@mjf249: There is proof, people either just do not feel it is good enough or a lie and it will always be that way; I can see people always thinking it is a lie no matter what, unless they believe in god; even though the people who have had the NDE seem so true to what they said they experienced. Some people are not going to believe something they have not experienced and the afterlife has nothing to do with science, so it cannot be proven by scientific ways obviously. In fact people who have had NDE have had a difficult time explaining certain things about what they had experienced, because many things could not be explained or comprehended in our way of life; it be impossible, heaven does not have logic. Everything in heaven from what I researched from NDE, is more real than here, it be impossible to prove if it exist if it does not exist, because it cannot even be understood based upon our standards or our way of life.
The proof is from the people who have had an NDE experience, not from stories or a book that most likely became inaccurate overtime.
I have faith, I have no other choice but to have faith because I despise this world strongly and I want to go to heaven so badly; if I do not believe in heaven, I know that if heaven in hell really does exist, I will most likely go to hell and I acknowledge it will be eternal and no one will help me. I see no reason not to believe in heaven, for if I did not believe in heaven, I would have no hope left while alive. I already have misfortune while I am alive, if I had no hope for an afterlife, I have nothing to look forward to and simply worry about not existing after death. Why have no hope at all? You seemed to have gone through a lot, why have no hope?
I wish to make changes when I enter the afterlife, although I may not be able to. I wish to find a way to save everyone who has gone to hell and I wish to find a way for hell to no longer exist. If life is bad for me now, I rather have some hope, than not any at all and assume I will just die. Also, you are not to believe all the stories anyways, how do you know the stories were not altered but that god really does exist? I know you will not believe this, but a person did have an NDE where god explained to them that there was a reason why what the person learned on earth (as well as many others into religion), about religion and what they learned when they went to heaven from having an NDE was totally different from what they learned from religion while on earth; this most likely is a result of things changing over time and becoming less true or inaccurate to the point where no one would believe it; religion has probably been through changes and alteration almost since the begging of time. Even if you do not believe the stories or the bible, that does not mean god does not exist. God could exist but all the stories and the bible are inaccurate. The bible should be inaccurate anyways, because I do not believe it was originally in the English language and if the bible is said to contradict it self, well of course it is inaccurate.
I do not support religion much, I just believe in god and acknowledge that religion may be an inaccuracy of what god and heaven actually is. Also, in cases where people should not have been able to survive and doctors have been unable to figure out how they did, how do you explain this scientifically? My point exactly.
@Nibroc420: What about when dumb****s come to my house and attempt to convert me?
They most likely want you to be saved, why get mad at them?
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