[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="mmwmwmmwmwmm"]The. Relevant. Quotes. Are. In. The. Videos.
Do you need a transcript?mmwmwmmwmwmm
It's becoming pretty clear that the quotes in the videos don't actually prove your assertion. If any of them did, you would post them.
If Warren thinks she can just make up an imaginary "social contract" and say that you consented to it even though you were unaware of its existence, and then claim that as grounds to redistribute your money however she and the other goons in congress want, then she is a communistmmwmwmwmmwmwmm
And you say that I don't understand communism. :lol:
Sorry but Warren's idea of a social contract/=/communism, no matter how much you might think it does. If you disagree, provide some credible sources showing that Warren's idea of a social contract is communistic. And please don't whine about my request that you do basic research to prove your assertions.
If Obama thinks you don't have a right to your business because you couldn't build it without someone else, and that therefore the government should socialize whatever industry it wants, then he is a communist.mwwmwmwmwmwm
Actually, Obama didn't actually say you don't have a right to your business. Some basic reading comprehension would help your understanding of this issue.
lol You claim that I did not post the quotes in the videos, despite posting short videos of specific quotes that make my point. Okay. You might have a point if I posted an hour long speech and left it at that, but those videos are 0:56 and 2:06 long. Please explain how the denial of individual property rights is not communist. I am eager to learn.They don't make your point. If you disagree, show me, using credible sources, how they do.
You assume that I agree with you that Obama and Warren have denied individual property rights. If you think that that it is the case, you're going to have to demonstrate it. So far you have just insisted that they are denying property rights without explaining how. I don't care about your personal assumptions one bit, so don't bother with them.
Again, basic reading comprehension would help your understanding of this issue.
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