The God of Abraham isn't omnipotent or omnipresent upon examining the Old Testament. Sure, he's more powerful than anything on Earth, but he isn't as powerful as he is said to be.
Omnipotence: When the flood happens, he tells Noah to build an ark and take 2 of every kind of animal so that they would be spared from the flood. The only problem with that is that God would have just been able to save Noah all that trouble and re-create all the animals that were wiped out in the Flood or at least bring all the dead ones back to life. Noah just wasted his time doing something that God could do without any effort. The flood and the fall of man kinda lets us know that he knows he screwed up somewhere.
Your answers are based on the false assumption, that God is subject to your finite understand of His plan and that your understanding, thoughts and ways, are higher than God's. . God does not work His plan based on your understanding or lack of understanding of it. God thinks in eternal terms, we think in temporal terms. Unless you are omniscient yourself, and know every finite detail of God's plan and how He works it, you cannot possibly fully understand it.
God could have just recreated all of the animals but that was not His plan. Have you ever considered that God may have had a purpose for doing things the way He did? Perhaps He did things the way He did to test Noah's obedience to His commands. Your assertion that God could have done things according to your finite reasoning does not disprove His omnipotence.
Here is an example from our temporal world that will help to point out the fallacy of your reasoning. Let's assume that there is a kid that is an outstanding baseball player. He bats near 1000, has never made an error, runs the 40 in 3.5 seconds, and can throw a 150 MPH fastball as well as every other pitch, always for a strike. Everyone in the world agrees that he is the best baseball player they have ever seen, a once in a lifetime athlete. Every college in America offers him a full scholarship to play for them, the pros are offering multi-million dollar contracts to sign with them. Out of nowhere, he shocks everyone. He decides he is not going to play baseball anymore. He walks away and decides to study theology and medicine because he wants to be a medical missionary and help others, in third world countries that are less fortunate, with their medical problems as well as spread the Gospel of salvation in Christ. Everyone tries to tell him, that if he really wants to help others, with the millions and millions he will make playing baseball, he could make many charitable contributions, support many missionary doctors and missionaries around the world. Nothing anyone can say, do, or offer can change his mind.
Does the fact that he chose a different path and walks away from baseball change the fact that he still is the best baseball player in a lifetime? Does the fact that you might not agree with his decision, make his less than the best baseball player in a lifetime? Does the fact that people mock him and call him stupid for the decision he made, make him less than the best baseball player of all times? .
Omnpresence: God seems to watch over but doesn't take action when it is desperately needed, even when it involves the future of humanity. He did a poor job of ensuring the safety of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden. Talk about bad parenting. :roll:
Your argument indicates that you still do not possess a full understand several important concepts regarding God's revelation and plan. Among these are the concept of free will, or the fact that God thinks in eternal terms, or that God is not an emergency first responder ready to rush in and limit free will when we think He should and therefore save man form the temporal consequences of our choice to disobey Him. You also seem to think that God owes us more than He has already given us and that it is God's plan to create a utopia on earth. The future of humanity that really concerns God is our future in eternity. We determine where we will spend that eternity through our free will choice to accept God's plan, repent of our sinful ways, and trust in His plan of salvation in Christ, or reject it.
In regards to Adam and Eve, God created them and blessed them with everything they could ever want in the Garden of Eden, including a personal relationship with Him. He was there, present with them. He asked one thing off them, obedience to His command to not eat of a certain tree. He told them up front what the consequences would be for their disobedience. The Lord tells us that we show our love for Him when we obey His commands. Adam and Eve used their free will to disobey the Lord and they paid the consequences. God would not be just if He just ignored our disobedience to His commands and will.
It appears that you consider "good parenting" allowing children to do anything they want including being disobedient to the rules of their parents. Are you advocating that "good parenting" is having no rules, or if you do, then not telling your children what they are, or not telling children the consequences of disobedience, or not punishing them when the disobey? Â I propose that these very things are at the root cause of many of the problems our youth struggle with today.
Now what was that you said about God's  "bad parenting"?  Â
Omniscience: The fact that he knows the future and past infinitely eliminates the need to prepare for things especially if he can do anything he wants without any consequences that affect him. There is nothing that he can do that can affect himself badly. Hypothetically, if he decided he was bored of humans and implodes the Earth, it wouldn't affect him the slightest. Another thing: He couldn't foresee the Fall and acts as though he had no idea that Adam was going to get tricked. He then punishes Adam and Eve and doesn't punish Satan at all. He just punishes Satan's disguise: the serpent. Woops!
God can do anything He want with His creation. He owes us nothing more than He has given us to this very moment. He destroyed His creation in the flood and will do so again at end times. If you paint a painting, "create" it, you are the creator of that painting. If it no longer pleases you, or brings you sorrow, do you not have the right to destroy it? Â God, as our Creator, can do anything He desires with His creation as well. We can complain about it but we cannot change that fact. We should be thankful that God, in the person of Christ and out of love for us, was willing to suffer and die for our sins and provided an exit ramp for us on the highway of life that leads to destruction.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ defeated satan in that those that put their faith and trust in Him, will have ever lasting life and fellowship with Him. God tells us those that do not trust in Christ, will have everlasting fellowship with satan in the lake of fire. Read Revelation and you will learn of the final defeat of satan upon the Lord's return. Â Â Â Â Â
On more of a contemporary look at Omniscience, God knows who will go to Heaven or Hell before birth. The unborn don't think for themselves, since they are developing.
God does know who will accept Him or reject Him. He knows us in the womb. .You have just acknowledged that God indeed, is omniscient. Thank you for agreeing.
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