dog64 wrote:
I have a feeling that you would feel different if, god forbid, that situation actually were to happen.
I don't think either you or I know what I would do, so that seems pointless to discuss, especially since what I would do is not necessarily representative of what one ought to do.
dog64 wrote:
I have heard of "unforgivable" sins (I think adultery) but I'm not sure if there is such a sin.
The Bible, properly understood, teaches of no such sin.
I really don't see what could be worse than taking someones life. It shows that the person has no respect for human life and they do not even care. People like that are evil, and there are evil people in the world.
Well, that's where you and I diverge. People do not do things for no reason. Anyone who does something has been led through their life to the ultimate conclusion that what they did was the best course of action to fulfill whatever desire their path had led them to hold. We do not choose our position in life, and neither do we choose our desires in life; these are things that are given to us against our will and are things that we must simply grapple with as we try to find our way. There are no evil people; there are only those who have been led through life to evil desires. Once one recognizes this fact, forgiveness becomes not only easy, but logically necessary, for what are we to hold against someone if they ultimately had no choice in the matter? This is one of the main things that has lead me to my conclusions about the reasons for which one ought to be punished: we can either attempt to change people's desires for the better or we can prevent them from carrying out those evil desires, but we ultimately cannot hold them culpable for holding those desires.
I know that people can change, but some can't and won't. And even if they were to change, that doesn't make up and pay for what they have done. Afterall, what is god's penalty?
What is God's penalty? According to the Bible, corrective punishment and purification for the ultimate reconciliation of all mankind with God. God's love does not fail, nor does judgment ultimately triumph over mercy.
No, they cannot make up for and pay for what they've done. But that precisely is why it is so senseless to continue to hold what they did against them even when they wish so much to change. Doing that no more provides a repayment for what they did than forgiveness, yet it carries with it the additional punishment of the internalization of the hatred that has been shown against the one who refuses to forgive.
Perhaps I feel this way because I am not Christian. I do not know if people go to heaven after death. Rather I realize the possibility that death could very well be the end and the only chance we have at life is the life we're living right now, and when it's over then it's over. A murderer can take away your only chance at life, and that I believe is something that cannot be forgiven. As for the quoted scripture, many murderers are conscious of what they are doing. Some maybe not for cause of insanity, but I think in most cases, the suspect commits the murder out of rage, revenge, lust, or just at random which are all usually pre-meditated.
Well, the way I see it, there are two options: either there is nothing after death, in which case it is already inevitable that you will one day never see those whom you love again, or there is something after death, in which case you will see those whom you love again no matter what. Therefore, no murderer can ever truly take anything away that would not otherwise have been taken away: they only either speed up what would have already happened, or they momentarily place a break between the time you will see the person again.
As I have asked many times before, what does one gain from refusing to forgive, except for pain and suffering that will not end? If you fear that someone will kill again, then by all means avoid that person and do what you can to prevent him from doing so, but that by no means that you ought to hate this person. Forgiveness is the first step towards peace; without it, there can be no peace, ever.
"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:9-15)
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