Humans have more value than animals obviously, why did you ask this question? Animals obviously have some rights like not being mistreated (people that abuse animals are sadistic and have mental issues) but human beings are higher than animals. Only the morons at PETA would disagree, but their opinion doesn't matter anyway beause they are hypocrites and often KILL more animals than they save.
Why is humans more valued?
Well for one thing we are capable of choice, someanimals can make minor choices yes like my dog can choose to go out in the front yard or the back, but for the most part they are just guided by animal instincts. They can't really choose things sometimes, like look at mating for instance, animals don't do it for pleasure they just do it for instinct and they don't really havea choice. The male just jumps on the nearest female who is in heat (after proving it's dominance to the other males), we as humans are more sophesticated and more in control of our sexual desires, if we weren't we would be raping each other all the time. We get to choose who we mate with and wether or not we think they'll be good for us.
That's just one example, I could give many more. But basically we are more complex and capable of choices, where as animals are not. I also believe Humans have a Soul and that has more value than an animal, I don't know if animals have souls or not, mabey they do mabey they don't, but human life is worth more. If there was a pond and you saw a person drowning and a dog drowning and you could only save one, who would you save? It's obvously going to be the human. Also I think we evolved to value human life.
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