The definition of God is not subjective.blackregiment
The definition of God is subjective. If it's not, then why are there hundreds of different religions with a different concept of God and with different interpretations?
If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods and establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven. If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone, Radio, the Internet, TV and the postal service it obviously would be no problem for any real god to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of intermediates of questionable veracity.
Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his heaven, that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes and destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being deceived and mislead.
If there is a real god, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents, compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to satisfy their selfish egos.
An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would have no need or desire to create Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells. There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's of selfish men because we would have direct communication and authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god.
There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs. They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception of his creations.
And also you say that evil or bad things happen because humans have free will. But the reality is that bad things happen independently of man's actions and beyond our control: droughts, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body malfunctions and starvation all of which are not caused by our actions and which punish people indiscriminately regardless if they are religious or not.
There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally INNOCENT CHILDREN.
Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods;
Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a god?
Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.
He has revealed Himself in His Word.blackregiment
How do you kow it's his word and not of some man?
Our definition of anything does not determine the reality of that thing. For example, if one describes a red car as blue, that does not make the car blue in reality. It remains a red car.
With that I agree with you. However I have yet to see some objective evidence for the existence of God which is not dependent on different human religions and interpretations.
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