Do You Consider Yourself To Be A Good Person? Poll.

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#701 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

crushmaster. the wise, all-krowing 14 year old :roll:


You should not make fun of people for their age. 

He is wise where it counts, he has Christ and eternal salvation.  Where does that leave you?


wise where is counts is in your studies. 

In this temporal world which is but a wisp of smoke compared to eternity. The real important wisdom is knowledge of God's eternal truth and conforming our lives to it.  

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#702 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts
Well, I have to go too. I have enjoyed the discussion. Till later, God bless.
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#703 Dariency
Member since 2003 • 9465 Posts

Have you ever told a lie?

Yes, but not for a long while. Many, if not all, tell a lie sometime in their lives. It's just going to happen when you think of what may happen if you don't.

Have you ever stolen anything?


Have you ever looked with lust?

Yes, as most teenage boys have. However, unless you're married, looking at someone with lust is not a sin. God gave us sexual desires, did he not? Therefore, it's natual to want to use them.

Have you ever hated anyone?

No. Dislike, yes.

Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word?

I was raised not to swear, so I don't.

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#704 aliblabla2007
Member since 2007 • 16756 Posts

I think I'll answer the questions anyway:

Have you ever told a lie?

Yes, plenty of times.

Have you ever stolen anything?


Have you ever looked with lust?

Yes, a lot.

Have you ever hated anyone?


Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word?

All the time.


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#705 -Jiggles-
Member since 2008 • 4356 Posts

Seriously all credit for believing in God but have been down that path and have realised I have nothing but pity for people who need organised religion to feel some sort of purpose in life.
I guarantee you whether you believe in God or not you are going to get lowered into the ground and that's the end of it. The reality is I once believed in God and all, but now until he comes down and introduces himself, I'm just a little busy.


You are entitled to you beliefs but you sure better hope you are right. One thing for sure we will all find out someday. If you are right, we will both end up in the same place. If you are wrong, and unless you accept Christ, we will be in entirely different eternal places. God gave us a free will to select the eternal destination we choose.

Luk 13:28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.

And what if it turns out we've all been deceived this whole time, and every last sentient being on this planet suffers for an eternity because not one single person through history managed to actually believe in the right deity?

I'll be in Hell, pointing and laughing at all the extremists in mockery, shoving an "I told you so" rant down their throat for the next eternity.

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#706 D3nnyCrane
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Hell sounds better, they have beer and loose women down there.
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#707 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

To those that may feel that hell will be "party time", I would not be so certain of that. The Bible paints a very different image of hell. Here is an account of a rich man in hell that will give an indication of what hell may be like. In addition, it reveals that whatever relationship with the Lord that we die in, we remain in for all eternity. Finally it revels that once in hell, the rich man asked that the path to avoid hell and to salvation be preached to his brothers. Abraham's response was that if they wouldn't take heed of what Moses and the prophets had already revealed, or by the resurrection of Christ, then they wouldn't be convinced by anyone. He stated that failure to listen to the Word of God is final. If people will not heed the Bible, they would not believe if a person rose from the dead. This is conclusively proved in the case of the Lord Jesus Himself. He arose from the dead, and men still do not believe.

Luk 16:20  And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
Luk 16:21  And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
Luk 16:22  And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
Luk 16:23  And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Luk 16:24  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Luk 16:25  But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Luk 16:26  And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Luk 16:27  Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
Luk 16:28  For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
Luk 16:29  Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
Luk 16:30  And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
Luk 16:31  And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. 

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#708 Hewkii
Member since 2006 • 26339 Posts

Prove those incorrect assertions.


God doesn't like Sin. God therefore would want to stop Sin before it starts, since he's all knowing like that. ergo, unless you somehow save more people by letting people sin (which as all of history has pointed out is rather baseless) then there's no reason to allow Sin in the first place. in summery, either God is not all Good or he isn't all Knowing/powerful.

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#709 dave123321
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#710 MelSyke
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

"We all have darkeness and light inside of us. But it is what we choose which defines us."


It's an awesome quote.
Too bad it's from Harry Potter =fail :(

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#711 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

Prove those incorrect assertions.


God doesn't like Sin. God therefore would want to stop Sin before it starts, since he's all knowing like that. ergo, unless you somehow save more people by letting people sin (which as all of history has pointed out is rather baseless) then there's no reason to allow Sin in the first place. in summery, either God is not all Good or he isn't all Knowing/powerful.

What you are advocating is for God to remove everyone's free will or remove everyone from earth. Of course God could do that, He did it before in the flood leaving only Noah and his family to repopulate the earth. He will do it again at end times. He is in contol and will bring His justice and work His plan on His scedule, not ours. We are all sinners, there is no one that is righteous. Along with the existence of free will comes the ability to choose sin and disobedience to God's law and will. True love is also not possible with out a free will to choose to love. God did not create robots. He created us with a free will to choose to love and obey Him or reject Him.   

I find it ironic that you are arguing for something that would require God to remove your free will, the same free will that you appear to use to choose to reject Him and discredit Him as all-loving and good. 

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#713 deactivated-58188738395f3
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The definition of God is not subjective.blackregiment

The definition of God is subjective. If it's not, then why are there hundreds of different religions with a different concept of God and with different interpretations?

If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods and establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven. If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone, Radio, the Internet, TV and the postal service it obviously would be no problem for any real god to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of intermediates of questionable veracity.

Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his heaven, that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes and destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being deceived and mislead.

If there is a real god, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents, compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity? Why does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?

An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to satisfy their selfish egos.

An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would have no need or desire to create Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells. There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's of selfish men because we would have direct communication and authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god.

There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs. They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception of his creations.

And also you say that evil or bad things happen because humans have free will. But the reality is that bad things happen independently of man's actions and beyond our control: droughts, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body malfunctions and starvation all of which are not caused by our actions and which punish people indiscriminately regardless if they are religious or not.

There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally INNOCENT CHILDREN.

Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods;

Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a god?

Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

He has revealed Himself in His Word.blackregiment

How do you kow it's his word and not of some man?

Our definition of anything does not determine the reality of that thing. For example, if one describes a red car as blue, that does not make the car blue in reality. It remains a red car.

With that I agree with you. However I have yet to see some objective evidence for the existence of God which is not dependent on different human religions and interpretations.


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#714 hokies1313
Member since 2005 • 13919 Posts
I definitely try to be. I think I am.
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#716 jimmyjammer69
Member since 2008 • 12239 Posts
blackregiment, if the definition of God is not subjective, could you please provide it for us so that we can at least agree what we're talking about.
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#717 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts
[QUOTE="X4D"] The definition of God is subjective. If it's not, then why are there hundreds of different religions with a different concept of God and with different interpretations?

The God of the Bible is the only God. All others are false Gods, they are not the God of the Bible. He revealed Himself in His inspired Word, the Bible. [QUOTE="X4D"] If there was a REAL god, would he not destroy the thousands of false gods and establish his authenticity, wishes and commands directly from his heaven. If man, created by god, can communicate with the whole world by Phone, Radio, the Internet, TV and the postal service it obviously would be no problem for any real god to communicate directly with his creations without thousands of intermediates of questionable veracity. Why would not a real god announce directly and authoritatively from his heaven, that he is the real god and what documents are authentic and which are fakes and destroy them? He certainly should want to prevent his creations from being deceived and mislead. If there is a real god, why does he not announce to the whole world from his heaven, by at least equally effective means, that he is the real god and all the others are fakes? And why does he not tell us clearly and directly what he expects from us instead of using hundreds of vague, ancient, contradictory, unoriginal documents, compiled by different religions and hundreds of men of unknown veracity?

Think about what you are saying. God of the Bible is the only God. All others are false, non-existent. God or anyone else cannot destroy something that does not exist. God has communicated what He wants us to know through His creation, His Word, in Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. His revelation is sufficient for those that choose to seek Him without interfering with the free will of those that choose not to. God is not in the business of running around and disproving any false religion that man can come up with. He has revealed the true faith and true path to salvation. It is man's responsibility to seek Him and conform to His Word of reject it. [QUOTE="X4D"] Why does he not expose and smite all the false gods and doctrines?

See explanation above on the contradiction of destroying something that does not exist. [QUOTE="X4D"] An all powerful creator of this huge Universe would have no need or desire for people to sing hymns and waste their time on their knees in adulation and building expensive churches that no god ever visits from his elegant heaven. This type of thing is the practice of greedy leaders with a need to satisfy their selfish egos.

Those comments reveal how little you know about true Biblical Christianity. Many of the "trappings" of religions, such as large Churches are man made things. They have noting to do with following Christ. Before you criticize Biblical Christianity, you should spend some time and learn something about it. [QUOTE="X4D"] An all powerful creator of this huge Universe and everything in it would have no need or desire to create Sin, Devils, Evil, Spirits or Hells. There would be no need for basing ones life on 'FAITH' and the preaching's of selfish men because we would have direct communication and authentification directly from this all powerful REAL god.

Again, you need to spend some time learning about God before you criticize Him. God does not create sin, devils, or evil. Fallen man that chooses to serve the god of this world is responsible for that. Regarding evil spirits, they are a result of satan's rebellion and fall and the fallen angels he took with him. Hell is the eternal destination for those that do not accept God's path to salvation in Christ. [QUOTE="X4D"] There is an overwhelming multitude of religions and god beliefs. They can't all be true and no REAL god would permit this massive deception of his creations.

They are not all true, only Biblical Christianity is true. You seem to think God owes us more than He has already given us. It seems that you think that God allow us to live in sin and then not hold us accountable and just save everyone. God would not be holy, just, or righteous if He did that. [QUOTE="X4D"] And also you say that evil or bad things happen because humans have free will. But the reality is that bad things happen independently of man's actions and beyond our control: droughts, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body malfunctions and starvation all of which are not caused directly by our actions and which punish people indiscriminately regardless if they are religious or not. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally INNOCENT CHILDREN. Logic and common sense that refutes the existence of any omnipotent gods; Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him a god?

I have addressed this is other posts in this thread. I m not going to repeat myself. God back and read them. I will say that again, you do not seem to have much knowledge of God's revelation. When man sinned and fell, the whole creations fell as well. [QUOTE="X4D"] Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

Religion is man made. Faith is things hoped for and yet unseen but it is not blind faith. Science by self-definition limits itself to the natural world. God is supernatural, outside of our natural world. What we have is pseudo-science trying to explain things that are outside of it's realm. True science should seek the truth wherever it may lead. Modern science was originally for the purpose of exploring God's creation as another way of knowing Him. Science should spend more time exploring the unexplained and less time trying to explain the unexplored.
He has revealed Himself in His Word.blackregiment
[QUOTE="X4D"] How do you kow it's his word and not of some man?

The Holy Spirit has led me to that truth. In addition, there is a wealth of manuscript evidence, fulfilled prophecy, internal consistency of the message, and millions of lives changed by the power of His Word. [QUOTE="blackregiment"] Our definition of anything does not determine the reality of that thing. For example, if one describes a red car as blue, that does not make the car blue in reality. It remains a red car.

[QUOTE="X4D"] With that I agree with you. However I have yet to see some objective evidence for the existence of God which is not depedent on different human religions and interpretations.

How ironic you would say that, for that is exactly what those that are not believers do when they trust in the interpretations of other atheists or scientists as they put forth their speculations on the myth of evolution and non-existence of God. That requires great faith, faith in man.
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#718 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

blackregiment, if the definition of God is not subjective, could you please provide it for us so that we can at least agree what we're talking about.jimmyjammer69

I will later. I have an appointment. Also this quote system is working strange. It is hard to post.

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#721 jimmyjammer69
Member since 2008 • 12239 Posts

[QUOTE="jimmyjammer69"]blackregiment, if the definition of God is not subjective, could you please provide it for us so that we can at least agree what we're talking about.blackregiment

I will later. I have an appointment. Also this quote system is working strange. It is hard to post.

I know what you mean about the quoting - I get hauled up on it almost every time. Still, an objective definition of God seems like a pretty ambitious task. Good luck!

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#722 dann14v
Member since 2005 • 689 Posts

Yes to all of TCs ?s.

Having said that, I consider myself one of the better people on this planet. I think simplifying people to be either "good" or "bad" undermines the complexity of everyone's personality. Everyone has the duality; some people lean toward more good and some toward more bad.

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#723 Nude_Dude
Member since 2007 • 5530 Posts

No. No. No.


Why does every thread even slightly associated with religion (when in this one, it doesn't at all) ceases to turn into long boring wall of texts each arguing with the above about the existence of God, proof, or whatever. And no, I don't mean by that that you should avoid doing these stuffs, but keep it for the threads that mainly consist of religion and God, and that was the main reason they were created. I doubt if this thread is asking for any religious arguments, rather than to answer a 'yes' or 'no' or 'dunno' and explain.


And by the way, every person telling here that he is a good person (not that he is trying to) is lying. Of that I am sure---

*gets flamed* 


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#724 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

blackregiment, if the definition of God is not subjective, could you please provide it for us so that we can at least agree what we're talking about.jimmyjammer69

God has revealed Himself in Scripture.  To fully know God one must study Scripture and have a personal relationship with Him in Christ. God is our Creator. God is a spirit and He is not bound by space or time. He is supernatural.  He is omnipotent, omniscient omnipresent. He is also holy, just, and righteous. God is good, He is eternal, and He is unchanging. He is faithful and keeps His covenants and promises. God is infinite and He is self-sufficient and self-existent. He is not a repecter of persons, He has no favorites. He loves each of us equally. He is merciful and full of grace. He is one in essence and three in persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. While He loves us, He hates sin and the workers of inequity. He demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, He suffered and died to pay the price for our sins. The only way to really know Him fully is to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and have a personal relationship with Him.  

Here are two links that will give you some more information.

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#725 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

The Holy Spirit has led me to that truth. In addition, there is a wealth of manuscript evidence, fulfilled prophecy, internal consistency of the message, and millions of lives changed by the power of His Word.


All of which is insufficient as rational proof.


Only to one that refuses to reasonably look at all of the evidence with an open mind. God gives everyone a free will to make that choice however. Usually when one refuses to look at the evidence, it is because they cannot reasonably and rationally see it, it is becausr they don't want to for then they would have to be accountable to our Supreme Creator God.

Once again though, that is our free will choice.  

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#727 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

The Holy Spirit has led me to that truth. In addition, there is a wealth of manuscript evidence, fulfilled prophecy, internal consistency of the message, and millions of lives changed by the power of His Word.


All of which is insufficient as rational proof.


Only to one that refuses to reasonably look at all of the evidence with an open mind. God gives everyone a free will to make that choice however. Usually when one refuses to look at the evidence, it is because they cannot reasonably and rationally see it, it is becausr they don't want to for then they would have to be accountable to our Supreme Creator God.

Once again though, that is our free will choice.  

Heh, I love the idea of manuscript evidence of God's existence :lol:
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#728 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

Free will allows people to choose the paths that are right for themselves.

You say we are given a choice, but you definitely imply that there is a right and wrong choice, which there is not, regardless of what you or God think.

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#729 domatron23
Member since 2007 • 6226 Posts

No. No. No.


Why does every thread even slightly associated with religion (when in this one, it doesn't at all) ceases to turn into long boring wall of texts each arguing with the above about the existence of God, proof, or whatever. And no, I don't mean by that that you should avoid doing these stuffs, but keep it for the threads that mainly consist of religion and God, and that was the main reason they were created. I doubt if this thread is asking for any religious arguments, rather than to answer a 'yes' or 'no' or 'dunno' and explain.


And by the way, every person telling here that he is a good person (not that he is trying to) is lying. Of that I am sure---

*gets flamed* 



Oh boy are you wrong there.

*flames nude_dude*

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#730 subrosian
Member since 2005 • 14232 Posts

Do you consider yourself to be a good person? This is a rather deceitful question...
Have you ever told a lie? Yes
Have you ever stolen anything? Yes
Have you ever looked with lust? Yes
Have you ever hated anyone? Yes
Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word? Yes

So, are you gentlemen here on behalf of Jesus, Muhammed, Tom Cruise, or Las Vegas... they all tend to ask these sorts of questions, though Vegas and Scientology don't ask about the god part.

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#731 OmegaCookie7
Member since 2008 • 725 Posts
I try to be, and generally like to think I am. But I can't really trust myself to give a non-biased opinion, now can I?
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#732 deactivated-6016e8567e48d
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"Have you ever told a lie?" It's impossible for any human to go through life without lying once, but the answer is yes. "Have you ever stolen anything?" Yes and I deeply regret my actions, but I did get into trouble for it. "Have you ever looked with lust?" Yes. "Have you ever hated anyone?" Only my brother and for good reasons, so yes. "Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word?" Yes, I really try not too, but when, like let's say I stump my toe, I just can't help but shout something out. But do I consider myself to be a good person? Yes I do.
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#733 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

But do I consider myself to be a good person? Yes I do. God_of_duty117

TC and his lackeys only accept "No" for the answer to that question. lol.

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#734 deactivated-58188738395f3
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He is omnipotent, omniscient omnipresent.blackregiment

The very concept of an omnipotent and omniscient God leads to contradictions. The omnipotence and omniscience paradox can be summed up as "Does God know what he's going to do tomorrow? If so, could he do something else?" If God knows what will happen, and does something else, he's not omniscient. If he knows and can't change it, he's not omnipotent.

Consider God's creation of the universe. It is necessarily true that a creator creates for a purpose. To have a purpose is to have a desire. To have a desire is to lack the object of that desire. Yet, God is omnipotent and one who is omnipotent has no desire to create, given that such a desire entails a lack of attainment or power. Thus, it necessarily follows that God cannot simultaneously be a creator and omnipotent.

What I also don't get is why would a God demand worship from his creations? Is he that lonely?

In my opinion religion is just a tool for control. I prefer to live my life free from religious restrictions and fear of the unknown God. Of course Christian apologetics may try to convince me otherwise but I prefer to stick to my own.

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#735 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

[QUOTE="blackregiment"]He is omnipotent, omniscient omnipresent.X4D

The very concept of an omnipotent and omniscient God leads to contradictions. The omnipotence and omniscience paradox can be summed up as "Does God know what he's going to do tomorrow? If so, could he do something else?" If God knows what will happen, and does something else, he's not omniscient. If he knows and can't change it, he's not omnipotent.

Consider God's creation of the universe. It is necessarily true that a creator creates for a purpose. To have a purpose is to have a desire. To have a desire is to lack the object of that desire. Yet, God is omnipotent and one who is omnipotent has no desire to create, given that such a desire entails a lack of attainment or power. Thus, it necessarily follows that God cannot simultaneously be a creator and omnipotent.

What I also don't get is why would a God demand worship from his creations? Is he that lonely?

In my opinion religion is just a tool for control. I prefer to live my life free from religious restrictions and fear of the unknown God. Of course Christian apologetics may try to convince me otherwise but I prefer to stick to my own.

The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be.  

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#736 Hewkii
Member since 2006 • 26339 Posts

Along with the existence of free will comes the ability to choose sin and disobedience to God's law and will.


then that is a flaw in his design. surely a creature that is all powerful and designed the Universe and Logic can make a being with free will and the inability to sin. 

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#737 123625
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The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be. Shad0ki11

Why ever not?

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#738 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be. 123625

Why ever not?

Why ever what? O_o

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#739 123625
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[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be.Shad0ki11


Why ever what? O_o

Teh fix'd, now answer please =)

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#740 DoctorFoi
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I'm in between...
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#741 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be.123625


Why ever what? O_o

Omnipotence: When the flood happens, he tells Noah to build an ark and take 2 of every kind of animal so that they would be spared from the flood. The only problem with that is that God would have just been able to save Noah all that trouble and re-create all the animals that were wiped out in the Flood or at least bring all the dead ones back to life. Noah just wasted his time doing something that God could do without any effort. The flood and the fall of man kinda lets us know that he knows he screwed up somewhere.

Omnpresence: God seems to watch over but doesn't take action when it is desperately needed, even when it involves the future of humanity. He did a poor job of ensuring the safety of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden. Talk about bad parenting.  :roll:

Omniscience: The fact that he knows the future and past infinitely eliminates the need to prepare for things especially if he can do anything he wants without any consequences that affect him. There is nothing that he can do that can affect himself badly. Hypothetically, if he decided he was bored of humans and implodes the Earth, it wouldn't affect him the slightest. Another thing: He couldn't foresee the Fall and acts as though he had no idea that Adam was going to get tricked. He then punishes Adam and Eve and doesn't punish Satan at all. He just punishes Satan's disguise: the serpent. Woops!

On more of a contemporary look at Omniscience, God knows who will go to Heaven or Hell before birth. The unborn don't think for themselves, since they are developing.


i'm really tired at this's almost 4am here. 

Goodnight. lol.



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#742 123625
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Why ever what? O_o

Omnipotence: When the flood happens, he tells Noah to build an ark and take 2 of every kind of animal so that they would be spared from the flood. The only problem with that is that God would have just been able to save Noah all that trouble and re-create all the animals that were wiped out in the Flood or at least bring all the dead ones back to life. Noah just wasted his time doing something that God could do without any effort. The flood and the fall of man kinda lets us know that he knows he screwed up somewhere.

Omnpresence: God seems to watch over but doesn't take action when it is desperately needed, even when it involves the future of humanity. He did a poor job of ensuring the safety of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden. Talk about bad parenting. :roll:

Omniscience: The fact that he knows the future and past infinitely eliminates the need to prepare for things especially if he can do anything he wants without any consequences that affect him. There is nothing that he can do that can affect himself badly. Hypothetically, if he decided he was bored of humans and implodes the Earth, it wouldn't affect him the slightest. Another thing: He couldn't foresee the Fall and acts as though he had no idea that Adam was going to get tricked. He then punishes Adam and Eve and doesn't punish Satan at all. He just punishes Satan's disguise: the serpent. Woops!

On more of a contemporary look at Omniscience, God knows who will go to Heaven or Hell before birth. The unborn don't think for themselves, since they are developing.


i'm really tired at this's almost 4am here.

Goodnight. lol.

Interesting, (too much text, didn't read, lazy and tired as well)

Night, gs.

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#743 -TheSecondSign-
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I answer yes to all of those, except for stealing.

I have never stolen anything.

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#744 blackregiment
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[QUOTE="God_of_duty117"] But do I consider myself to be a good person? Yes I do. Shad0ki11

TC and his lackeys only accept "No" for the answer to that question. lol.

Before criticizing something, one should take the steps necessary to insure that they fully understand what they are attempting to criticize.

First any Biblical Christian, which the TC is, is not the "lacky" of any other Christian or human for that matter, we are servants of Christ. Christ, not any man. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Master. As far as the "goodness" of anyone, God is the judge of that. He judges by His perfect standards, not our human standards. In His Word, He has revealed that there is no one that meets his perfect standards of righteousness, that we are all are sinners amd miss the mark and are unable to save ourselves.

Rom 3:10  As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Rom 3:11  There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
Rom 3:12  They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Rom 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

He reveals that the penalty we must pay for our sin is eternal separation from Him, spiritual death.

Rom 6:23  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

He reveals that we will all stand in judgement before Him and be judged by His standards, not ours.

Ecc 12:13  Let us all hear together the conclusion of the discourse. Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is all man:
Ecc 12:14  And all things that are done, God will bring into judgment for every error, whether it be good or evil. 

Since He loves us, He paid the price Himself for our sins. He suffered and died so that those who repent of their sinful ways and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, will be counted righteous in His eyes and have eternal life with Him.  

Before criticizing something, you should take steps to insure that you understand what you criticize.


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#745 biggest_loser
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Ohhh I'm all bad mister!!!
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#746 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

Along with the existence of free will comes the ability to choose sin and disobedience to God's law and will.


then that is a flaw in his design. surely a creature that is all powerful and designed the Universe and Logic can make a being with free will and the inability to sin. 

Maybe according to your finite understanding, but God does not work His plan based on your understanding or lack of understanding of it. Once again you are arguing that God should have created us with less than total free will. You are suggesting that He should have limited our free will in ways that you,  in your finite understanding, deem appropriate. God thinks in eternal terms, we think in temporal terms. Unless you are omniscient and know ever finite detail of God's plan and how He works it, you cannot possibly understand how a limited free will would impact other aspects of His plan, for example true love. That being said, you can disagree with God and His plan all you want but that does not change the fact that we can do nothing to change it. We will all face the consequences of the decisions we make based on how we react to God's revelation to us, His creation, and His eternal plan.  

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#747 angryfodder
Member since 2007 • 20490 Posts

Have you ever told a lie?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever looked with lust?
Have you ever hated anyone?
Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word?

Yes to all^^^^

Do you consider yourself a good person?


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#748 michelle341
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I dont think the questions you made are that fair though...according to those standarts everyone is a bad person...I mean everyone lies in some point of thier life...everyone is jealus sometimes or at some point of thier life met someone they dont's not a's being human..also I dont think that stealing a candy when I was in the third grade makes me a bad person..I consider myself to be a good person actualy but these questions just make me (and everyone here) look bad.

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#749 biggest_loser
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I am irredeemable!!