I noticed how you ignore the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles that were willing to die rather than recant their faith because they experienced Jesus and the events surrounding His life, death, and resurrection. Show me your evidence, your historical record of eyewitness testimony that Jesus did not rise from the dead and that the Apostles were lying. Since you like Scientology so much, show me their ancient texts and eyewitness testimony that Ron Hubbard arose from the dead.blackregiment
What "eyewitness testimony"? If you'd like to show me a living person who watched Jesus rise from the dead, feel free to bring them out. You don't have eyewitness testimony, what you have are biblical accounts written decades, if not centuries later. The biblical accounts are believed by many to have been written based off of the teachings of the cult that arose around Jesus.
As far as actual historical evidence, Roman scholars mention decades later there was a man named Jesus, and that he was crucified. The historian Josephus, who was born four years after Jesus' death, wrote about the "Jesus-so-called-Christ", discussed the controversy surrounding the claims of Jesus being the Messiah, and noted that Jesus had a brother named James.
So, a man named Jesus existed (as I said before ) however that's it. No Jesus was God, no proof of the resurrection, no proof that he was anything besides a self-proclaimed prophet.
So you've got nothing. Outside of the bible there is absolutely no evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was God. We can't even prove the resurrection happened. We have a text that *claims* people saw the risen Christ. We also have tabloid newspapers that claim Elvis is still alive.
Thirty years after the death of Elvis, a man we have photographs of at the morgue, there are people who believe he still alive, and believe we have seen him. Does their "eyewitness testimony" count?
To make matters worse, Jesus wasn't the only person with that same amount of evidence. There was a man in the same era by the name of Apollonius of Tyana who had the same claims. He could see and walk through solid objects, heal the sick, died, and appeared before his followers after his death before ascending to heaven. Sounds familiar? But remember, this isn't Jesus of Nazareth, this is Apollonius of Tyana.
As far as people being willing to die for those claims, what does that prove? In 1996 an amateur astronomer name Chuck Shramek took a picture of the comet Hale-Bopp in which an elongated object could be seen in the tail of the comet. Believing the object to be a UFO, the group Heaven's Gate believed that the earth was to be "recycled", and preaching a notion of salvation based largely upon Christian beliefs of salvation and apocalypse, committed ritual suicide on March 26, 1997. Thirty-nine people killed themselves that day, on the faith based belief that they would be saved by doing so.
Thirty-nine people killed themselves because of an elongated *something* in the tail of a comet passing near earth, and yet a handful of apostles willing to die for their cult leader surprises you? Jesus told his followers he would offer them eternal life, and salvation, that's a powerful message for a certain kind of person. All you've demonstrated is that Jesus of Nazareth led his followers to risk their lives, not that he was God.
I never claimed to like or agree with Scientology. Scientology does not claim L. Ron Hubbard rose from the dead. What they claim is that L. Ron Hubbard lives past lives, and that he told them that after his death he would be reincarnated elsewhere in the galaxy, on other planets, to help other beings. Their claim is no more or less valid than your claim that Jesus was God, or that he rose from the dead.
The Bible is a historically accurate bookblackregiment
The Bible claims, amongst other things, that the Earth was created in six days (all scientific evidence suggests otherwise ),and that one man somehow got all 10 billion species of life on the planet onto one boat.
Parts of the bible, such as the Flood, were based on the events of the era, others were pure fantasy, with little historical basis. To claim the bible is historically accurate is absolutely absurd. The book discusses talking snakes, magic fruit, a forbidden garden that does not exist, a tree guarded by an angel and swords that no one has ever found, people there are no record of (outside of the bible ) and events that there is no evidence to show occrued
First, I did not create this thread so you are addressing the wrong person. Second, you may think you have the power to control what is discussed or what I discuss but guess what, you don't. Get over it. If you don't like the discussion, then don't visit. Go hang out on the Scientology thread and discuss your Thetans blackregiment
First, I am not a Scientologist, nor did I claim to be. However you have advocated this thread, and worked with a union to help its creation. LINK - this topic was brainstormed by your group, in your union, as a means to evangelize. The purpose of this thread, as far as your union is concerned, seems to be to spread the word of Jesus Christ.
However, this forum is open to all, people who agree, people who disagree. When I disagree with you in a way that makes it hard to spread your message, what is your response? Personal attacks and a request that I not participate.
Secondly, this forum, being open to all, is open to all religions. You may scoff at Scientology, but-Scientology makes claims that are no more strange than the ones made by Christianity. They both ask their followers to make a leap of faith. You mentioned I should go elsewhere to discuss thetans? Why? Thetan is the Scientology term for "soul", a notion that some in the scientific world find equally absurd whether it's Christianity or Scientology.
If it's okay for your particular religous beliefs to be evangelized, then it's okay for others to evangelize other religious beliefs. Your religious beliefs, claims, and faith aren't any more sincere than a Scientologist's claim. Tom Cruise doesn't believe in what he is doing any less than you, and yet, you're directing anger towards that because Jesus, rather than L. Ron Hubbard is your savior.
I bring up Scientology because of how similar it is now to what Christianity was when it started. The majority viewed it as a cult advocating dangerous things, harming its members, and making absurd claims. The difference between Scientology and your brand of Christianity is 2000 years to add the weight of history, and a massive endorsement deal from a wildly successful Roman emperor by the name of Constantine.
Y'know, this isn't the religious debate I wanted to have. I tried to engage you in a heartfelt discussion about the Synoptic Gospel versus the Gospel of John the Baptist. I tried to bring up the problem of Paul, the anti-trinitarians, and the issue of free will. But rather than engage me at that level, you attacked me, claimed I have "no evidence", and ignored my requests for proof outside of the bible for your claims.
I enjoy discussing theology, but that takes two parties willing to listen, and I don't believe it can occur when one side has the goal of evangelizing.
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