Can you proof unicorns don't exist?
Can you show me where I made that statement? Critical thinking and logic.....a stranger to OT.
So, unicorns exist according to you?
Okay. Now show me where I stated that. You're not very good at this. LOL.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Can you proof unicorns don't exist?
Can you show me where I made that statement? Critical thinking and logic.....a stranger to OT.
So, unicorns exist according to you?
Okay. Now show me where I stated that. You're not very good at this. LOL.
whatever gets you though your day. just keep it to yourself please.
You mean if Jesus really existed he was a Jewish cult leader?
nope, personally it doesn't matter to me if jesus existed or not and i don't care if it matters to you or not. we'd have a sh!tload less obnoxious douchebaggery around the world it people just left each other to their beliefs, however idiotic they may seem to someone on the outside.
Can you proof unicorns don't exist?
Can you show me where I made that statement? Critical thinking and logic.....a stranger to OT.
So, unicorns exist according to you?
Okay. Now show me where I stated that. You're not very good at this. LOL.
You're bad at answering questions.
You're bad at answering questions.
You didn't ask a question. You implied I made statements I did not make. Which doesn't fool anyone with any intelligence.
People believe in gods for the same reason people believe in the tooth fairy or Santa clause.
Except those other fairy tales didn't force you to go to a worship house every week for half your life.'s Santa Claus. Not Clause. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Plenty of reasons; brainwashing, need to feel like you're special and have a purpose, thinking something happens when you die, want to be part of a shared experience, etc.
Plenty of reasons; brainwashing, need to feel like you're special and have a purpose, thinking something happens when you die, want to be part of a shared experience, etc.
Could apply that to reverse as well....
Plenty of reasons; brainwashing, need to feel like you're special and have a purpose, thinking something happens when you die, want to be part of a shared experience, etc.
Could apply that to reverse as well....
Only the first one perhaps.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
@HoolaHoopMan: God used evolution as a tool for creation. Many Christians do not use a literal interpretation of Genesis, but use passages more metaphorically when understanding the text.
I have a question for those who believe in the Biblical God AND evolution:
Who was the first man capable of receiving salvation and why can't his father receive the same?
I got a better one:
If you believe in both and are not a young earther....
I'll take a conservative estimate of 100,000 years that modern humans have been walking around. You have to believe the this higher power/heaven sat around watching with indifference for 98,000 years. "Oh look, they're raping, killing, and pillaging again...ah well, what can ya do?" Then around 0AD, decides "No enough of this" and makes a copy of himself in human form to tell the world of his important message for mankind. His message is also (poorly) recounted in holy texts in languages that die off and are poorly translated. Then he sacrifices himself, to himself, to save you from what he created, acting as a loophole for his own laws. It all basically ends there and he hasn't done a thing since.
This is all at one speck of time, at one speck of the ancient world, on one planet in a galaxy in a universe with countless billions of galaxies. It doesn't map to reality to anyone other than people trying to make it fit.
You'd rather believe humans were created as robots?
As for galaxies....well you don't know the reality of such now do you?
Why on earth do you believe I think humans/life were 'created'? And you don't really get my point about the galaxies then...apparently your deity cares for mankind and made them in his he put's them on a speck of dirt in one area of the universe...a universe where everywhere but here will kill us instantly
I never claimed to have a thorough understanding of either Hinduism or Buddhism, that shouldn't stop me from having a unassertive opinion or view about the. I'm not sure if foxhound is intentionally misinterpreting my posts as usual. How does "fostering the spiritual well-being of the individual" contradict the statement you're making that these religions are based on the notion of a selfless you? Isn't that part of these religions' view of a healthy spiritual life or as a mean to achieve that end?
Regardless, either of you hasn't mentioned the influence of either religions on TODAY's world affairs and social order. Which of today's most strategic and important conflicts is influenced by these religions? What part did these religions played in recent world politics? What is the influence of these religions on social issues? What is the mobilizing potential of these religions?
Enlighten me. I may be wrong sure, but I'm at least trying to keep an open mind and use fucking logic rather than cherrypicking and misinterpreting shit on purpose.
You're bad at answering questions.
You didn't ask a question. You implied I made statements I did not make. Which doesn't fool anyone with any intelligence.
Do you think unicorns exist, yes or no?
I can't prove that either way......
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
god bless that man.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
Anything that is a part of your intellect and thought is a belief. It can be a positive or negative one, but its a belief in the way that you think of it as a fact that at the very least applies to your own world.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
"Religion" is not a single belief system either. This is why so many atheists have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
Anything that is a part of your intellect and thought is a belief. It can be a positive or negative one, but its a belief in the way that you think of it as a fact that at the very least applies to your own world.
False. It is a response to a claim. Theists claim this being or beings exist, I say "Until you show me, I cannot accept." This does NOT imply I believe the opposite of the claim.
I don't have to do that. I didn't make any such statement. You did. Which means the proof is in your corner.
One can certainly prove that the God of the Bible evolved in his description and personality, from a pantheon of figures, to a duality (with his consort Asherah), to a singular figure and finally the trinity.
I don't know about you, but when I see something evolve in such a fashion I'm more inclined to think of such as a cultural idea rather than an eternal an unchanging deity.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
Anything that is a part of your intellect and thought is a belief. It can be a positive or negative one, but its a belief in the way that you think of it as a fact that at the very least applies to your own world.
False. It is a response to a claim. Theists claim this being or beings exist, I say "Until you show me, I cannot accept." This does NOT imply I believe the opposite of the claim.
Then you aren't an atheist.
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
so basically you believe in handful of scientific theory and learn science from Richard Jocking.
Science Never prove God doesnot exist. (inb4 unicorn jokes)
but science has proved God exist and universe. science proved there is creator of universe.
every thing has creator. if small machine cant create itself than how universe?
when? who published the findings? how were they received? i would assume something so groundbreaking would be worldwide news.
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Words of wisdom, regardless of my religious views. If you want to objectively and rationally look at atheism, this what the belief system should be all about:
which they have thrown off
bear the music of the spheres
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
Anything that is a part of your intellect and thought is a belief. It can be a positive or negative one, but its a belief in the way that you think of it as a fact that at the very least applies to your own world.
False. It is a response to a claim. Theists claim this being or beings exist, I say "Until you show me, I cannot accept." This does NOT imply I believe the opposite of the claim.
Then you aren't an atheist.
Have you spent more than five minutes thinking about/researching this topic, or are you going off gut feelings?
Do you actively believe in a deity? If you answer "Yes", you are a theist. If you answer anything else, including "I don't know," you're an atheist.
In before you go "No, you're just an agnostic!" sorry, you've been using the very wrong twisted definitions society has raised you with. Atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive, and this goes for agnosticism and theism too. Agnosticism/Gnosticism is a question of what you know. Atheism/Theist is a question of what you believe. Knowledge is a subset of belief. You may be an agnostic atheist, gnostic atheist, agnostic theist, or gnostic theist.
I am an agnostic atheist. I do not believe in any gods, and have no complete certainty on their existence. If you want to define your god better than the useless generic term "god" and say "Abrahamic God", then I am a gnostic atheist.
Are there any other misconceptions I can help you with today?
The fanatical atheist are like slaves. man cannot break his bondage alone<< answer . who are feeling the weight of their chains ! once you take god out the equation you are in struggle <<<<answer. which they have thrown off after hard struggle ! thinking they can break the bondage of sin setting them selves as there god<<<<answer.
they are creatures who in their grudge against religion / GOD . as the opium of the masses / they deceive the masses. cannot hear the music of the spheres / they can not see the beauty of God creation..... this man had to believe in god the first part is like he know scripture from the bible slave,chains.
@wis3boi: I'm not sure how a definition can be a skewed version that society tells you, as it is in society you use the words that are defined. I get what you're saying though. I just think that the terms atheist/theist are two sides of the spectrum and do not include any sense of middle ground. I suppose there are levels to which you are on this spectrum, and an agnostic atheist is where you fit. All good stuff sir.
@wis3boi: I'm not sure how a definition can be a skewed version that society tells you, as it is in society you use the words that are defined. I get what you're saying though. I just think that the terms atheist/theist are two sides of the spectrum and do not include any sense of middle ground. I suppose there are levels to which you are on this spectrum, and an agnostic atheist is where you fit. All good stuff sir.
That's the thing, people think there's a middle ground when there isn't. God is there or he isn't, it's a two option factual question.
@wis3boi: I'm not sure how a definition can be a skewed version that society tells you, as it is in society you use the words that are defined. I get what you're saying though. I just think that the terms atheist/theist are two sides of the spectrum and do not include any sense of middle ground. I suppose there are levels to which you are on this spectrum, and an agnostic atheist is where you fit. All good stuff sir.
That's the thing, people think there's a middle ground when there isn't. God is there or he isn't, it's a two option factual question.
I mean in a beliefs sense. Of course there is one or there isn't, but it's not like its provable either way (at this point in time?... not sure there ever will be but who knows) I still think that saying there isn't one, is the same as saying there is one. All up in the air right now
@HoolaHoopMan: God used evolution as a tool for creation. Many Christians do not use a literal interpretation of Genesis, but use passages more metaphorically when understanding the text.
This is the funny part.
When you question the illogical things in the bible, it's always "a metaphor"
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
I'm not trying to be "edgy".
That's what I truly believe. Why? Because it happens even today.
It's not a belief system. This is why so many religious folk have a hard time having a discussion with the opposition
so basically you believe in handful of scientific theory and learn science from Richard Jocking.
Science Never prove God doesnot exist. (inb4 unicorn jokes)
but science has proved God exist and universe. science proved there is creator of universe.
every thing has creator. if small machine cant create itself than how universe?
you are such a joke, sniper
@wis3boi: I'm not sure how a definition can be a skewed version that society tells you, as it is in society you use the words that are defined. I get what you're saying though. I just think that the terms atheist/theist are two sides of the spectrum and do not include any sense of middle ground. I suppose there are levels to which you are on this spectrum, and an agnostic atheist is where you fit. All good stuff sir.
That's the thing, people think there's a middle ground when there isn't. God is there or he isn't, it's a two option factual question.
I mean in a beliefs sense. Of course there is one or there isn't, but it's not like its provable either way (at this point in time?... not sure there ever will be but who knows) I still think that saying there isn't one, is the same as saying there is one. All up in the air right now
depends on how one defines said god. As I said earlier I'm gnostic on my atheism to the abrahamic god. I think there's enough demonstrable (lack of) evidence and reasoning to show this being is impossible on many accounts. It's one giant cosmic joke of a contradiction, that god.
@wis3boi: That's a very good point. Ruling out one, doesn't necessarily rule out everything. I think there's too many absolutes when it comes to this type of thing.
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
I'm not trying to be "edgy".
That's what I truly believe. Why? Because it happens even today.
People are making up beliefs thousands of years ago even today? WTF are you on about? Do you have a time machine or something?
Your reading comprehension is failing.
Like thousands of years ago, people today who want power, are making things up and trying to trick you into believing them.
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
I'm not trying to be "edgy".
That's what I truly believe. Why? Because it happens even today.
People are making up beliefs thousands of years ago even today? WTF are you on about? Do you have a time machine or something?
Your reading comprehension is failing.
Like thousands of years ago, people today who want power, are making things up and trying to trick you into believing them.
Scientology and Mormonism are fine examples
"Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who - in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people" - cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."
- Albert Einstein
Fanatical is the key word.
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
I'm not trying to be "edgy".
That's what I truly believe. Why? Because it happens even today.
People are making up beliefs thousands of years ago even today? WTF are you on about? Do you have a time machine or something?
Your reading comprehension is failing.
Like thousands of years ago, people today who want power, are making things up and trying to trick you into believing them.
Scientology and Mormonism are fine examples
Which are just as crazy and stupid as any other religion.
@thegerg: "Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the cause, nature and purpose of the universe"
You mean a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago?
I'm blown away by the edginess of your post. You left me speechless damn.
I'm not trying to be "edgy".
That's what I truly believe. Why? Because it happens even today.
People are making up beliefs thousands of years ago even today? WTF are you on about? Do you have a time machine or something?
Your reading comprehension is failing.
Like thousands of years ago, people today who want power, are making things up and trying to trick you into believing them.
"people today who want power, are making things up and trying to trick you into believing them."
True, but that doesn't mean that "a set of beliefs made up by cult leaders and assholes who wanted power over people thousands of years ago" is happening "even today."
Don't blame your inability to properly communicate using written language on the reading comprehension of others.
Still not comprehending are we?
@wis3boi: I'm not sure how a definition can be a skewed version that society tells you, as it is in society you use the words that are defined. I get what you're saying though. I just think that the terms atheist/theist are two sides of the spectrum and do not include any sense of middle ground. I suppose there are levels to which you are on this spectrum, and an agnostic atheist is where you fit. All good stuff sir.
That's the thing, people think there's a middle ground when there isn't. God is there or he isn't, it's a two option factual question.
I mean in a beliefs sense. Of course there is one or there isn't, but it's not like its provable either way (at this point in time?... not sure there ever will be but who knows) I still think that saying there isn't one, is the same as saying there is one. All up in the air right now
depends on how one defines said god. As I said earlier I'm gnostic on my atheism to the abrahamic god. I think there's enough demonstrable (lack of) evidence and reasoning to show this being is impossible on many accounts. It's one giant cosmic joke of a contradiction, that god.
If anything's a contradiction, it's your claim that you have "demonstrable (lack of) evidence and reasoning"...
You mean like Buddhism? Never thought of it much as a religion, but more like a different philosophical take on life.
Buddhism, Jainism, Shinto (to some extent) and other religions that feature "spirits" that don't necessarily have influence over the world beyond subtle forces.
Buddhism is a religion. It has 1) an established founder recognized by 2) the community of monastics and lay people who read 3) religious texts that prescribe 4) right behaviours for living and it does feature 5) supernatural elements that while are now considered metaphor, were at one point (and before 1953 in Tibet) considered literally real things and events that had a direct effect on the world.
While the teachings themselves can be applied without the supernatural elements, it still is very much a religious force in the world, for both bad and good things.
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