Yes that life and the universe just appeared out of nowhere magically and eventually lead to complex life all on it's own is completely logical. Ya that makes so much more sense.
Think of it like game design, a video game has a designer, a creator. It clearly did not just pop into existence on it's own, someone took the time to program and design it. They built the engine, they built the mechanics, they built the world and everything else in that game.
Life is the same way, God desinged the universe and it's mechanics, and used them to create life and make human beings. Things like evolution are just one of the many design tools God designed in this world to create life.
Gravity, atoms, DNA, and all the other things are just the many mechanics and foudnation God used to design the world with. It certainly makes more logical sense then your idea.
My idea? Do you even know what my idea is? Now you're just talkiing out of your arse (although you could say thats what you were doing from the start)There is no evidence at all suggesting there is a god, none. if you have some, show it.
Well your an atheist and your theory is that life began by sheer random accident without any divine or higher power involved. So yes that is your idea of how life and the world came into existence. Random accident? When has anybody ever said that's how it occured ever? This sounds like something somebody would make up on the spot for ammo against somebody disagree with. You clearly have no idea how evolution works at all, there's little random chance. Here I'll explain it; organisms with more adaptable genes have a higher statistical probability of passing on their genes till the next generation. Repeat this trillions of times and you have what we have now. Get it? Statistics >> random chance.
There is no evidence to suggest there is no God either. None, if you have some, show it. Your just like the atheist baby in that scenario I told, you don't believe in Mom because you never saw her, and you don't believe in life after birth because there is no direct evidence for it. Same exact thing. So you failed logic 101? This is an argument a 10 year old comes up with. Here I'll do one too; "there's no evidnece unicorns don't exist, so they must exist" "There's no evidence shiva exists, so he must exist" logic 101 - u can't disprove a negative. The fetus exampel is retarded, and a poor analogy, humans have the ability to test their surrounding environment, and if it was done in the womb, it would be quickly realized there's a living organism surrounding us. Your argument is basically we don't know, therefore god must exist. God of the gaps 4thewin.
All I can say is, it makes more logical sense to believe a higher power of some sort started the process and guided it to create the world and complex life as we know it, as opposed to just believing life started from nothing and just through sheer magical accident and luck, managed to create complex life and the scietnific mechanics and laws the world is based on. Again starting from nothing....you need to take a biology class. Again believing it's random....maybe a math class too.
Both those views require faith to one degree or the other, however the second view requires far more faith than the first. And that's why I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist. What a joke, evolution is testible, it's been observed and has a mountain of evidence, same with something like the big bang. Your argument is basically we don't know therefore god exists, and then you take it a step beyond that and say that the other side that has mountains upon mountains of evidence is at the same level as your side that has none.
I'm not being mean, I'm being honest, if that's your line of reasoning, you're incredibly stupid.
lotta herp derp in that post.
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