So, from what I gather blackregiment, given that I've shown the "bible" is filled with scientifically unsupported claims, than there's no scientific evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was God, and that even just a few years after his death, people were not in agreement that he was the messiah, and that, in fact, more people were willing to die for the belief that *space aliens were flying a ship in the tail of a comet* than were willing to support Jesus' blasphemous claims at the end of his life, the discussion is over?
You apparently have convinced yourself that your opinions and speculations are axioms and proven fact for that is totality of the "proof" you have put forth. I commend you for thinking so highly of your personal opinions and speculations but, I don't accept that premise.
I would hope that you know that science, by definition of the science academy, limits itself to the exploration of the natural world. The supernatural is outside of its sphere of investigation. God is a spirit, supernatural in nature and therefore is outside the realm of scientific inquiry. That being said, it is clear that you put your faith in science as the only source of truth. Science is but one source for examining the truth, it is not the ultimate authority on all things that you have enshrined it to be and which seems to be your object of faith.  The truth of Jesus Christ is not dependent on scientific discovery. You also seem to be confused about the differences in practical science and forensic science, which are two different disciplines. Your attempt to compare the deaths associated with the Hale Bopp cult to the death of the Apostles and many, many other Christians who died rather than recant their faith is humorous. The Apostles and other early Church members died for their faith in Jesus, which was based on their first hand account of the events of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, not on the wild speculations of a false prophet. You are also assuming that the Apostles were the only followers of Christ that were sacrificed and persecuted for their faith, in your attempt to play a "numbers who died" game. This reveals that the depth of your historical knowledge of Biblical history is left wanting. You might want to do some research on early Christianity before assuming your opinion is an axiom. .    . Â
The "lord" you serve might well be an attempt by Lucifer to trick humanity into worshipping a false idol. God has blessed my life, continually, he has given me true love, a comfortable life, and opportunities wherever I sought them - and the truth he lead me to is that fundamentalist Christianity is wrong. Not just because it is designed to subvert the happiness and well-being of innocent people, but because it is a religion of hate.
And using your logic, and speculation that Jesus Christ might be one of satan's tricks to deceive man, you place yourself in the same position. If you believe this, you cannot be certain either that this god you reference, is not a deception of satan either. The Bible tells us.
2Co 4:3Â But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
2Co 4:4Â In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Isa 44:18Â They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.
Your comments, demeaning and defrauding Biblical Christianity and labeling it a "religion o hate", Â Â further reveal the shallowness of your understanding of Biblical Christianity, what following Christ really means, the truth of the millions and millions of lives that have been lifted from a life of despair through the power of Jesus Christ, and the joy and fulfillment in the lives of those that follow Christ. One will never even begin to understand or experience this until they accept Christ and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, something that you, by choice have denied yourself.
Your verbal assault on Biblical Christianity also belies the "tolerance" for faiths other than yours that you claim to possess. You have clearly demonstrated that dual standards are acceptable in your world.
I will state again as I have numerous times before, I respect the right of others to hold whatever beliefs or even non-belief they choose, but I do accept the notion that all faiths are equally true. God of the Bible, the one true God that I worship in Christ, gives everyone the free will to accept salvation in Christ or reject it. He will not force anyone to accept His plan of salvation that He patiently offers in grace.
I respect your right to serve this god of whom you speak. Perhaps you can share with me his plan of salvation for humanity. I would be interested in hearing about him and any evidence you can put forth to support his truth claims. Â
I've attempted to engage you in a true theological discussion. The response has been to tune me out and shut the door. If feel as though the attempts to "save me" continued until the moment I turned the argument around, then the door was slammed in my face under the chant of "how dare you!". That's not a very christ-like thing to do sir, and it's certainly an insult to myself that anyone would do so. If Jesus is love, why demostrate such hatred towards me? What I see here are anger and fear - but why?
I have not "demonstrated hate" for you as you continue to prevaricate. I have also not "attempted to save you". No person can "save" any other person, only faith in Jesus Christ can do that. I also have no "anger and fear". I find it very ironic that the things you falsely accuse me of, appear to form the basis of your approach as clearly demonstrated in the post I am responding to. I have shared the truth in Christ with you out of love. I find it ironic that you, a self-proclaimed in the belief that Christ was not God, would label me as "un-Christ like". You meant that as an insult but according to your worldview, your comment is irrelevant since you disrespect Christ. Let me reassure you, I give no weight to your words on spiritual matters, as I do not take spiritual advice from those that are not followers of Christ. Â
Perhaps most ironic of all is your claim to "engage in theological debate". If that, as you now claim, is your true intention then why does it appear that, rather than open debate, your real motive may be to silence the free expression of Biblical Christians as evidence in this plea that you posted on the "ask the mod" forum? Our words are the "fossils" of the true intent of our heart.
I know this is a touchy one, but I'm curious where GameSpot and the TOU stand on this one. What is the policy in regards to religious groups forming unions and having intentional, planned evangelical (conversion / "ministry spreading" / et cetera ) efforts on GameSpot?
What is the policy regarding which religions may do this, what messages they may spread, how honest they have to be on their intentions, et cetera? Does it fall under spam / advertising? Off-Topic? Disruptive posting? Or are such messages allowed. I'm guessing no on here really wants to touch this with a 10-foot pole because it's such a loaded area of discussion, but as I've never actively posted on boards on GS dealing in religious matters, I'm rather curious.
Fundamentalist Christianity and its bible are no more "fact" than Scientology and Dianetics, and yet, Scientology, FSM, and other ideas have been given zero respect in this thread. Why blackregiment? It is a double standard to demand respect for your personal belief system, yet show disrespect for Joseph Smith, L. Ron Hubbard, and others. Further, to be a true discussion, i.e. if the intent of this thread is *genuine moral discussion* rather than simple evangelism, which is not allowed, then you must honestly address the possibility that your belief system is wrong. It is possible that you have been tricked, mislead, or mistaken, and that the belief that Jesus the so-called-Christ is God is, in fact, wrong. If this is the case, the belief you're spreading is blasphemous - an afront to the God of Abraham. -
And that, blackregiment, is a dangerous possibility.
You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs, I am entitled to mine as well. Just to clear up a little of your continued prevarication, I have not discussed any of the beliefs, doctrines, and tenets of  "Scientology , Dianetics, the FSM, for Joseph Smith, L. Ron Hubbard, in any depth on this thread. You would be hard pressed to support that false accusation. That being said, it appears that what you really mean is that you expect me to compromise my beliefs and accept all faiths as equally valid. I respect the right for anyone to hold any belief they choose, even non-belief, and that being said, I do not and will not accept that all faiths are equally valid. Rather than continue to suggest that I do, you might consider that I have a right to hold any belief that I choose to as well. I am here to defend my faith and tell others about God's love and plan of salvation, not to succumb to your wishes, conform to your standards, or please you.
Gal 1:10Â For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Gal 4:16Â Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
In regards to your last statement regarding "danger", I will put my faith and trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who said…
Joh 14:6Â Jesus saith unto him, Iamtheway,thetruth,andthelife:no mancomethuntotheFather,butbyme.
The Bible is very clear that the real "danger" is not for those that put their faith in Christ, but rather for those that use their free will to choose not to. That "danger" will be manifested in eternity.  Â
Feel free to define your own understanding of "danger", but as for me an my house, we will trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has revealed.
Psa 118:8Â Itis better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
In closing I will say that I nothing further to say to you. You claimed to want theological discussion, but your comments and attack on Biblical Christianity as a religion of "hate" reveal your true motives. My responsibility to the Lord is to share the Gospel, which I have done, do with it what you will. Maybe someday you will come to the truth and understand that following Christ is not "hate", it is love, God's love, in that He loved  us so much that while we were yet sinners, Christ suffered and died to pay the price for our sins so that those that repent and put their faith and trust in Him are reunited in fellowship with Him, in this world and in all eternity.
Joh 3:14Â AndasMoseslifted uptheserpentinthewilderness,even somusttheSonofmanbelifted up:
Joh 3:15Â Thatwhosoeverbelievethinhimshouldnotperish,buthaveeternallife.
Joh 3:16Â ForGodsolovedtheworld,thathegavehisonly begottenSon,thatwhosoeverbelievethinhimshouldnotperish,buthaveeverlastinglife.
Joh 3:17Â ForGodsentnothisSonintotheworldtocondemntheworld;butthattheworldthroughhimmightbesaved.
Joh 3:18Â He that believethonhimisnotcondemned:buthe that believethnotiscondemnedalready,becausehehathnotbelievedinthenameoftheonly begottenSonofGod.
Joh 3:19Â Andthisisthecondemnation,thatlightiscomeintotheworld,andmenloveddarknessratherthanlight,becausetheirdeedswereevil.
Joh 3:20Â Forevery onethat doethevilhateththelight,neithercomethtothelight,lesthisdeedsshouldbereproved.
Joh 3:21Â Buthe that doethtruthcomethtothelight,thathisdeedsmaybemade manifest,thattheyarewroughtinGod.
I wish you well. Â
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