There is not enough evidence to confirm one way or another, the "studies" that are done are often done by special interest groups with political agendas on both sides of the debate. I
MO I think it's a developmental process, genetically there is no such thing as a gay gene, it wouldn't survive evolution process in humans. Especially because with identical twins, one can be gay and the other straight, if it was genetic then both would be gay.
I don't think it's really a clean cut choice either, you can't wake up one moring and say "I'm going to be gay today", it doesn't work like that. I think it's a mindset, it's something that you develop through environmental circumstances. Look at prison for proof of this, men go in there completely straight, but end up being gay or bi. If it was genitic that wouldn't happen.
And of course in ancient roman and greek cultures, homosexuality (or bi really) was wide spread practice. It was the norm, everyone did it. This was due to culture, so it's clear that one's environment can also have an impact on how one identifies their sexuality.
It doesn't really matter though, what's important is love and tolerance. Do not pass judgment onto others, homosexuals should have same rights and be allowed to live their lives in peace and safety like the rest of us.
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