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I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
[QUOTE="doubutsuteki"][QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Tezcatlipoca666"][QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Tezcatlipoca666"]Ha, don't think that I am gonna start loving America. The arguments I hear are pathetic and unconvincing.
The USA is imperialist. Its as if you guys always have to intervene in everything. We all know that the invasion of Iraq was for the oil. As if you cared about the people who we're "oppressed". And why do you keep forcing the UN security council to not intervene in Darfur? (Russia and China are as guilty on that one) Oh right.. its completely unacceptable that Russia or China should get their hands on oil down there. Always trying to get richer, trampling those in your way because they are unimportant. And now lets talk about the anti-missile shield.. hello! the Cold War is over, you don't need to piss off Russia by extending it all the way into western Europe.
Anyway, thats all I have to say for now. You guys won't be on top for ever... one day capitalism shall fall.
I never said that I supported Communsim either. I believe there is a perfect balance between capitalism and communism. Very close to socialism. I admire Finlands system honestly, its not perfect but its pretty good.
You are pathetic and unconvincing. That is one of the most ridiculous posts that I've ever read.
You don't like capitalism? Okay, then enjoy the oppression of communism.
The USA isn't purely capitalist, though it definitely isn't socialist.
Why is it the government's job alone to take care of the people? Why can't we take care of each other more often? Are we that selfish and anti-social?
The government's top priority should be to protect the people and to ensure our rights.
It is capitalist. Like states all over the world. Period.
Communism has little to do with a government taking care of people; communism is about the abolition of private property, the root cause - and the necessary foundation - of the capitalist system - you are simply referring to reforms within capitalist states. No, those reforms are not bad though, if the alternative would be capitalism without them.
What rights are you referring to? And what makes those rights more right than others? In the U.N. declaration of human rights it says that it is every man's - and woman's - right to a job. But no-one chooses that him- or herself. Capitalism decides that.
It shows how ridiculously biased you are yourself in your posts - something you accuse others of being. You say that the government shouldn't necessarily take care of people but still it's top priority should be to protect the people. This is the typical liberal-moderate-conservative bull. What the hell is this "protection"?
YES! We are selfish. That doesn't mean we cannot help each other, that is precisely why we care about many things besides sleeping and eating. To please other people, because it pleases ourselves. Put money into the picture, and a system based on ruthless exploitation and competition - in which failure means ruin or even death - and you have a society in which people are not going to be very motivated to help each other - unless we are paid to do it, of course. We usually have enough worries ourselves, about school grades, work, bills, and other troubles we haven't necessarily chosen ourselves.
How am I "ridiculously biased"? You are the one that seems to be very biased against free enterprise.
The US economy is kind of mixed. There is some government regulation.
By "protection," I mean protection from external threats... Like terrorists, for example. I don't need the government to baby me. I want to EARN what I can.
I never said I wasn't biased - against "free enterprise", I am indeed. That is the difference.
The U.S. has strong elements of economic planning since back when capitalism almost collapsed in the 1930s. That doesn't make it one bit less capitalist.
I thought that's what you meant, my friend!
"Communism deprives no man of the ability to appropriate the fruits of his labour. The only thing it deprives him of is the ability to enslave others by means of such appropriations."
If you want to criticize taxes, regulation, welfare and other inner-capitalistic phenomenons you should argue not with me, but with social democrats, stalinists and other semi- or quasi-socialists and even people on the other side of the political spectrum. I don't think they are ideal at all, although I support them whole-heartedly as long as we cannot go further and make a qualitative change - revolution.
It's sad that there are already 15 votes for "Yes."
There are a lot of jealous, bitter, and misinformed people out there...
[QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"]I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
[QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"]I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
Yup. I didn't do it though. Perhaps you were involved in the slave trading business, but I doubt it.
Yup. I didn't do it though. Perhaps you were involved in the slave trading business, but I doubt it.
My point is that any country can be "Hated" for many legimate reasons. The US is targeted largely due to it's power and "air time" it recieves on a Global. Scale.
England, France, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Finland, ect. All of these countries have done horrible things worthy of the same hate the US garners.
[QUOTE="doubutsuteki"]Yup. I didn't do it though. Perhaps you were involved in the slave trading business, but I doubt it.
My point is that any country can be "Hated" for many legimate reasons. The US is targeted largely due to it's power and "air time" it recieves on a Global. Scale.
England, France, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Finland, ect. All of these countries have done horrible things worthy of the same hate the US garners.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
Unless someone here has a time machine, I hardly see the relevance.
Every country has it's problems, but America is the cool kid on the block...linkthewindow
So America is dumb but trendy and good at sports? :D
I refuse to limit myself to such a perspective.
I would gladly take responsibility for myself. Unfortunately I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and learnt pretty quickly that there's really no way to make it all by yourself. I live, basically, as long as I can find work, and school and everything up until the day I had my first job was all about preparing me for a life as a worker. I will take welfare rather than starving and being thrown out on the street or having to borrow money from friends, relatives, etc.
I'm not asking other workers give me their wages to pay for my expenses. I encourage them to take more from the capitalists - there's no reason I would hinder them because the capitalists are the ones feeding off of their surplus labour.
It's not the wealthy that are hurting under the tax's the middle/working class. Why should I get up every day and go into work just to support generations of lazy individuals that have never held a job and don't intend to do so.
As for you jealousy over the rich....still doesn't give others the right to live off of them.
You are asking for the workers to pay your expenses. I take it you don't know how the system works because if you think you're taking from the wealthy you are mistaken,.
Your rant isn't based on fact but hate for the wealthy and as such merits no more consideration.
[QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"]I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
Some examples? I can't think of any ...
[QUOTE="thetraitor"]I'm Canadian, so yeah, sorry.MayorJohnny
Sorry? No, you must WANT to believe it.
America doesn't like you. America is greedy. America is mean.
You like that? Makes you feel better about your little country?
Funny, that, as Canada is the larger country........
Many people in other countries are not very appreciative of the United States. Their governments and/or media makes America out to be imperialist, greedy, or just plain stupid. It all comes from jealousy and major difference in agenda.
I'm not talking about dislike of any President or administration in the USA over the last few decades, democrat or republican. I'm talking about the UNFAIR animosity toward America as a whole.
Also, professors in some universaties in the USA talk bad about America. They AREN'T free thinkers, and put their socialist or radical liberal agenda before pure, unbiased education.
Yeah its not like America invades country's on a whim or because of greed...its not like you continualy elect a buffoon as your president,its not like you think your better than everyone else and are very loud and obnoxious and people who think that aren't being influence by the media its being influence by the desions your ignorant country continuously make....and btw its not all Americans that are like that....most of them are nice level headed people...its the the ignorant ones also tend to be the loudest
Yeah its not like America invades country's on a whim or because of greed...its not like you continualy elect a buffoon as your president,its not like you think your better than everyone else and are very loud and obnoxious and people who think that aren't being influence by the media its being influence by the desions your ignorant country continuously make....and btw its not all Americans that are like that....most of them are nice level headed people...its the the ignorant ones also tend to be the loudest
To be's NOT like other country's haven't invaded on a whim or because of'sNOT like they always heve the best leaders, it's NOT like other country's don't think they are better than everyone else...and are NOT obnoxious about it...who don't think they areNOT being influenced by their media or do NOT makeignorant decisions.....
History reveals all....;)
[QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"]I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
Some examples? I can't think of any ...
Are you joking or are you just stupid?
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="MayorJohnny"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"]I like America. I live here, make a great living, and I'm living a good life.
Is hate of America unwarranted? Not really in some cases, but is it a a cliche'? Definately. As far as historical blemishes, the US is far down on the list when compared to Europe and so called other "civilized" countries out there.
You are smart!
Though, why does there have to be "hate"? Why not just "dislike" or "annoyances"?
I believe that hate is wrong.
We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse.
Some examples? I can't think of any ...
Are you joking or are you just stupid?
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
the Killing of the indians.....:roll:
The holocaust was something Germans did against themselves.......And germany is only one nation....Can't blame all of Europe....When I say examples I mean stuff like the colonization.....
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Yes...that is a part in the Armenian genocide of WW1.
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
the Killing of the indians.....:roll:
The holocaust was something Germans did against themselves.......And germany is only one nation....Can't blame all of Europe....When I say examples I mean stuff like the colonization.....
Dutch killing off many black natives in south africa, British killing off many Dutch settlers after that. Many of the indians were killed off by disease brought over by european settlers, not by war or slaughter (which they themselves did).
the Killing of the indians.....:roll:
The holocaust was something Germans did against themselves.......And germany is only one nation....Can't blame all of Europe....When I say examples I mean stuff like the colonization.....
The UK's policy of colonization was FAR from innocent. You lumped the countries together as the contintent...therefore, don't squabble about the results. Germany is in Europe. Italy wasn't exactly innocent in WW2 either. Part of Russia is in Europe....should we go into their history? Let's face it....every country has done less than honorable things so stop bashing the US for what you don't personally like.
But if you want to dwell on the Native Americans....many were killed by....EUROPEANS.:lol:
Just shut the HELL UP ALREADY!! Jeez, just don't listen to them >_> :|zakkro
The voices in my head?? But I enjoy our conversations...
As an American, I feel that we have to look at ourselves and reflect on who we are. I believe the best reflection is found from listening those around you. In this case, the voice of the International community. What are these voices saying? I think all of us American's have heard what they say, but many fail to acknowledge any of it's validity. It is my fear, that this arrogance may one day be our nation's downfall.rimnet00
But you have to account for the bias inherent in the views of other nations. If you worry too much about being popular in world run the risk of weakening yourself.
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Yes...that is a part in the Armenian genocide of WW1.
America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Yes...that is a part in the Armenian genocide of WW1.
America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
No one was doing that but you.
As an American, I feel that we have to look at ourselves and reflect on who we are. I believe the best reflection is found from listening those around you. In this case, the voice of the International community. What are these voices saying? I think all of us American's have heard what they say, but many fail to acknowledge any of it's validity. It is my fear, that this arrogance may one day be our nation's downfall.rimnet00
You cannot judge the merit of America based upon the other nations of the world. Everyone hates us because we jump the gun too easily, like in the Iraq war, while the rest of the world is so bundled down in their own bureacracies that they do too little too late. Take the United Nations, for instance. Who do you suppose supplies the majority of its power, but the United States? If it were a European Organization, nothing would get done because of the massive sizes of their bureacracies.
America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
That may be your point now that you've been called on the statement you made...but it was NOT your initial statement. You said the US did FAR worse things than Europe. Either history is very biased over there or you were napping in class.
So....cut the crap.:)
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Yes...that is a part in the Armenian genocide of WW1.
America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
No one was doing that but you.
damn if that's the case then sorry...
I honestly thought I saw a poster write "....But Europe has done far worse"
[QUOTE="jointed"]America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
That may be your point now that you've been called on the statement you made...but it was NOT your initial statement. You said the US did FAR worse things than Europe. Either history is very biased over there or you were napping in class.
So....cut the crap.:)
....I did not say that the US did far wrose things than Europe :? Please show me that quote..
Come with some examples of actions Europeans has done that's FAR worse than any of America's...
Holocaust....hands down.
Not to mention the suppression of African culture to the point where the vast majority of the continent is in economic, and as a result, political, turmoil.
Yes...that is a part in the Armenian genocide of WW1.
America played a part in Africa too( And various other colonies ) cut the crap
My point is that all the nations in the west basically did the same stuff through the 1800s, so you can't really pick out one and blame it...
No one was doing that but you.
damn if that's the case then sorry...
I honestly thought I saw a poster write "....But Europe has done far worse"
It has, im not saying that the US is deviod of blame, but your saying that we have done things that far out class things like the holocuast and all the others that were mentioned above.
"It has, im not saying that the US is deviod of blame, but your saying that we have done things that far out class things like the holocuast and all the others that were mentioned above."
I'm NOT saying that the US has done FAR wrose things than Europe...
I'm saying that the west as a whole did evil actions torwards other cultures....and that guy shouldn't pick out Europe and blame them.
[QUOTE="Vyse_The_Daring"]How is an American that critiques America not a free thinker? MayorJohnny
The radical left isn't tolerant of Pro-American opinions, and therefore they are NOT free thinkers. Let people decide for themselves without the incredibly biased views being tossed in their faces.
In other words, you want people to listen to American views without expressing criticism of those views? Hrm..."It has, im not saying that the US is deviod of blame, but your saying that we have done things that far out class things like the holocuast and all the others that were mentioned above."
I'm NOT saying that the US has done FAR wrose things than Europe...
I'm saying that the west as a whole did evil actions torwards other cultures....and that guy shouldn't pick out Europe and blame them.
Who was doing that? We only brought those up to difuse your idea that we are much worse then Europe.
Many people in other countries are not very appreciative of the United States. Their governments and/or media makes America out to be imperialist, greedy, or just plain stupid. It all comes from jealousy and major difference in agenda.
I'm not talking about dislike of any President or administration in the USA over the last few decades, democrat or republican. I'm talking about the UNFAIR animosity toward America as a whole.
Also, professors in some universaties in the USA talk bad about America. They AREN'T free thinkers, and put their socialist or radical liberal agenda before pure, unbiased education.
... Now your being completely biased.. I am sure there is common ground and America does deserve some of the flak we have been getting. Also buddy lets face it, if our government and presidents are doing a bad job WE SHOULD BE GETTING flak for it sense WE voted them into office. In the end people I believe have a right to question us on our intelligence when Bush (regardless of party he is in) has done such a poor job, and has violated the constiution multiple times with wire tapping, search and siezure with out a warrant etc etc. Yet he was voted in to office a second term, alot having to do with his stand on gay marriage which swayed 14 states..
I am sorry but we deserve to be ostricized if gay marriage trumped national security, tax reform, the state of our economy and what is going to be done, government spending, education etc etc.
[QUOTE="jointed"]"It has, im not saying that the US is deviod of blame, but your saying that we have done things that far out class things like the holocuast and all the others that were mentioned above."
I'm NOT saying that the US has done FAR wrose things than Europe...
I'm saying that the west as a whole did evil actions torwards other cultures....and that guy shouldn't pick out Europe and blame them.
Who was doing that? We only brought those up to difuse your idea that we are much worse then Europe.
This is ridiculous....
Show me the quote were I said that the US are (was? ......) much worse then Europe....
[QUOTE="rimnet00"]As an American, I feel that we have to look at ourselves and reflect on who we are. I believe the best reflection is found from listening those around you. In this case, the voice of the International community. What are these voices saying? I think all of us American's have heard what they say, but many fail to acknowledge any of it's validity. It is my fear, that this arrogance may one day be our nation's downfall.LJS9502_basic
But you have to account for the bias inherent in the views of other nations. If you worry too much about being popular in world run the risk of weakening yourself.
I agree, we have to account for bias. However, it shouldn't be an excuse to ignore what is being said, because even the most biased of opinions hold some water.
Furthermore, with the increased pace towards globalization, loose forms of world government are becoming a reality. In many ways, they already are a reality. When it comes down to it, collectively, every member of the current UN board controls the world to a large extent. Economically, politically, socially, etc. As a member and as arguably the most influential country in the world, we have to consider our world opinion; just as our president should consider his own domestic opinion.
That made me smile, that was good :lol:But if you want to dwell on the Native Americans....many were killed by....EUROPEANS.:lol:
"We've done some horrible things, most notably continuing slave trade until the 1800's and the genocide of the Indians.
But Europe has done far worse."
"Some examples? I can't think of any ..."
Your saying that Europe has done nothing worse then that above.
[QUOTE="Guiltfeeder566"][QUOTE="jointed"]"It has, im not saying that the US is deviod of blame, but your saying that we have done things that far out class things like the holocuast and all the others that were mentioned above."
I'm NOT saying that the US has done FAR wrose things than Europe...
I'm saying that the west as a whole did evil actions torwards other cultures....and that guy shouldn't pick out Europe and blame them.
Who was doing that? We only brought those up to difuse your idea that we are much worse then Europe.
This is ridiculous....
Show me the quote were I said that the US are (was? ......) much worse then Europe....
You can't compare the US to the entirty of Europe, thats an entire continent... Compare singular countries...
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