Since I've grown older I started realizing and convinced that God does not exist. Where is the proof? I've even changed my view on "paranormal shows", and watch them mostly because everybody enjoys a good ghost story, at least me anyway.
Also to those believe in God, how can you be so sure that he does exist? I felt like science has explained a lot about our evolution. I read a bible long ago and found most of the stories just hogwash.
I never had my father or any other family member ever after they passed away try to contact me. And to those who do believe that there is an afterlife, would you enjoy being in heaven? I mean I thought about it, they say that you feel love and warmth. Like what were just going to sit in his kingdom and be happy forever?
Most of my other family is religious, I was raised as a catholic, but lost touch with it recently. The idea of God, heaven, and hell exist is just a fairy tale. The universe is so huge, how could we be the only intelligent civilization? Despite the fact that we have never found any signals in space to prove intelligent life, signals in space can take thousands, millions, or even billions of years to travel across space depending on the distance.
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