I think people just enjoy their pot, and make up bullschit to rationalize it.
Basically it's illegal because govt doesn't want the whole population killing their brain cells.
Go talk to some people who smoked pot for decades.
They are gone.
It's like talking to a mentally retarded person.
That said, hey it's your brain, I think everything should be legal, let people kill themselves if they want.
Just don't be pushing that "socialism" on me, because I don't want to pay for your food stamps and welfare.
If you ruin your life that's your problem.
Don't be asking me for healthcare benefits to cure your lung cancer from the "harmless pot."
I kept clean and did what I was supposed to do.
You didn't.
So no we're not gonna be sharing a common national wallet. I don't want to work hard to support tossers.
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