[QUOTE="Arsenal140"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="Arsenal140"][QUOTE="helium_flash"][QUOTE="Arsenal140"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Arsenal140"] jointed
OK america wasnt the worst nation in history and they wern't the first the do messed up things but they are the most recent...im sure Europe was just as hated when they were invadibg everyone.....Once America loses its power and something replaces it (most likely China) they will be the most hated. but for now quite whinning and relise they you are the most hated country in the world....END OF STORY
First, i agree with both of you. The US does receive tons of unnecessary hate, but on the other hand, we have SO MANY IDIOTS. Sometimes i wish the South just seceded, it would really make us look better. However, other countries have plenty of idiots, but since we are the world power, is just magnified by our media and other countries alike. Still, our president is an idiot. I didn't think was that bad until 2006, but now i just can't stand him. I'd chose (almost) anyone over him now. I can't stand all of his religious motivations, horrible speaches, and bad policies.
But on the other hand, every country has a few bad leaders, so it's not like we're the only one. It really is unfortunate that so many Europeans stereotype all Americans off of him, when really we had to choose the lesser of two evils (a common problem during elections here).
Also, exactly why do you think China will be the next world power? They have MANY social and economical problems. Over 80% of the country is STILL in agriculture as a job, and there are so many people that they can't control them all. Not to mention that in some places they speak entirely different languages. China has a LONG way to go before they reach the top.
They are ahead of most countrys with considerable size and also they are the closest to America in terms of the military (although they are still very far behind)
The UK are the ones closest to the US when It comes to military.....The only things China's got going for themare their numbers...and that's close to useless in modern warfare..
more people more soldiers....Britain is ahead of china in technology but 1 BILLION people counts for something
True, no one can predict what will happend if China engages in a totalwar (Total war is a military conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources in order to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war...for thoes who don't know)
I can. China will be steamrolled. Why do people think the Chinese can beat a country which spends more than 6% of its GDP on military expenditures? Are people forgetting the fact that US fields more than 100 high level bombers capable of dropping hundreds of nuclear warheads all at once? I hate how people continuously underestimate the utter supremacy of the USAAF and Navy. Yeah the Army and Marine core are starting to fall back, but anyone who thinks they can defeat a Navy as absurdly well prepared for frontline war like the USN is foolish.
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