, is it wrong? Yes. Does it infringe upon freedom? Yes. But if they want to play games then play their games. It's not that hard, they are not THAT smart. Dictionary's and other educational material are not banned... not yet. Don't use words they can censor.

I don't agree with his decision but what I saw on TV was nothing but bland reiteration of why someone shouldn't do it. Fo them it's no longer a question of why he did it, it's a matter of damage control and prevention. Why is killing wrong? Everyone says it's wrong but they never have a good reason why. Under the circumstances killing is not going to be accepted because we all want order. It's about what we want, not which is right or wrong. I don't want chaos, while it may lead to the extermination of a few scumbags it also leads to the deaths of innocent people. Or people who just aren't a threat. This is why the targets surround their selves with naive colleagues and mercenaries. They protect the target by unwittingly surrounding the target with innocent people, their selves.

It was asinine, but someone who would do something like this is either furious, desperate or dimwitted. Rather than figure out why he was angry they have psychologists say he was crazy. EVEN crazy people have a reason. Who has been harassing and belittling him? Who's the antagonist?

It's just gonna be another reason for people who have a reason to fear guns to try to ban guns. And when I say "a reason to fear" I mean these people give other people a reason to kill them.

It will be business as usual. Nobody wants the public nor free press to see him assomething more than a lunatic, which he may be. But more likely just a young man that wanted revenge for being lied to as well as rejected his entire life. And when naive or dimwitted people wake up it's going to be catastrophic.

*Looks back at his youtube page* And then some people really are just crazy.
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#196 194197844077667059316682358889
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Rather than figure out why he was angry they have psychologists say he was crazy. EVEN crazy people have a reason.

I don't think "crazy" means what you think it does, although with your references to "them" "having" psychologists say things, you might have some privileged insight on the matter,
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#197 -Big_Red-
Member since 2006 • 7230 Posts
I heard about this but there were a lot more killed then 6. I heard there were 18-20 killed.YoungFlitz
I thought six were killed, the rest injured?
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#198 bachilders
Member since 2005 • 1430 Posts

that's what I thought, there has been a lot of misinformation and speculation regarding the event, but i'm sure it will all be settled soon

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#199 taterfrickintot
Member since 2008 • 2851 Posts

although i disagree with democrat's vplitics, may the congressmen and the other victims RIP. violence is the wrong way.

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#200 epicstory
Member since 2010 • 610 Posts

Damn that's right near my house.